Huo Mingxiu's eyes suddenly look at Luo Yanxi, his eyes with deep penetrating power. The hand slightly clenched and loosened.

He didn't believe that she would choose someone else!

No matter how many misunderstandings they had, she would not choose Raleigh and Kurt!

Luo Yanxi has received the man's eyes from there, but she only chose a slight sweep, and then the line of sight skips over Luolai and over Kur.

"Is it who I choose? You won't go back on it

Luo Yan Xi finally fixed his eyes on Luo Lai's face and said faintly.

Raleigh's lips were slightly crooked. "Of course, I never go back on my promise to a woman. Don't worry. If you win, you can choose anyone you want. "

"That's good!" Luo Yan Xi's face also shows a smile, the next moment she looks to Luo Yi. "I'll take Roy!"


There are several black lines floating in front of everyone's forehead. Sanguan is broken. She wants to sleep with a woman!

Luo Yi also scared a big jump, surprised looking at Luo Yan Xi, she even raised her hand to want to wave her hand.

Luo Yan Xi lips smile more thick, in the ear of Luo Yi whispered a few words, "don't worry, my sexual orientation is very normal."

Roy suddenly understood her intention and couldn't help chuckling. "I agree! Brother, you can't go back! "

Luo Lai's face is as black as coal. Originally, he asked Luo Yanxi to choose from the three men in this room, but he didn't expect that she would deliberately misinterpret it.

And damn it, he can't find a fault!

It took a long time for Raleigh's anger to spill a word from his lips. "Good."

Huo Mingxiu's handsome face is not good-looking. She just hates herself?

"Well, why hasn't the doctor come yet? Forget it, we won't wait for him, Sophie. I'll take you to the infirmary! "

Loila walks to the door with Luo Yanxi. Growing up on this isolated island, she has no friends or best friends at all. She has always admired the scene of people chatting with her best friends all night. She didn't expect that this time can finally come true.

Although Luo Yanxi's wound looked long, but fortunately it was not deep. The doctor gave her medicine, and then simply bandaged the wound, and it was handled.

Roy asked the maid to see the doctor off, locked the door, and then rushed to the bed as if she had changed completely.

"Ah Finally, I don't have to pretend to be a lady anymore. "

Look at Roy lying on the bed shaking his head, like a free fish.

Luo Yan Xi pursed a smile. "I don't think you're pretending. You've always been a lady."

Loiu's big eyes glared and his mouth pursed slightly. "No, I have to be restrained outside, or I will be scolded by my brother. Also, I'm tired of wearing this long skirt. I hate to wrap my whole body up in this way. Other people's good figure is completely covered. "

"Sophie, pour your own tea. I'll change first."

Luo Yanxi poured a cup of tea for himself, but he took a sip of it. Before he could swallow it, all the tea came out.

She stares at the girl who has no scruples in front of her eyes. She just takes off her clothes. More than that, she also takes out a set of clothes that make people's blood spray and prepare to put them on.

According to Luo Yanxi's visual inspection, the skirt is just short enough to cover her.

Luo Yanxi coughs violently, the contrast is really a little big.

"Sophie, are you ok?" Roy came up and patted her on the back.

Who knows Luo Yanxi just looked up and saw her proud career line. It's so beautiful.

"Cough, cough I'm not. It's OK. " She quickly waved her hand.

"Do you think I look good? I think only clothes like this can show all my advantages, Sophie, you know? I'm looking forward to a free and open life. Just like western women, I can show myself naked in the celestial bathing beach, or I can choose my beloved man by feeling. " Roy stood there and made a turn.

Luo Yanxi has several black lines on his head. Even if he doesn't want to bury them, he can't wear them like this! Fortunately, she should not go out in such clothes.

"Nei, Roy, how can you wear such a dress? In fact, there are so many beautiful clothes! "

Roy blinked and looked under her bed for the hidden magazine. "I see that the girls on it are all dressed like this, and these are nothing to me. They are already very conservative."

Luo Yanxi felt dizzy when he looked at the name of the magazine.

My God!

These are better than bikini!

The girl actually bought the clothes with the character like this. She was also drunk.

"Next time I'll help you pick out some clothes. Do you have a net? I can buy it for you online. "

Roy shook his head. "Sophie, it's like an isolated paradise. The only network is in my brother's study, but you know, he can't let me. He always said how dangerous the outside world is and he didn't want me to touch it. Forget it. I have a lot of clothes. This time I went out and bought a lot of them. Tell me about you. I heard that you had slept with Huo Mingxiu. How about his persistence and bravery? How long does he spend at one time? "Study!

Luo Yan Xi's nerves jump, she is going to the study! But the next moment, when she wanted to understand Roy's problem, her heart couldn't help beating hard.

This girl, how can she ask such a red faced question, and Still so Red fruit.

She swallowed, and she didn't know what to say about it.

And just thinking about it, her face turned red.

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, Roy couldn't help being a little worried. He leaned over her and looked at her with big eyes.

"What's the matter? Sophie, I'm really surprised. Just tell me! Huh? How about that? "

Roy began to shake her arm in a coquettish way.

At this time, Luo Yanxi really regretted choosing her. If God gave her another chance, she vowed that she would choose Huo Mingxiu!

Her little face flushed. "Inside, Roy, can we change the subject?"

Although the place where she lives is much more open than here, she can't stand such a hot topic.

"No! Anyway, there is no one else. What are you afraid of? Sophie, I treat you as my best friend and best friend! Sophie, just tell me! I'm really curious! "

Luo Yanxi took a deep breath, looked at Luo Yi's confused face, and looked at the magazine on the desk. He could probably guess why she asked such a question.

Whether girls or boys are in puberty, they will be curious about the opposite sex. This is the most primitive instinct of human beings.

When she was in primary school, she had already learned the course of physiology and health. I think here, Roy has been protected by rolley, and even few men have touched her, so she should have no formal education.

"Well Inside... " Luo Yanxi only felt that his tongue was going to cramp.

"What, what?" Roy was more eager.

Looking at Luo Yi's expectant eyes, Luo Yanxi couldn't bear to refuse. She thought Huo Mingxiu wouldn't mind? Men don't seem to care much about these.

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