The hospital has paid attention to it all since the first day of her stay. But now it's very strange, not only can't connect here, even her portable wireless network card, at this time can only send information, but can't receive.

"How could that be?"

Vaguely, she seems to be aware of something, maybe, she has been suspected!

It was as if Huo Mingxiu had opened a net and was waiting for her to jump in.


The hand of the computer was raised, just want to smash down, but failed to completely throw out.

Because her whole body was so painful that she didn't have any strength now, and her whole body was completely lying on the bed again, with more sweat on her forehead.

She can't get in touch with Hughes now, and she doesn't know how to do it. She can't even take a step!


"Luo Yan Xi" eyes gradually widened and looked at the closed door again.


She "Teng" and sat up from the bed, embarrassed to get out of bed, but "bang when" a, fell to the floor.

She can not walk, no way, finally can only climb, step by step to the door.

She did not know how long it took before she reached the doorframe. Hold the door and stand up, when your shaking hand touches the doorknob


Like being struck by lightning, her whole body was paralyzed.

The door has been locked tightly!

Huo Mingxiu knows!

He found out!


The world of "Luo Yanxi" fell into darkness, not only because of the foot injury, but also because of the piercing pain.

She just came here from the bed and tried her best to smash the door. Now she has no strength at all.

The whole person seemed to collapse, limping on the ground, with pale face and cold sweat pouring out from his forehead.

Because of the pain, her whole body curled up together, like a mole ant, lingering nest in the door.

Outside a quiet, can only hear the room in this corner of her pain murmur.

In this way, I do not know how long, finally

With a click, the originally closed door was opened.

Her figure, which had been curled up and trembling before, was suddenly shocked. In an instant, she raised her head, but her joyful eyes darkened when she touched the figure pushing the door.

"What about brother Mingxiu? Where is he? I want to see him

Although she knew that maybe she had been seen through, now she still wanted to keep pretending.

"Oh, do you think our master will come to see you again?"

Meng Lei sneered and put the tray on the table. Then he turned around and looked at the woman on the ground again.

"He said he would not leave me. Go and tell him I want to see him!"

"Luo Yan Xi" face is full of ferocious, a pair of deep eyes suddenly open big, looks a little terrible.

"You want to see him? What kind of identity would you like to meet? It's Luo Yanxi Or Who you really are? "

Meng Lei's voice just fell, and he didn't look at her surprised face. He immediately picked her up from the ground.

"Ah You let go, let go of me, what are you going to do? "

The awakened "Luo Yanxi" began to shout desperately.

"I advise you to save your strength, otherwise your foot injury will be more serious!"

Meng Lei light said, regardless of her resistance, slowly dragged her to the bedside.

"You What did you say? "

Although she had already guessed it, she still couldn't believe it.

After all, everything she did was perfect. When did they know?

Suddenly, she seems to suddenly think of something, suddenly opened his eyes to Meng Lei.

"You, you did it on purpose, didn't you? Even the previous fall down the stairs, too! My foot injury is not serious at all, ah... "

Don't care about the surprised expression on her face at all, Meng Lei raises a hand, then directly threw her body on the bed.

Her feet rubbed the edge of the bed, and there was a deep pain. She almost fainted.

In addition, Meng Lei's action was even a little rude, which made her cry.

Can Meng Lei also ignore, stretch out a big hand, hold her injured ankle without pity.

"Ah You, you get out, get out! Don't touch my feet

There was another scream of pain in the room.

"Luo Yanxi" pushes Meng Lei with one hand, trying not to let him touch his feet again.

"No, you have to do the next thing, so you have to recover as soon as possible."

Meng Lei tightly clenched her feet to let her not move, and then called to the door, the previous doctor came in again.

"Get out of here, get out of here, don't touch me. You ask Huo Mingxiu to come here and tell me!"Seeing the doctor appear again, "Luo Yanxi" began to resist more crazily.

But Meng Lei didn't seem to care about her mood at all. He pressed her foot and the doctor began to help her move.

"Go away! You want Huo Mingxiu to come here... "

"Our master is very busy. He doesn't have time to talk nonsense with you here. If you still refuse to cooperate, then..."

Meng Lei's voice just fell, sure enough, I do not know where to come out of two strong black bodyguards.

They appear behind Meng Lei together, and the face of "Luo Yanxi" is a burst of consternation and panic. She trembles and wants to step back, and her eyes are full of unwillingness!

Mingming, Mingming Huo Mingxiu was very kind to her a second ago, which almost shook her heart.

But Dream has not been done for long, everything has become a bubble!

"You, what are you going to do? Open your eyes and see clearly. I'm the first lady of the Luo family! You dare to touch me

As two black bodyguards approached, she couldn't help shouting. But now her voice, but can't cause the two bodyguards a touch.

Meng Lei watched coldly. Two bodyguards came forward together and pulled her up. One of them set up her arm, and her two legs were held down by them. They couldn't move at all.

The injured ankle, coupled with the rude pull, such pain makes the nervous people immediately frown, pain, spread all over the body.

She suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of hatred staring at Meng Lei.

"Meng Lei, you are just the opposite. If brother Mingxiu knows that you treat me like this, what do you think will happen to you?"

Even now, she still wants to continue the identity of Luo Yanxi.

"Ha ha This unknown young lady, do you think it is necessary to continue to perform up to now? "

Meng Lei shook his head and gave her a light look.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm Luo Yanxi, not some unknown lady!"

Looking at the hard mouthed woman in front of him, the light in Meng Lei's eyes gradually darkens.

"Ah! I said this young lady, isn't it so long that you are addicted to acting others? It seems that if you don't expose your true face, you will never admit that you are a fake? "

Meng Lei said, a hand, one of the bodyguards straight forward. Before "Luo Yanxi" could react, she tore her face.


With a tearing sound, the woman screamed to cover her face.

Her face was half destroyed in a fire to save Hughes. She thought that Hughes would take her to her side just to treat her, but not just to let her wear this face!

Now don't think about it. She knows how terrible she looks at this time. But now her hands and feet are clamped down by the bodyguards, and she can't move at all. At this time, she can only shout and shout.

"Don't Don't look, get out, get out, ah... "

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