Over there, ah Jie's hand was also clenched and loosened. He felt remorse and remorse for his involvement in Luo Yan.

He wanted to kill Raleigh himself, but he didn't expect to drag her down!

Just at this time, suddenly, "bang" rang out, the monitor over there was also smashed by Roley.

The veins on his face were exposed, and there was a faint light at the bottom of his eyes. That woman should have belonged to herself!

As long as he hooked up, she had to submit to herself, but now she

Luo Lai constantly hinted that he was just not reconciled to that woman. He was not reconciled to give such a beauty to other men.

Yes, that's why!

It doesn't matter. As long as it's what he wants, he'll come back again!

When he got up, he strode out with a cold smile on his lips.

Luo Yanxi was awakened by a numb sense of discomfort. She opened her eyes and felt the pain all over her body. Even she could clearly feel that every bone and joint was sour and painful, as if she had gone through some disassembly and assembly.

Every time she moved, she was in terrible pain. Most importantly, a man's arm came out of her waist to tightly encircle her.

A man's arm?

Her brain is not fully awake, muddled down, suddenly, the next second, all the memories of yesterday instantly.

Originally faded crimson, because think of last night's crazy reappearance, a beautiful little face burning hot to the ear.

She didn't remember how many times they had done it. She only knew that she constantly begged him to let her go at last, but the man seemed to be in a state of evil and couldn't stop at all.

In the end, how did she sleep? She didn't remember. Did she faint?

Slightly side eyes, the man's handsome face all reflected into the eyes, he seems to sleep very sweet, even eyebrows and lips are slightly bent up, with a smile.

The expression on his face made Luo Yanxi a little stunned. Since she was five years ago, he has never had such an expression again.

I don't know why, her heart suddenly very irritable, stretch out a hand, some vigorously push the man's arm away.

Her action awakens the man in his sleep. His eyes slowly open, his thin lips light with a smile. On Jun's face, his eyes are full of gentle light.

His son, he finally saw her again!

The big hand took advantage of the situation to embrace her, thin lips close to her ear, gently way. "Good morning, baby!"

His breath lingered in her ears, which made her feel uncomfortable. Her instinct was to escape. He didn't want to give her a chance to escape.

"No, don't be so close to me..."

Her little face was crimson. As long as he was a little closer, her heart would beat uncontrollably.

I can't say I don't like this feeling, but I'm still rejecting it.

The closer the man is, the more she wants to hide. But when she moves, her whole body is swept by pain.

She couldn't help but scold him secretly in her heart. She only cared about her own happiness and didn't care about her feelings at all!

Damn man!

Huo Mingxiu looked at the little woman, her eyebrows frowned deeply.

"What's the matter? What's wrong? "

She glared at him. She felt uncomfortable from her hair to her toes! And it's all because of him!

Looking at this angry and red face, Huo Mingxiu seemed to understand.

"Does it hurt? Is it because I'm so rude? "

His voice after a night, become a little hoarse, hot and humid breath stream towards her, is full of endless ambiguity.

Luo Yanxi doesn't know whether it's because the medicine hasn't completely dispersed, or because he is full of bewitching. Unconsciously, her whole body is numb again, just like last night.

"Cough, cough You stay away from me. "

She couldn't bear the smell of him around her, as if she could not help but return to the heat of last night.

"Xier, what are you hiding from? It's not like I haven't seen it, I haven't touched it, I haven't done it. "

The man didn't mean to blush at all. Instead, he blurted out these words.

Luo Yan pitifully turned his head to another place and bit his red lips. "You have no face!"

"So afraid of me approaching, is it because you are afraid of me approaching, and you think again?"

The low male voice accompanied by a gentle smile, in exchange for a little woman's Pink fist. "You dare to come closer, or I'll bite you!"

Can't beat her, can't you bite her?

How dangerous this man is, she can understand, because at this time she can clearly feel that he seems to be full of blood resurrection.

"Well, if Xi'er wants to bite, I'll show you one? Here it is! Here, it's just your place

The man's laughter is more unrestrained than before, his face is full of laughter, pointing to the position of his heart, coagulating her way.Luo Yan was stunned. If she was still 18 years old, she would be very excited when he said that.

But over the years, too many things have changed, so much so that her simplicity and beauty seem to have disappeared.

She pushed him with some chagrin.

"Huo Mingxiu, don't touch me, I don't want to."

"Sorry, Xi'er. I'll be gentle this time."

It's so easy to see her. How can he be satisfied with his yearning and patience for so many days in one night? Besides, when he sees her, how can he control himself.

He said, and the kiss fell on her forehead, then on her eyebrows and eyelids, all the way down

Luo Yanxi was ashamed and angry, but he couldn't push him away at all. He could only watch his head buried in her arms.

His big hand tightly clasped on her back, trying to break free, but the numbness in her body made her paralyzed.

Her long fingers thrust into his short hair, as if to pull him away, or press him more tightly

A burst of lingering, Huo Mingxiu this just greedily let go of the little woman, her body just recovered soon, he knew that he can't do it again, otherwise he can't suppress his impulse to want her.

"Xier, are you hungry? I'll have my servant bring breakfast? "

The little woman who finally regained her freedom gasped for breath. The head of the seven meat and eight vegetables she had just been kissing finally returned to normal. She suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. No, she had to leave quickly.

"No, I have to see Raleigh at once! Or ah Jie will be in danger! "

That rolai is a murderous devil. She even thinks that his promise to herself may not be fulfilled.

Huo Mingxiu's Mo Tong is slightly astringent, and his big hand immediately grabs the little woman who is ready to get out of bed.

"Xi'er, you just got up from my bed. Are you in a hurry to see another man? Do you think it's appropriate? Well

"I'm going to save people! What did Lorraine do to ah Jie? "

Luo Yanxi threw away Huo Mingxiu's hand in a hurry and frowned tightly.

It was a human life. She didn't have time to grind with him here.

Just break away his hand, she immediately jumped out of bed, but just touched the ground, her legs would not listen to the sudden soft, just stand up the body immediately back.

Huo Mingxiu's eyes leaped quickly, his big hand stretched out, and he held the little woman in his arms, but his handsome face was terrible. "Who is Ajie?"

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