Luo Yanxi couldn't believe it. It turned out that prison?

Are other people locked up like themselves?

It's a gloomy place around. Standing alone gives people a creepy feeling.

"Well, well..."

Suddenly, a whimper came from far away. Luo Yanxi followed the sound slowly.

A woman was chained to a post. Her mouth was sealed and her skin was split. It should be because she was whipped.

How cruel!

"Wait a minute, I'll go and save you now!"

Luo Yan Xi's brow tightened, this is the site of that Luo Lai!

How could he treat a woman in such a cruel way!

But when Luo Yanxi goes over, takes off the seal on her mouth, and prepares to help her untie the iron chain on her hands and feet, she is unexpectedly violently resisted by a woman.

She shook her head desperately because she was too weak and her voice was as small as a mosquito.

"I don't want you Help

Luo Yanxi looks at the woman suspiciously. "Why? Don't worry. I'm not a bad person. I won't do anything to you. Don't talk. I'll put you down


Perhaps accidentally touched the wound on the woman's body, her painful little face wrinkled together.

"I'm sorry, I'll slow down."

Luo Yanxi said that his hand's movement was lighter, but after all, it was the iron chain wrapped around his body. It took quite a while to remove it.

"How are you?"

As soon as the iron chain was taken off, the woman's body softened, and she was about to collapse. Fortunately, Luo Yanxi helped her quickly.


The woman, who had no strength, threw her hand away.

The next second, the whole woman also "Dong" sound, fell to the ground.


Luo Yan Xi ran past, full of dignified face, until confirmed that women still have weak breathing, this just relaxed breath.

"Why are you suffering?"

She is kind to help her, but she pushes herself away. Luo Yanxi can't figure it out.

The woman's eyelids moved. Then she opened her eyes slowly. She was as angry as a gossamer. "I said, I don't want you to save me!"

"As a maid here, you shouldn't have compassion for anyone!"

Just at this time, suddenly, a middle female voice rang out.

"If you want to live here for a long time, this is the necessary rule. Don't worry about everything, and don't bring yourself death!"

Luo Yanxi turns around and sees a woman in a black robe. Although she is over middle age, she has a good temperament. Her posture is straight and her face is very serious, but it's hard to hide her delicate face. Her chin slightly raised, the whole person appears low-key arrogant.

"Who are you?"

"I am the steward here, the wolf!"

"Hello, Wolff!" Luo Yanxi said hello politely.

But it was clear that the Wolff did not want to talk to her.

"Don't you come in and take her away?"

The Warf's eyes passed over Luo Yanxi and turned to the woman on the ground over there. Then they raised their hands and two figures emerged from behind her.

Tall and strong men slowly approached, just like carrying goods. One of the men picked up the woman from the ground and carried her on his shoulder.

The woman's head down, black hair like a waterfall. When she passed by Luo Yanxi, her colorless lip mured.

"You saved me, but I hate you!"

Her voice is not big. Luo Yanxi can definitely hear her. She looked at the woman in a daze, but she didn't come back for a long time.

"See? Even if you are kind enough to save her, she may not appreciate you, but will hate you even more! "

At this time, the voice of the wolf came again.

"Why is she here, Wolff?"

"If you want to survive here, don't worry about everything, and don't ask about everything! This is the first lesson for you today, but obviously you are not qualified. Sophie, I will punish you to stand here for 4 hours! No dinner at night

Luo Yan Xi is stunned, your sister's! Did she save people or something wrong? The person who saved her hated her, and this person punished her?

The Wolff ignored her reaction and turned away.

Four hours, what's more, Luo Yanxi squatted in the corner and didn't move in this cold place. He met this situation on the first day of his arrival. I don't know what will happen next?

I don't know how long it took, but I feel my feet are going to waste. A woman in a maid's uniform came in from the outside.

"The Wolff want to see you!"

Luo Yan cherished his eyes. "May I go out?"

The woman didn't speak. Luo Yanxi got up from the ground, followed her and went out.Along the way, Luo Yanxi saw the luxury here. She followed the woman into a villa and then went to the housekeeper's office.

The wolf sat on the sofa and pointed to the seat beside her

Luo Yanxi is not polite. He goes to sit down. After standing for so long, he can finally have a good rest.

"Sophie, I'll punish you. Are you convinced?" The Wolff looked directly at Luo Yanxi.

She pulled her lower lip. "Madame's instruction, Sophie, remember!"

The wolf snorted coldly, "you are not convinced! Girl, I'm old. If I can't even see this, do you think I can live here till today? I can see that you are a kind girl, but kindness doesn't have to be rewarded, especially in this place! Fortunately, the woman you saved lives. If she dies, who do you think should bear the responsibility? "

Luo Yan Xi a Leng, inconceivable point to oneself, "is it me?"

"No doubt, girl, it must be you! The man in charge of the woman will report to their master that you killed the woman

"But she was obviously tortured to death by them. Do you see her injuries?" Luo Yan cherishes it and strives for it.

But the wolf sneered. "Oh I tell you, is it strange that their master will believe it? Don't look at me like that. It's not that their master doesn't know right from wrong, but do you think he will spend his time distinguishing such trifles? "

Luo Yan Xi's long eyes drooped and finally understood the woman's intention.

Although she looks serious and cold, she is trying to save the lives of these maids in this way!

"Thank you, Wolff. I see." She said softly.

"Don't thank me, I just don't want to have too many ghosts here! Besides, it's more and more difficult to find a satisfied maid. You've been standing for so long, and there's water there. Drink it! "

Luo Yanxi took the tea cup and drank it slowly. Unexpectedly, the water was very sweet. It turned out to be sugar water. She bent her lips and looked gratefully at the wolf. She had no supper to eat. The wolf was afraid of her hypoglycemia and gave her some sugar.

"Aren't you afraid I'll poison you?" The sharp voice of the wolf was softer than before.

"If you want to kill me, you don't have to poison me, do you?"

Luo Yanxi's words attracted a burst of chuckle from the wolf people. "She's a smart girl. Work hard, Rita. Take Sophie to her house."

From the door into the girl who just brought her, Luo Yanxi this just know, this girl's name is Rita.

"The wolf looked up at the stars from the window. See, this girl! She is very kind, strong, really like you! Are you satisfied with giving her to your son? She is excellent, and I will cultivate her better. I hope she can restrain rolley's cruel heart and let him know that there is still a beautiful love in this world! "

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