Hughes frowned. "What's the matter? What about Huo Mingxiu's body? "

Luo Lai's face was also full of surprise. In a flash, his anger was floating.

"Come on! I'll look for all of them carefully, and I'll find Huo Mingxiu! "

He didn't believe it would be!

This secret room is carefully designed by him. No one will disappear here!

But Luo Lai's men searched all over the secret room, but they didn't find a hair of Huo Mingxiu.

"What to do? If Huo Mingxiu didn't die, would he kill Roy? "

At this time, Luo Lai began to worry. Luo Yi disappeared with Chu Bai, and he must still be in Chu Bai's hands.

Xiusi's lips also slightly pursed, slightly heavy, finally overflow a sentence. "As long as Sophie is there, I don't believe Huo Mingxiu dares to make mistakes!"

ROLLAY instantly reaction, "come on, give me to mark Sophie to death, her antidote I also don't give."

He was cruel, and his sister was missing. How could he go to treat Sophie again.

"The antidote can continue to be given. The better Sophie is, the more reluctant Huo Mingxiu will be. Once she dies, she will completely lose the ability to control Huo Mingxiu."

Laurie thought about what Hughes said, as if what he said was very reasonable.

"All right! Then continue to treat, however, can this woman really restrain Huo Mingxiu? It's just a woman. "

On this point, he never understood that although this woman was special enough and attractive enough, it even touched his heart for a time.

But it's just a woman!

If it was him, he would never be held down for a woman.

The corner of Hughes' lips evoked a cold evil smile. "The only person in the world who can control Huo Mingxiu is this woman! If a person wants to be impeccable, he has no weakness, but he just loses on his own weakness! "

Raleigh gave a cold snort. "I hope you're right."

About Hughes, he thought he would never understand.

After Hughes and Lorraine left the chamber of secrets, Hughes did not go back to his residence, but went to the room of Luo Yanxi.

Xiao Lan is taking good care of Luo Yanxi, moistening her lips with warm water and cotton swabs.

"How is she?" Hughes came in and sat by the bed.

Xiao Lan stares at the man who comes in with a cotton swab. She seems to have noticed something. The next moment, she tries her best to control her emotions.

"Nothing changed. Where's her medicine?"

Hughes took out the medicine bottle from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Lan, "give it to her."

Xiaolan takes the medicine, pries open Luo Yanxi's closed mouth with a spoon, and wants to pour the medicine in, but Xiusi stops it.

"Don't pour it directly. She can't swallow yet. Put her stomach tube in, and then put the medical syringe in. She does the same with her nutrient solution."

Small blue Zheng next, "want to feed so into?"? The next gastric tube is very painful, is there no other way? Huo Mingxiu never gave Luo Yan any stomach tube. "

Hughes cold hum a, the corner of the mouth hang of Yin evil let a person can't ignore.

"He can really be a saint of love, but he has to pay a price to be a saint of love! It's a pity that the medicine is given by mouth. Although it's an antidote, it's also another kind of poison! If you don't want to die, do as I say

Xiaolan's heart trembles. Is the antidote poison?

This man is so insidious!

It seems that even if Huo Mingxiu can come back safely today, there will be no good end.

Xiao Lan gives Luo Yan the stomach tube. Obviously, it's uncomfortable to take the tube out of her mouth. Although the girl is sleeping, her eyebrows are frowning.

Xiao Lan pushes the syringe into the tube. "When will she wake up?" She couldn't bear to look at the girl in front of her.

"I think I'll wake up in two days. All right, step back!"

The man raised his hand, fingers gently stroked the small face of the person on the bed, and his attention was all on her.

Xiao Lan condenses Luo Yanxi for two seconds, and then goes out of the room silently. At this time, there are only men and Luo Yanxi left in the room.

"Will you be sad when he dies? A man who is willing to eat poison with you

His fingertips caressed her lips and gave her a pause. "It's ridiculous that I should be jealous of him! Envy that he can love you with his life! It's a pity that you can't escape from me after all! "

He muttered to himself, don't know why, he found the girl's eyebrows light frown, his heart moved.

It's impossible to wake up! Such a complex poison, he can make her wake up in two days, is the limit, now the toxicity is not clear, she absolutely has no possibility to wake up!

"Sleep well! When you wake up again, maybe it's all over. "

His eyes are shining on the slanting sunshine outside the window. If it's all over, can he erase her memory again? Maybe she can be by his side for a lifetime.

On the other side of the earth, it's late at night, and it's dark.However, it doesn't matter whether there is sunshine or not for Roy, because they are hiding in the basement now, even if there is sunshine, they can't get in.

There was only a glimmer of light in the dark, the whole villa was cut off, and the basement was no exception.

"How are you?" Roy is pushing the man who tugs at her. Even in the dark, she can see the blood on him. It's dazzling and terrible.

"Nothing." Because of the blood loss, also because just now with the woman's fierce running, Chu Bai's tone no longer had the previous arrogance.

Roy's lips trembled and his fingers touched the blood on his coat. "Why save me? If you run by yourself, you can certainly run away. "

Her eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, some can't see clearly in front of the scene, but the picture in her mind is very clear.

In the gunfight, the man braved the bullets to save her, and then he used his body to block the bullet to her life!

Fortunately, he took her to the basement that no one knew, otherwise they had become the two ghosts now.

But why save her?

Didn't he hear the man say Sophie was dead?

Sophie's dead, so doesn't she die, too?

The big tears rolled down like broken beads.

"Brother Huo asked me to look at you before he left, so you can't die!"

Chubai cold overflow from the mouth a, yes, is because of this reason!

Roy wiped his tears with his hand. "But what about your injury? You're still bleeding

Chu Bai was very weak at this time. He leaned on the bed and looked around the environment. The room was not big, but although the sparrow was small and had all the necessary things for life, it seemed that it was built for a rainy day.

If so, there should be first aid.

He tried to stand up, but his body just moved, his wounds were involved, his head was dizzy, and he fell back to bed.

Roy holds him. "Tell me what you want, I'll find it."

Looking at the man's suspicious eyes, her heart pricked, "you see, people outside want to kill me, I can't run out by myself? And I don't know how to open this place. "

To tell the truth, she is still confused. She doesn't know how to get in just now. Now she finds that there is no door in this room.

Chubai finally let go of the girl's wrist that he held tightly. This place is shown in the message sent to him by brother Huo before he left. Only he knows the switch position of the room door, so no one will find it even if how many people come here to search for them!

Perhaps, brother Huo had expected such a disaster at that time!

Chu Bai surmised to himself.

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