Is Huo Mingxiu related to the military?

Hughes lowered his voice, "his kung fu is not simple. It seems that his father has made great efforts in cultivating him. He should have received regular training since he was a child."

"That's for sure. After all, it was cultivated as the successor of the Huo family!" Luo Lai said with indifference that he knew about Huo Mingxiu's martial arts for a long time.

But Xiusi's eyebrows did not loosen for a long time. This kind of professional and formal training was totally different from his training method.

All he trained were killers, but Huo Mingxiu's skill was absolutely the opposite!

Huo Mingxiu had already jumped to the stone platform where the medicine was put. He carefully observed it with an infrared flashlight. There was absolutely no laser here. A scrap of paper fell down completely on the stone platform. Obviously, there was no high-voltage electricity.

His deep brow a Cu, Luo Lai can let him off so easily?

I can't believe it, but he has to get the medicine!

A sneer spilled from the corner of his mouth outside the monitor.

"So you let him take the antidote?"

"Don't worry, there's something wonderful in the back!" Luo Lai secretly congratulated himself that his secret room still had a mechanism, otherwise he would be laughed at by Hughes.

They continued to look at the screen and watched Huo Mingxiu remove the medicine bottle from the stone platform.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise, accompanied by Huo Mingxiu's action of taking medicine. Although the sound was really small, it was still captured by him.

He put the medicine into the sealed box on his waist, raised his hand and pressed his watch against the stone platform, where a bullet was shot to break the stone platform, revealing the wires buried in the stone platform.

This must be an institution! He picked up the broken stone and threw it out as if it were floating in the water. The stone jumped continuously on the marble floor, and bullets suddenly shot out of the floor. Some didn't, but he obviously found that the color of the marble became lighter. It was obvious that the marble was electrified with high voltage.

Huo Mingxiu didn't hesitate. He pressed the watch again, and the steel wire entangled the chandelier. He chose to jump directly to the gate from above.

It's just that the room is too long. He's hanging in the air, looking at the distance from his position to the gate, which is a little far away.

He shook his body to swing the chandelier to the maximum angle, so that he could fall in front of the door.

Suddenly, the chandelier makes a sound. The connection between the chandelier and the roof is loose. He can't stand it any more. He must let go before the chandelier falls. Otherwise, as the chandelier falls, he will be hit in the place where the laser is most concentrated, and there will be no corpse!

Huo Mingxiu released the chandelier and pressed another button on the ring in the air. The ring ejected a very fine fog, which contained special substances and could temporarily block the laser. But his time is very short, once the fog dissipates, the laser will return to normal work.

The moment he landed on the ground, he jumped up again immediately. He had already remembered several laser positions in front of him, so he finally got out of danger!

"Luo Lai, am I watching Huo Mingxiu's martial arts show?" Hughes chuckled.

Raleigh's face was embarrassed, and his elaborate secret room was despised!

His fingers hit hard on the keyboard. "Hughes, you'll see a good play soon."

At the moment when Luo Lai knocks the keyboard, Huo Mingxiu looks at the stone gate falling from the sky in amazement. He has already used the fastest speed to run, but he is blocked in the secret room by the stone gate.

In an instant, all the marble floors fell to the ground, and a strong current, like a whirlwind, gushed out from the bottom of the earth, and it was about to engulf the whole secret room.

Laurie looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. "How's it going? Are you satisfied with the result, Hughes

Hughes watched the water in the secret room gradually submerge the room, but the expression on his face did not change, and the voice in his lips was still cold.

"Huo Mingxiu is dead. Aren't you afraid your sister will be killed by his people?"

Luo Lai low smile, "I have sent my people to Europe, at this time they should save Roy, even if now did not save, Huo Mingxiu's death temporarily not to Europe, I still have a chance!"

Xiusi's eyes light a convergence, snake like evil eyes light flash. "Good. I wish you success in saving your sister!"


Europe, Ho's headquarters.

Roy looked at the man not far away, for two days. The man kept an eye on her.

"Chubai, have you heard from Sophie? Has she been detoxified? "

She remembers that every time her brother gave people medicine, as long as he mercifully gave them the antidote, those people would soon be OK. Why didn't they get any news for two days?

Chu white chilly eye light a dark, tone is very cold, "where do I know! Why don't you ask your brother? "

For two days, brother Huo didn't have any news. He was going crazy. This woman was still asking him at this time!

Roy pursed his lower lip and looked at Chu Bai's cold face. He didn't dare to say anything more.From time to time in her mind, when she fell to the ground, he hugged her scene.

If Sophie was well, he wouldn't hate her so much, would he?

Roy thought to himself, turning on his tablet with his finger.

"What are you doing? Put it down. Don't try to tip off your brother! " Chu Bai ordered.

"I'm just bored and want to go online to see the tourist attractions. I don't mean anything else." Roy tried to explain.

Chubai steps over and grabs her computer, whose screen shows the picture of Phuket.

He lowered his voice. "Don't watch that, either!"

Roy bit his lower lip, "chubai, I really didn't want to tip off. I was engaged to Huo Ming because I wanted to get out of the island. Now I escape, how can I go back?"

"You and brother Huo are supposed to be married?" Chubai listened to the news in amazement.

"Yes, but Huo Mingxiu didn't let me tell Sophie, but he didn't tell me not to tell you. I think he can tell you."

"Why escape from the island?" Chubai didn't understand. She was a princess there.

"Because I don't like my brother's way, I don't know how many people died there! I tried to persuade him, but it didn't work, but I really couldn't bear to see it. Once he asked his women to compete in martial arts, and several people died that time. I quarreled with his beauty Yilan and wanted to run away from home, but on the island, I couldn't get out without his orders! He told me that I couldn't leave the island with my fiance unless I was engaged. Huo Mingxiu promised to be engaged to me and take me out, so we got engaged, and you'll know everything later! "

"Yes? Since you don't like your brother's way of doing so much, why has there never been any news that your brother and sister broke up? As far as I know, you have a good relationship with your brother. "

Are you kidding? Is it easy to fool him when he is the master of Chu family?

He hasn't been idle these two days. He has made a thorough investigation of Roy. It's said that Lorraine loves her very much!

Roy nodded, "yes, my brother loves me very much. Although I don't like what he does, he is my brother after all. And I know, his heart is also very painful! He hated women because our mother died in the struggle of my father's women. Because of his mother's misfortune, he would hate all women! "

"That's why I want to hurt Xiao Xi? There are so many unfortunate people. Do all unfortunate people have reason to kill? " Chu Bai Qi roars.

Roy shriveled, unable to refute chubai's accusation.

"Don't worry. As long as my brother doesn't cure Sophie, I'll stay with you."

Suddenly, a hasty step came from far and near. Finally, the door of the room was pushed open and someone came in.

"Chu Shao, there are a lot of people attacking us now!"

The bodyguard who came in the door made a report.

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