"Huo Mingxiu, it's a real accident. You will lose your manners for a woman. It seems that this woman is very important to you! Do you know what I regret most? Is to give her to you, and did not on her! I really want to know what it's like to be a woman who can make Mr. Huo out of control! "

"Raleigh, state your terms!" Huo Mingxiu's brow frowned into a Sichuan character. If Luo Lai was in front of him, he would really kill him!

Raleigh's low laughter came over the phone. "Since you want the conditions so much, I will mercifully tell you that it's very easy to detoxify Sophie. Let me take Sophie away, and of course my sister! As long as you give these two women to me, I'll take care of her! "

"Don't you think about it! Don't forget your sister is still in my hands Huo Mingxiu threatened.

"A sister who betrayed her brother, do you think I would care about her? Anyway, she's also my own sister, so I'll get her back by the way. Of course, if not, Roy will do whatever you want to do. She chose the road herself, and she can't blame anyone else! "

Luo Lai's tone anyone can recognize his disdain, but Huo Mingxiu can't see Luo Lai's face, otherwise the expression on that face will betray him.

Two men fight wits and bravely to explore each other's bottom line, only more ruthless than which side!

Huo Mingxiu clenched his hand holding the mobile phone. After a moment, a few words came out of his mouth in a cold voice, "you can't think about it!"

The next moment, he hung up the phone, the mobile phone from his hand was dropped to the ground, the shape of the mobile phone was broken.

People from outside the room came as soon as they heard the news. "Master..."

"Go get a mobile phone, and send people here right away!"

"Yes Those who came in immediately backed out.

Luo Yanxi looked at the doctor coming out and going in on the bed, "I want to know what happened to my friend? The one who got shot! "

When Huo Mingxiu brought her in, she saw Meng Lei was carried in and sent to the operating room. After such a long time, the operation should be finished.

"Meng Lei, don't worry, his operation is finished, he is very strong to survive, as long as there are no complications within 24 hours, it is completely safe!" The doctor replied.

Luo Yan Xi shows a smile of wisdom. Fortunately, Meng Lei is OK.

"Then my illness No, when can I get rid of my poison? "

The doctor's face changed, "Oh, this You need more rest. Our doctor will take care of it! "

Luo Yan Xi looks at the doctor who quickly exits from her room, frowning.

"What's the poison in me?" Luo Yanxi looks at the little nurse sent to take care of her.

Little nurse's face is also a stiff, "this, this we do not know."

Such words thoroughly let Luo Yan Xi's Mou light become a dark. "You don't know? You're the nurse who takes care of me. Don't you know what kind of poison I have? "

The little nurse was in a cold sweat on her back, and the president wouldn't let them tell her about her illness!

"That I, I'm just a little nurse, not a doctor, and Only the doctor knows! "

"Yes? Then call my doctor in charge



Luo Yan Xi impatiently roared, although her roar really no strength, but the weak in the show of deterrence, let the little nurse dare not listen.

“…… OK, OK, I'll go right now. "

The little nurse immediately ran out. How important this young lady is depends on the president holding her in his arms. She dare not offend such an important person!

Before long, a doctor came into Luo Yanxi's room. "Miss lo, I'm your doctor in charge."

"Then tell me what kind of poison I have? Why don't I have any strength? " Luo Yanxi looks at the attending doctor.

"This poison is very complicated. I won't tell you the name of the major. However, we've been dispensing the medicine for you as soon as possible, but it's a bit troublesome, so it will take some time! "

Secretly a sigh, thanks to the president just ordered, don't let him tell her the truth. He made up a speech, but he didn't expect to use it so soon.

Attending doctor's words let Luo Yan Xi frown slightly loosen some, originally just dispensing time.

"OK, I see. Thank you."

"That's what we should do!" Doctor jaw head out of the room, this pass is passed, but after two days, how should he deal with? You can't wait forever, can you?

"Xiao Xi." Xiao Lan comes in from the door.

"Xiaolan, are you here? Come and sit down

See small blue, Luo Yan Xi smile Hello, see her only sitting on the opposite sofa, she patted the bedside position.

"Xiaolan, we are so familiar. You are as close as my brother in my eyes. Don't be so born."

Xiaolan lost her mind slightly. When she heard that she was as close as her brother, Xiaolan's heart jerked.Is she a woman who thinks of her as her brother?

Why do you do this to her?

The better she treats her, the more lost she will be in this kind of family friendship!

"Are you better?" Xiao Lan walks over and holds Luo Yanxi's hand. These invisible feelings were the things she cherished most, though she felt that she never deserved them.

Luo Yan Xi gave a wry smile, "the doctor said that I should be cured soon when I was given the medicine."

Xiao Lan's face moved and returned to normal in the next moment. Her face changed so fast that Luo Yanxi didn't catch her wrong emotion.

How can the medicine be made if you want to?

Even if Huo Mingxiu has the ability to communicate with heaven, there won't be another pharmacist in the world who can surpass that man!

Of course, if possible, she really hopes to have, so that maybe everyone can be safe.

"Good! Xiao Xi, let me help you bring the food in! It's time for lunch. "

Luo Yanxi's stomach called "Gulu" after hearing the word "rice". She hasn't eaten since last night. She's also busy checking here. She hasn't eaten a mouthful.

Because I was worried about my poison, I didn't feel hungry just now. Now I know that the antidote is working, and my heart is a little bit relieved. Now I really feel hungry.

"I don't want to eat here, I want to go out for a walk." She's lying and lying now, so much so that she feels moldy.

"Well, I'll get a wheelchair and take you to the restaurant!" Xiao Lan said and went out to look for a wheelchair.

Luo Yanxi was finally pushed out of the room by Xiao Lan. At this time, she really looked at the villa. From the outside, the villa was just a rich family, but inside it was a hospital.

And from their respect to Huo Mingxiu, it should be his territory.

She never knew he had such a hidden hospital in Europe. But what's he doing building a hospital here? It seems that there are no patients here!

Xiao Lan pushed her up the elevator and straight to the restaurant on the top floor. As she walked, she carefully observed here. Fortunately, the master gave her the task to spy on Huo Mingxiu's hidden branch, so that she could follow Luo Yanxi.

But the master's order can not do, her heart in the double suffering. This is obviously not a hospital. It should be Huo Mingxiu's contact base in Europe.

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