Luo Yan Xi surprised a lift eyes, saw that day she saved the woman from the chain.

Her lips pursed, and the hatred in the woman's eyes came to the bottom of her eyes.

"How are you? Are you better? "

With that, she felt stupid. People obviously hated her, and she had to ask for nothing.

Sure enough, the corners of the woman's lips sneered and hummed: "when you're well, what happens? So you can serve your master? He became a plaything in his hands and lived a life of humiliation like a prostitute

Luo Yan Xi pours cold air, eyelids slightly astringent.

"Miss, I think as long as you live, there is hope!"

No matter whether she wants to escape or what, as long as she has life, maybe she can get out one day, right?

"Oh Hope? Sleeping in the same bed with the enemy who killed his beloved, and being humiliated by him, even if he died, he would never have the face to see his lover again! "

The woman's face flashed with anger and sadness, her chest heaved violently, and her eyes were full of tears.


Luo Yanxi understood why she wanted to die! Indeed, such a thing, such a shame, is hard to bear!

"But I also think that the man you love deeply wants you to live, and live well!"

She couldn't find anything else to comfort her.

Suddenly, the dishes that were originally placed on the table were thrown at Luo Yanxi by the woman as soon as she raised her hand.

"If it were not for you, I would have met him long ago!"

Thanks to Luo Yanxi hiding fast, those hot food didn't pour on himself, but the woman obviously don't get angry, even picked up the broken pieces on the ground to throw her.

"What's the matter?" The bodyguard outside heard the noise and burst in.

"Nothing. It's just that the food doesn't suit the taste of this lady. She's a little angry. I'll go and change a meal for her now!"

Luo Yanxi tried to play down this matter. Although this woman is not good to her, her bad is also due to her unfortunate experience.

It's good to be alive, so Luo Yanxi doesn't want her to get into any trouble.

The bodyguard glared at them and said in a cold voice, "don't eat if you don't like it! Only Maggie is qualified to order! Clean up quickly

Luo Yan Xi nodded, quickly cleared up the debris on the ground, and wiped the floor clean, then walked out of the room.

"What are you thinking, Sophie?" On the way back, Jennie looks at the stunned Luo Yanxi, which is a little strange.

"Nothing. I just think something's wrong!"

Luo Yan Xi's brow slightly frowned, there was always a place in her heart that was very uncomfortable, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

When they got back to the kitchen, they were arranged to help with the kitchen work. Luo Yanxi is picking vegetables. He can't help thinking about what happened just now.

Suddenly, she got up and ran to find the pieces of the dishes that had just been poured, and pieced them together.

Jennie came running along. "Sophie, what are you doing?"

Luo Yan Xi looked at the pieces, his heart was tight. "No! She smashed the bowl to leave debris to kill herself! Look, Jennie, there's one piece missing here. "

"Could it be that you accidentally dropped it?"

"No, I can't. I have to tell the bodyguards to see her!"

Luo Yanxi said that she was about to run out, but she didn't want to be grabbed by Jennie before she took a few steps.


"Don't go! Do you know what will happen to the women here who try to commit suicide to escape the favor of their master? "

Jennie's eyes look straight at Luo Yanxi. Luo Yanxi's mouth moves. Listen to Jennie again. "I'll be ruined by those bodyguards! It's better to let her die clean than that

Luo Yanxi's body trembled and her feet were a little unsteady. She had no choice but to hope that the woman would not do anything stupid!

Finally, it's time for lunch delivery. The first time Luo Yanxi goes to see the woman

When she opened her door, the tray in her hand fell to the ground.

"Hello, hello..."

She ran to the bed and pressed the wound on the woman's wrist with her hand. The wound is very deep, we can see how determined she is to die!

"Why are you so stupid?" Looking at the pale woman on the bed, her hands were red with blood, and a large area of red blood gathered on the ground beside the bed.

Luo Yanxi anxiously calls her, she can hardly touch her pulse now, she also knows that this woman can't be saved.

The woman seems to be shining back and opening her eyes weakly. "Ah Jie, are you here to pick me up? Take me away, I'm clean

Luo Yanxi choked and nodded. "Well, I'll take you!"

"Ah Jie, say you still love me, you still love Wei'er."

Luo Yan Xi's lips trembled, "ah Jie loves Wei'er."Hearing Luo Yanxi's words, the woman's pale lips finally show a smile of satisfaction. In this way, her smile has been stiff on her lips.

Luo Yanxi's eyes are sour and astringent. This young girl ended her life like this!

"Why don't you come out yet?" There are bodyguards outside each room. Seeing that Luo Yanxi had not come out for a long time, bodyguards came in.

"She, she cut her wrist and killed herself!" Luo Yanxi's voice was still trembling.

"Damn it The bodyguard swears and turns out.

After a while, two men rushed in from the outside. Luo Yanxi knew them. They were the two people behind the wolf that day.

"Damn it, how could you die? The master wants 10 Oriental women. Now one is missing. What should we do? Go and catch another one as soon as possible One of the men said to the other, frowning.

"It's easy for you to say that these women are going to enjoy it in the evening. Where are they going now? How far is it from other countries, you know! " Another man was angry, too.

"Now what? Are you willing to go to the black prison to get the punishment? "

Luo Yanxi stepped back quietly. She was just a maid. As the wolf said, she shouldn't listen to such things.

Now she just wants to hide out, they didn't finish the task, but it has nothing to do with her.

Just when she was one step away from here.

"You stop!"

The man's voice suddenly sounded from behind, "what do you want to do? "Whistle blowing?"

The huge figure was in front of her in a few steps, which also blocked her way.

"No, I won't tell. Don't worry. I'm just a little maid. I don't have to make trouble for myself, do you?"

Luo Yanxi tries to look humble and timid.

"Well, there is only one person who can keep a secret, that is Dead man The man's big hand instantly pinched Luo Yanxi's neck. As long as his fingers tightened again, her neck might be pinched off.

Luo Yan Xi for a moment does not immediately coagulate the man in front of her, her brain spin quickly, do you want to give him a hand?

"Stop it

Another man suddenly opens his mouth at this time, interrupting Luo Yanxi's thoughts.

"She can't die!" Another man peels off the hand that pinches Luo Yanxi's neck, and she regains her freedom.

"What do you mean? If the woman didn't cut her wrist to death, we can give her to the master for punishment, but the woman cut her wrist by herself, that's our responsibility! If the maid says anything, we won't even have time to find a remedy! "

"Of course I know that, but don't you find it? She is not a ready-made Oriental woman, and She is more beautiful than the dead woman Another man said, with a smile on his face.

Luo Yanxi's heart suddenly tightened. How unlucky she should be, she became a scapegoat soon after she came!

Two men's eyes hit Luo Yan Xi's body, see her eyebrow slightly frown.

"Woman, from now on, you are her! If you dare to let out a little bit of what happened today, I promise you will die worse than her! "

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