Raleigh went back to prison again, where the monitors had been installed.

He approached Ajie. "Do you want to see how she spent the evening? I don't know what it's like to see someone you love being raped by another man? "

He grinned coldly, like a cruel beast.

The cloth in Ajie's mouth has been taken away, and his whole body is bleeding, and his pale face is weak.

He struggled to get up, but he couldn't get up. "Raleigh, let her go, she's not Vera! She's just an innocent girl

The coolness of rolley's lips did not diminish. "Do you love her? Don't you have deep affection for your Vera? Now you care about other women. What are you doing? So soon, I'm empathizing? "

"What are you talking about? I love Wei'er. I love her till I die, but this girl shouldn't be affected by me. I'm grateful to her! A cold-blooded person like you doesn't understand feelings at all Ah Jie said weakly.

"But you are distressed! I don't understand emotion, because I don't need emotion. Let me see today, what do you mean by gratitude and affection? "

Luo Lai sits on the rattan chair and looks at the picture of Luo Yanxi's room coming from the monitor. The smile at the corner of his mouth is hard to send out.

Luo Yanxi is curled up in the sofa. The hard breathing in the silence is particularly clear. It's obviously hard, but her voice, like the whimper of a kitten, gives out the charm of biting people, which makes the man hear her throat tightly.

Luo Lai's hand is not controlled tightly. This woman is as pure as water, but she is also a natural beauty. It seems that her random voice and action can capture a man's soul.

Luo Yanxi hugs herself to the tightest place and suppresses her clamorous nerves. She bites her lips hard. The pain can help her recover some sense for a while.

At this time, the sound of the door being opened sounded, and behind him were the sound of men's footsteps. The soft light in the room pulled the man's figure longer, forming a huge shadow on the wall.

Luo Yanxi's heart goes up to the top. Before her confused thoughts are straightened out, her body makes an instinctive reaction first.

Suddenly he bounced up from the sofa and stabbed the dagger into the man's heart without hesitation

The man's body is quick to hide. The dagger passes his arm and cuts a bloodstain instantly.

His big hand reached out and held her small hand tightly. The other arm also completely controlled her in his broad arm.

Luo Yanxi desperately wants to get rid of this embrace, but the man holds her too tightly, her hand is also clamped, can't move a point, his strength is big, like want to put her whole person into his bone marrow.

She bit her red lips and raised her head. When the man's clear and handsome face appeared in her eyes, her little face was full of amazement!

How could it be him!

No, it's impossible. The medicine must be too powerful, so she has hallucination. It must be like this, it's like this!

She forced herself to suppress the impulse to hold him. She didn't want him to touch her!

"Let go, let go of me!"

No matter how she struggled, the man's hand held her tightly, but she didn't let go. She was angry, yelled and lowered her head to bite his chest.

"Xi'er, have you had enough trouble?"

The man also low low roars out, hugs her waist big hand to hold her vertically, took her to rush to the washroom.

The cold water rushed to Luo Yanxi, her whole body shivered, and those chaotic thoughts finally woke up.

She looked at the man in front of her, eyes opened to the largest, how now sober of her, see or him?


Before she had finished her words, a thin lip came towards her, and the warm breath penetrated into her lips, blocking all her words.

The man turned around and held her on the glass stage, until he almost gasped for her kiss, and then he reluctantly let her go.

"Xi'er, do you know how long I've been looking for you? Just bite me when we meet. Do you know what punishment you should suffer? "

His fist smashed on the glass mirror behind her, large pieces of glass fell, and the camera behind the glass mirror was also smashed, falling with the glass.

Luo Yan Xi scared to hide forward, and the man has already protected her in his arms, did not let her hurt a cent. She looked back at the camera and understood what he meant.

"Anything else?" She gasped for breath. The effect of cold water just now gradually lost its effect, and her sober brain began to feel confused again.

"No, there's only one here, there's a lot out there! Xi'er, do you know that you are looking for death here? " The man's tone suddenly blew out.

Luo Yanxi can't care what he said now, because her body has been engulfed by the heat wave. She pushes him away, jumps off the table and runs to the shower. She turns on the cold water and rushes hard at her hot body.

The cheongsam on her body was originally tight, but now it's all glued to her body after being washed by the water, showing her exquisite curve.But at this time, it seems that even the cold water doesn't work, even if it's just across a layer of cloth, she is also suffering from dryness and heat, and reaches for her clothes. But the quality of the dress was surprisingly good. She couldn't untie the complicated buttons and tear the strong cloth.

After realizing the little woman's intention, the man came down with anger. "I'll help you."

His big hand pulled, crisp cloth breaking sound filled her eardrum. When the cold water slightly faded the temperature of her body, her reason finally came back.

"Why are you here?" Just now she wanted to ask him, but he interrupted.

"I'm not here. Who do you want to be here? Xi'er, you come here regardless. Do you have to toss yourself to death? Tell me, what's going on? "

His big hand held her tightly, and his dark eyes rolled up in waves, as if he was afraid that she would disappear.

Luo Yanxi blushed, and her beautiful color extended to her chest. Because of the medicine and the current situation, she was just standing in front of him.

She wants to shake off his hand, she has only one arm now, where to protect, she has no idea.

"Huo Mingxiu! You let me go? "

"Let go of you? so what? Looking for another man? What's the matter with your medicine? "

He was really mad. She disappeared suddenly, and then a fake came out. I didn't expect that she had the courage to come here alone!

However, he can't come here without warning to look for Raleigh. Raleigh's vigilance has always been very high. He must find a reasonable excuse for himself. He drew up a new contract and negotiated with him. When he came here, he didn't expect that she was already in his room!

But when he found her hot body, his liver trembled with fear. If he didn't come today, what would she do?

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