She must be angry to see Roy's little face on the window!

Luo Yanxi clearly sees that Luo Yi is having a tantrum with Huo Mingxiu. Although she can't hear what they say, she can see it from Luo Yi's facial expression.

Also, who can tolerate his fiance to hold another woman.

At the beginning, Roy didn't care. It was estimated that there was no formal relationship with Huo Mingxiu. Now it's different.

"Xiao Xi, have a meal!" Xiao Lan reminds Luo Yanxi that the waiter has brought up the dishes.

Luo Yan Xi turns around and laughs, "well, let's eat!"

Xiaolan knew that she had no strength, so she asked for a spoon to put in her bowl and put the dishes in her bowl.

Luo Yanxi raised her hand to hold the spoon, but her hand was as soft as cotton.

It's so easy to hold the spoon reluctantly. But as soon as the spoon was lifted, it fell back into the bowl again.

"Bang" sound, although not big, but still can be heard clearly in the quiet restaurant.

The brow of small blue a Cu, the heart suddenly pulls tight, how can so serious?

It shouldn't be!

That medicine will make people have no strength, but it will only make people have no resistance. They may not be able to walk and stand up, but they will never be able to take a spoon.

Luo Yan Xi pursed her lower lip. It's a shame. She already felt that she was watched by the man's eyes.

Even if she wants to lose face, don't show it to him!

She stubborn again to get the spoon, do not believe that they can not even eat, she does not know what is the matter, also do not know in the end is to compete with themselves, or with the man.



Again, she failed again.

Xiaolan was shocked by the sound to take back her thoughts, and immediately reached out to hold her hand, "the spoon here is too heavy, I'll feed you!"

She got up, changed a position, sat down beside Luo Yanxi, picked up a spoon to feed her.

Luo Yanxi sighs at the bottom of her heart. Fortunately, Xiao Lan blocks her. She thinks Huo Mingxiu can't see her embarrassment.

Huo Mingxiu took back his eyes, the red of a table and the stubborn look of a woman who wanted to take a spoon stabbed his heart.

I should hate him very much!

Roy is also biting his lower lip, tears in the eyes, if not for her brother Sophie, Sophie how can become like this!

What's the difference between this and a paralyzed person!

If there is no antidote, Sophie's life will be over!

For a moment, Roy looks up at Huo Mingxiu. "Huo Mingxiu, I'll call the wolf and ask her to steal the antidote."

She had no conscience at all.

"Thank you Huo Mingxiu solemnly thanks. With Roy's help, he thinks his plan will be successful.

After a meal, Xiao Lan pushes Luo Yanxi out of the restaurant. The beautiful men and women over there are eating western food elegantly. The picture is very beautiful. She subconsciously looks at Luo Yanxi, but her eyes are elsewhere.

In the end is concerned about, or will not even dare to see!

Xiao Lan sighed.

When Luo Yanxi returns to her room, she says that she is tired and wants to have a rest. Xiao Lan covers the quilt for her and exits the room. As for whether she is tired of heart or body, only she knows.

Xiao Lan goes back to her room, takes out her cell phone and dials a phone. "Is there something wrong with the medicine? Why can't Sophie even pick up the spoon? "

The other end of the phone fell into a dead silence, and the man was quiet for a long time. "The medicine won't be a problem. Maybe the toxin residue she left in her body a few days ago wasn't completely removed, which deepened the efficacy of this medicine. If you look at her carefully, I'm afraid the drug will continue to change in her body. "

That enchanting face has never been cold, and his brain is constantly converting the equation, trying to figure out how serious the consequences will be when these two mutated drugs meet!

Xiaolan's face is also full of Su color. Even he didn't know why it was like this!

Huo Mingxiu and Roy go back to Roy's room after dinner.

Roy took his cell phone and asked Huo Mingxiu, "you say, what do you want me to do?"

She believed that Huo Mingxiu must have a way to get the valfs to help them.

Huo Mingxiu pursed his lower lip tightly. "I still need you to play a play for me this time. I'm sorry, Roy. I know it's mean to do this, but only in this way can I get the antidote."

Roy shook his head. "No! I volunteered to help Sophie. I don't want Sophie to be hurt like that by her brother. Just don't hate me. "

Roy's inner kindness made her feel ashamed to have such a brother, and her brother's behavior made her unable to look up in front of Huo Mingxiu and Sophie.

She thought that they would not like themselves or even dislike her!

"Why? I also want to thank you for doing so much for me. Without your help, we couldn't have left the island so smoothly! "Roy bent his lips. "Tell me what you're going to do

Huo Mingxiu whispers a few words to her, and Roy nods repeatedly, then dials the phone.

Soon, there was an urgent voice from the other end of the phone. "Roy, you finally called! How are you doing now? OK or not? Tell me

The wolf was really worried. She heard that Huo Mingxiu had tied Roy away, but she almost didn't worry about death.

"Val, I'm so scared. You're going to save me!" Roy squeezed his voice and pretended to cry.

"Tell me, where are you? I'm going to let Raleigh save you. " The wolf people love Roy most. Her heart is broken by Roy's voice.

Roy felt a little impatient. I'm sorry, val. when I get the medicine, I'll tell you the truth. I won't let you worry any more.

"Val, my brother gave Sophie medicine. Now Huo Mingxiu said that he would not let me go unless he gave me the antidote. But my brother won't, val. can you get me an antidote? As long as there is an antidote, I will be free! "

The heart of the Waldman was seized, and he cried out in anger. "How can Raleigh do this? You are his sister! What's more important than you? Can you tell me what medicine it is? I'll find it for you. "

"It's the medicine that my brother specially gives to those disobedient people, so that they can't move. You go to my brother's bedroom to look for it."

Hearing that Mrs. Val agreed to help, Roy's heart jumped wildly. If there was a wolf, there must be a way to get this antidote out.

If the wolf was calm enough, she would be able to recognize the strange tone of Roy's voice now, but she was too anxious to ignore it.

"OK, I'll do something! You tell Huo Mingxiu to call him as soon as I find the antidote! "

"Good!" Roy hung up happily.

"Don't worry! There's no place on the island where the Wolff can't go. She can help you find the antidote. "

She has been guilty of heart, now finally better.

Huo Mingxiu nodded, "thank you! After Xi'er's detoxification, I will send you anywhere you want to go. In the future, all your living expenses will be borne by the Huo family! "

Roy made such a serious betrayal of Lorraine, and Lorraine would never recognize her again. He would do his best to help the girl.

"Good! I'll see where I'm going first? "

Luo Yi said and turned on the computer in the room. Since Sophie taught her to use this thing, she became fascinated with the computer and thought that she would leave soon. She wanted to find a favorite place for her to travel.

Luo Yan Xi opened his eyes, was originally in a low mood to pull out the excuse for rest, did not expect that he really fell asleep.

She forced herself to sit up with her arms, but after several unsuccessful attempts, her heart suddenly tightened.

How could that be?

Even if the body does not recover strength, how can it become more and more serious!

Her hand weak pressed the bedside button, that is the emergency button, as long as pressed outside the nurse will immediately come in.

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