Luo Lai secretly annoyed, when he in order to deal with the Luo family, embezzle the Luo family's property, used all his own funds. But Luo Yanling's father is too resourceful, not only to keep his family, but also almost short his group to bankruptcy.

The president and wife of the Luo family did not insult their title of Financial Street wizard!

But he can't afford such a result! In order to make up for his losses, he and Hughes cooperated in the development of biochemical species. Because of this project, he attracted the leaders of several national black street organizations, who were very interested in this project and invested a lot of money in him.

With these funds, he has made a lot of money instead of spending a cent.

Of course, this money is also risky. He is in contact with those future buyers. No one knows that Hughes is the initiator of this project! If the east window incident happened, his risk would be much greater than that of Hughes.

Speedboats galloped out of the island, looking for Huo Mingxiu and all the suspicious ships.

Hughes didn't go back to his bedroom. Instead, he sneaked into Raleigh's office building, which had been closed by Raleigh. No one could come in. He jumped up the tree crown, jumped again from the top of the tree, and jumped into the next windowsill, which was Raleigh's study.

He pushed open the window and went straight to the bookshelf. He moved the top book. When the bookshelf was alive, it moved to the left, revealing a safe.

Hughes raised his hand and pressed the code down. Soon, the door of the safe was opened.

But in a flash, Hughes's brow tightened again, because the safe was empty and there was nothing!

Just at this time, a sound of footsteps sounded from behind him. Hughes's eyebrows sank and he didn't choose to run away. Some things were well known and there was no need to run away.

"Hughes, what are you doing in my study?"

Expected sound, Hughes did not have the slightest accident, he turned leisurely, as if he was doing a very normal thing.

"Don't you see that? Do you want me to explain? " His arrogance is like a challenge to Raleigh.

Luo Lai's eyebrows and eyes suddenly sharp up, "Xiu Si, you don't go too far! This project is our cooperation. At this time, you want to steal the evidence of our cooperation. over my dead body! We are grasshoppers on a rope. You can't be alone in this matter! "

Hughes said with a sneer, "it seems that you have already prepared, otherwise you would not empty the safe."

At the beginning, he chose to study his project in Raleigh in order to leave all the risks to Raleigh. He had ordered Raleigh to destroy all the records of their exchanges.

But Kur found out that Lorraine kept a complete record of all their transactions and locked them in this safe.

How could he let those records exist!

"Of course, we're all wolves. Don't pretend to be sheep!" Luo Lai hummed coldly. Last time Sophie and Huo Mingxiu stole the documents, he secretly transferred them all.

"Ha ha Raleigh, you're wrong. I'm a snake! Take those documents if you want! "

Hughes strode past him, his eyes shining like ice.

I didn't want to do it so soon. Let's see he's going to prepare in advance!

Luo Lai's hand is clenched tightly, Xiu Si unexpectedly lets him hold those things, he is helpless such a say, or he wants to have what action?

For Hughes, although they knew each other for a long time, it seemed that he never really knew this man.

Luo Lai's eyes are fixed on the opened safe. He even knows his password!

It's obvious that this man's hand has already reached his side. There must be an undercover agent sent by him!

But who would be the one around him?

Roley looked at the noon sun bright and warm, but his whole body felt a chill, he felt that he was in an unprecedented crisis, his mind came up with the woman, although the woman is not awake, but at least alive! There should be some use!

Contrary to the warm Island, the cold basement.

Roy began to take medicine with Chu Bai. She took all the work here with her foot injury.

But there is one thing that makes her embarrassed, that is, changing the dressing!

According to the manual, this medicine should be changed once a day.

"This medicine, you should change it! I... " She wanted to ask if she wanted to change it for him, but she felt that she was looking for scolding, so she didn't say it after all.

"Please change it for me! Thank you

The man's gentle voice reminded Roy of their first meeting. Did he really stop hating her?

Roy nodded his head, sat down beside him, took off his bandage and changed his dressing.

To tell you the truth, this is the ugliest bandage that Chu Bai has ever seen. That mess can wrap the princess herself.

Well, if he hadn't hurt one of his arms, he really wouldn't have bothered the princess!

Roy hesitates to look at Chu Bai's leg. All his upper body injuries have been finished, but it's just that Do you want to take off his pants?Obviously, you can't change the medicine if you don't take it off!

"It doesn't matter. Take it off for me. I saw it yesterday..."

Chu Bai pretends not to care, he is a good hand, how also can't bandage his wound, can only let her help.

Hearing what he said, Roy's face turned red. "I, I didn't mean to..."

She wanted to explain.

"I know it's my fault. I shouldn't scold you! Do it for me

But the feeling was completely different from that when he passed out. Roy's little face turned red with embarrassment. He closed his eyes, took off his trousers and narrowed his eyes carefully for fear of seeing what he shouldn't see.

Dizzy! Roy, you're too weak! Don't you still want to be an open and free woman? Just look at it and you're afraid of it. In case you find someone you like in the future, how can you take the initiative to fight?

Luo Yi side slightly squints an eye, at the same time secretly in the heart scolds oneself useless.

Chu Bai looked at this shy and afraid girl, secretly funny, where he is a monster? How did you get so scared?

Finally, the wound was bandaged up, and Roy's little face was red to the point of explosion. Fortunately, the dim candlelight can cover up a little of her red face.

She helped him cover up again. "Well, have a rest!"

Finish saying, turn round to walk toward sofa.

"I'll go to the sofa! You sleep here Chubai got up to stand up.

Roy pressed his shoulder, "no, your injury is not good, you sleep here, I can sleep on the sofa."

"Ah Chou..."

Suddenly, she sneezed. It's much colder today than yesterday.

It's winter in Europe. She really doesn't doubt it. Maybe it's snowing outside.

"No, it's too cold. You'll get cold. You'll cover the bed with quilts!" Chu Bai strongly disagrees. Anyway, he is also a man!

"You just lost your fever. You can't freeze any more!" Roy's holding him down.

Chu Bai sank for a moment, for a long time, and then he looked at her. "Otherwise, sleep together! Anyway, the quilt is big enough, if you don't mind... "

Roy hesitated for a moment, but agreed. There's really no other way but this.

She drew herself to the side of the bed and tried to stay away from chubai. She was so sleepy, and she didn't sleep much last night. She almost fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

Rough white looked at the cold curled girl, pulled her into his arms, his eyes by the weak light coagulation in her lips, here he touched yesterday, now look again, unconsciously that kind of wonderful feeling instantly swept his whole body, his eyes are more and more dark.

Chu Bai's heart beat faster and faster. He felt that he was evil. He seemed to want to touch that little mouth uncontrollably and experience yesterday's feeling of intoxication.

His head gradually under, slowly close to lure him forward, lips, a little bit close to her soft lips, her lips are very soft, let him touch do not want to, just want more!

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