Luo Yanxi was awakened by the pain, especially her breathing became very difficult.

Huo Mingxiu's kiss at this time is just like his present mood, cold, and with the ruthlessness that can't resist.

"Are you in love with Xiaobai?"

His tone was as cold as it could be, mixed with anger and jealousy.

After she came back, she had two different attitudes towards him and chubai. Especially, she still laughed at chubai like that. Didn't she know how bewitching her smile was?

Luo Yan Xi slowly wakes up, she stares at the man with scarlet in her eyes.

Zheng Leng for a moment, then her lips slightly raised.

"It's none of your business who I fall in love with! Don't forget, you are no longer my guardian. "

"Luo Yanxi!"

The chill on the man's face grew stronger and stronger.

"It's just that I can get close to whoever I want to get close to."

Ignoring his anger, she continued to provoke him.

"What about the man named Hughes? You and him Did he touch you? "

Huo Mingxiu's anger seemed to be irresistible. He grabbed her body and pressed her tightly.

Hear him say Xiu Si, Luo Yan Xi also just Leng for a second, then lift hand to chop toward him.

Because she knew it wasn't hard for this man to find Hughes.

But her body is no longer the state of a few days ago. She wants to get close to him, but she doesn't allow him to bully herself all the time.

Seeing her revolt, Huo Mingxiu took it seriously this time, holding her wrist tightly.

"Huo Mingxiu, luoziyuke is downstairs. Aren't you afraid to be seen by her?"

"Oh, don't you always want to kick her away? When she saw it, she said, "did that man touch you?"

At the thought of the man named Xiusi, Huo Mingxiu's breath was extremely cold.

"You let me go, asshole, don't touch me!"

Luo Yanxi's hand couldn't move, so he kicked her with his foot. Unexpectedly, the man immediately clamped her down, and his big hand stretched out to her, no matter whether she was willing or not.

Luo Yanxi's bearing is bad. I didn't expect that he would be so bad.

In a hurry, she lowered her head and bit him on the arm.

A sweet smell gradually spread between her lips and teeth, but the man did not respond, even did not hum.

Her lips gradually become more beautiful, just like the beautiful poppy sucking blood.

At this time, Huo Mingxiu also stopped his movements, only quietly watching her behavior, did not pay attention to his bleeding arm at all.

Luo Yanxi seems to be aware of something. She raises her eyelids. When her apricot eyes bump into his black pupil, she sees a smile on his lips, which makes her heart move and quickly loosen her mouth.

He didn't hide.

But before she could recover, his big hand held her tightly, suffocating her Her lips were clenched by him.

And she is not willing to show weakness, but also bite him, she hurt, she won't let him feel better.

"Ah Luo Yanxi, you, you... "

The woman's scream is accompanied by the sound of opening the door. You don't need to see that it's Luo Ziyu.

The scene in front of her deeply stimulates Luo Ziyu's brain. The two people on the bed, the woman in untidy clothes, and the man kissing her lips, make her heart suddenly cold.

She wants to rush to fight the woman on the bed, but before she starts, her arm is grabbed by Li Yueling who doesn't know when to come.

"What do you do?" She gave the visitor a resentful look.

"Don't be impulsive. Come here."

Li Yueling whispered, then forced her to walk downstairs.

Luo Ziyu suddenly breaks in and interrupts Huo Mingxiu's action. His strength is relaxed. Luo Yanxi also takes the opportunity to break free and says hello to his handsome face with one punch. Fortunately, the man's response is timely and his head turns to hide.

"Xiao Xi, what happened?"

At this time Chu Bai's voice sounded outside the door. Luo Yanxi quickly got up from the bed, straightened his clothes and hair, and was about to open the door.

Huo Mingxiu stops her, and then he finds a coat in her closet. "Put it on, and don't worry about Chu Bai. Do you hear me?"

He made a threat, but the person in front of him didn't want to talk to him.

The door was opened, Luo Yan Xi far fetched tunnel. "Xiaobai, I'm fine."

It's okay?

Chu White's eye ground surging is angry, she this calls to have nothing to do? Red and swollen lips, messy hair and clothes.

He really wanted to get angry, especially when he saw the figure of the man in the room.

However, he can not find the identity and position of anger.

Clench your fist and try to suppress your emotions. "Well, Xiao Xi, someone has sent you flowers and asked you to sign for them."

"OK, thank you. I'll go now."Luo Yan Xi staggered body, low head from his side, she is now like this, only afraid that only the embarrassment.

Looking at Luo Yan Xi gradually go away, Chu Bai Fang just raised his feet into the bedroom, and shut the door by the way.

"Brother Huo, why do you do this to her? She has nothing left. Can't you let her go? "

Listen to Chu Bai almost accuse of words, Huo Mingxiu hand back green veins suddenly.

"What does it mean to let her go? She was my man. Xiaobai, you are not suitable for her. I advise you to give up as soon as possible. "

"What is inappropriate? Why should I give up? She and I have known each other since childhood. You don't want her first! You didn't fulfill your promise to her! You did it. She almost died! No matter how much I used to respect you, today, this is the last time! In the future, she will be mine. I will try my best to protect her. Even if it is you, I will not allow you to hurt her! "

This is the first time for chubai to fight for his love in front of this man.

In the past, he always hid his love in his heart, because he felt inferior to the man in front of him.

"What's yours? Chu Bai, you go back and ask your people, if they agree that you marry Luo Yanling's sister, and Xi'er is willing, I have nothing to say! "

Huo Mingxiu's face was full of gloom.

"I So what? I leave Chu family and leave here with Xiao Xi! Brother Huo, in fact, I have an advantage over you. At least I didn't do anything to her relatives, and you Although I really don't know much about some things, I know very well in my heart. Brother Luo fell out with you and his brother because of something happened five years ago, and his disappearance, I think Xiao Xi will find out sooner or later that all this has something to do with you. If she knows that you shot her brother and he fell into the cliff, and even the body was not found, do you think she will commit herself to you for the sake of just Roche? "

Chu white words are like needles, which make Huo Mingxiu feel painful.

"Good, good! Let's see if you can protect the woman you like if you lose Chu's protection, power and wealth! As for your commitment, I think, whether it's for Roche's sake or for her brother's revenge, she will not leave me, she will only get closer and closer to me! "

Huo Mingxiu walked by chubai, and his whole body sent out a cold breath, which seemed to come from hell.

"Because of her, no one knows better than me!"

"Huo Mingxiu! I will not give up, even if I don't have the ability to protect her, I will accompany her to face with her

Listening to the roaring male voice behind him, Huo Mingxiu didn't say another word. He raised his foot and walked downstairs.

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