Her eyes are full of failure, the original scene she did not read wrong, ridiculous she was still yesterday, trying to convince himself that it was just a daze!

Yesterday also ruthlessly want her man, today has become other people's fiance!

It used to be Luo Ziyu, now it's Luo Yi!

The nerves of her whole body tightened, strangling her out of breath.

Huo Mingxiu strides to Luo Yi. His deep eyes are as deep as the abyss. He hits Luo Yanxi, but for a moment, he turns to Luo Yi.

All the pictures in front of Luo Yanxi's eyes are fixed. His gray suit shows his fortitude and introverted temperament, while the pure beauty of Roy around him is like a flower in bud.

That's the prince and the princess, isn't it?

It seems that all consciousness has been emptied, her brain is blank, until a big hand grabs her hand, she regains some consciousness.

Take a deep breath of the air, bitter in the heart of the endless spread, just even forget to breathe.

"Sophie, why do you look so pale?" Raleigh whispered in her ear.

Luo Yanxi absolutely believes that this man intentionally pulled her to this position, because this position is facing Huo Mingxiu and Luo Yi.



She's watched him get engaged twice!

Luo Yanxi, why do you have to be sad for him again and again? You've died for him once, even without a child. Isn't that enough for you to learn from? But also stubborn!

She scolded herself hard!

The next moment, she turned to look at lorry, lips curved charming radian, "may be just drink too much bar!"

Rolley reached out his long arm to take her slender waist and put her in his arms. "I can lend you my shoulder."

Luo Yanxi impolitely put her head on his shoulder. At this time, she really needs a shoulder to lean on, even if the man around her is a big devil.

Her mind is rapidly adjusting her plan, tonight, she must finish everything tonight!

Huo Mingxiu holds Luo Yi's hand and raises his eyes to see the opposite little woman. Her face was cold, and her eyes looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a stranger.

He has been looking for her, want to talk to her about today, but he walked past, she walked away!

He was arranged to meet the guests with Roy, and he couldn't leave.

When she went to the bathroom, he also went with her, but Raleigh was there. He can't let Raleigh find a flaw.

He was even afraid that she would not be able to bear it, because she had watched him get engaged to another woman twice!

This time, however, her reaction was far beyond his expectation. She was like a bystander who had nothing to do with her, indifferent and without a trace of expression.

"Huo Mingxiu, it's time to cut the cake!" Roy whispered to one side.

He had been holding her hand for a long time, but the knife just didn't go down!

"OK, let's cut the cake!" Without any trace, he took back his sight, held Roy's hand, and cut the knife on the cake.

All the guests applauded and blessed the new couple!

Huo Mingxiu and Roy just cut a little cake symbolically, and leave the rest to the maid.

Next is the opening dance. Today's protagonists are naturally Huo Mingxiu and Roy. Huo Mingxiu hugs Roy and whispers a few words in her ear. The scene is like they are close lovers.

Luo Yanxi takes back her eyes. She moves her body out of Luo Lai's arms, and Luo Lai releases her hand without nostalgia.

"Laurie, I said you were so generous that you gave me Yilan. It turns out that you have better goods!" It was clay who came. His greedy eyes hit Luo Yanxi.

"Yes, Raleigh. What about your good collection? Take it out and give it to all of us A lot of people started to shout.

Luo lailang smiles, "do you want good goods? Don't worry, the last program of today's party will satisfy you all! "

"The show? What program? " Clay was in a hurry.

Lorraine then waved his hand. "You'll know then. Now, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until the banquet is over!"

"Good! Then we're looking forward to your last show! "

Luo Yan Xi Mou light flow turn, in Luo Lai's ear whispered, "I'm drunk, want to go back to lie down."

"Good." I didn't expect that Luo Lai readily agreed. However, after the woman turned around, his gloomy eyes were deeply fixed on her body and didn't leave for a long time.

When the music stopped, Roy ran after Luo Yanxi, but he couldn't catch up. She sighed. What Huo Mingxiu asked her to say, she couldn't say.

Luo Yanxi quickly returned to her room. A few days ago, she asked Jennie to prepare a set of dark strong clothes for her. Now it's finally in use. She quickly changed her clothes, slipped out of the beauty salon, and ran to the direction of Raleigh's studyThis is her last chance! She is very clear that Luo Lai's cunning and vicious, staying here for a long time is not the way, and she is not sure whether Huo Mingxiu will take her away.

If she can find those documents today, although she doesn't know the way out, she may be able to mix in the crowd and leave with Xiao Lan. This is the best way!

At this time, all the servants and bodyguards were concentrated at the banquet, so few people were left in the office building. Luo Yanxi escaped the patrol bodyguards and sneaked into the office of Raleigh.

She opened the cupboard, with memory quickly moved out those documents of Nancheng, squatted on the ground, took out the mobile phone from her pocket and read it carefully.

Suddenly, a sound came from the door. Luo Yanxi was surprised, and his whole body stopped.

Her eyes aimed at the shadow on the wall reflected by the moonlight, judging the position of the person.

Suddenly, she jumped from behind the desk and raised her hand to the back of the man's neck. She used a lot of strength. As long as she hit the man, she might faint. However, the figure's quick dodge did not receive any attack.

With only one move, Luo Yanxi knew that the comer was a practitioner. Her heart was tight, and then she flew to kick out. Was she found here?

The man turned to attack, but at the same time, he changed his moves and jumped out of the attack range of Luo Yanxi.

"Miss Xi, why are you here?"

Luo Yanxi was stunned and took back her moves. She knew the voice, "Meng Lei, how did you come?"


Meng Lei pulls down his black mask. He is ordered to come here with Xiao Lan to perform the master's task and find the documents. However, this can not be said with Luo Yanxi.

"I work for my master. Miss Xi, why are you here? " Meng Lei found a reason, went forward a few steps, Mou Guang swept the pile of documents on the ground.

"Miss Xi, are you looking for the documents?" Without waiting for her to answer, he had already guessed what she was going to do.

Luo Yan Xi Leng hooked the lower lip, "Meng Lei, are you trying to destroy those documents for Huo Mingxiu?"

Thinking, her heart was stung, Huo Mingxiu, you are really cruel!

He knew that she was looking for the documents, so he sent Meng Lei to destroy the documents. He also said that he would let her go back to Nancheng with him and tell her the truth when she went back!

All the documents were destroyed by him. Will he make up a truth for her?

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