When Hughes finished speaking, he watched Raleigh go away and went back to his room.

It doesn't matter if Huo Mingxiu is dead. He needs to quickly develop a medicine that can make Sophie wake up.

Xiao Lan comes to Luo Yanxi's room as soon as possible. Not long after this time, the whole island is sleeping except for the bodyguard who was called away by Luo Lai.

Her eyes fixed the sky outside the window, and now she could only pray.

Luo Lai's speedboat quickly headed for an island on the sea. Unexpectedly, Huo Mingxiu would hide in this position, which was obviously the opposite position from Nancheng.

His people's search focuses on the sea route from Nancheng. No wonder they haven't found it for a day.

Thanks to his order to let everyone continue to search, a flash of fire on the island in the dark attracted everyone's attention. When his men went down to the island, they found that there were many people here.

Obviously, this is the hiding place of Huo Mingxiu!

With a strong wave of his arm, all the people in the speedboat behind him, with guns in their hands, shot at the tents on the island.

Luo Lai now has no mind to play any tricks with Huo Mingxiu. He wants to kill this man so simply and rudely, and then find his stolen things.

But the people on the island also made a counterattack, obviously their firepower was obviously not enough, but the people who were defending and holding down rolai could not land.

In the fierce fighting, Raleigh ordered to fire mortars. The pursuit guns were powerful, and the fire from the island soon weakened.

Raleigh's lips were curving fiercely and coldly. "Increase the firepower, give me a hard bang!"

This time he would blow up the island to pieces!

The sound of gunfire reddened half the night. Gradually, the sun rose in such gunfire.

At this time, Europe was still in the dark. Roy rolled himself up in the quilt. It should be night, she thought.

Here, we can judge the time according to the change of temperature. Now she will feel cold when she hides in the quilt.

She rolled on the bed, hugged herself tightly and looked helplessly at the door that chubai went out.

If she's right, he's been out for a day. At first, she can calm down to wait, but now she can't control her heart, full of wishful thinking.

Sophie died. He hated her brother so much. Would he leave her here?

Her eyes suddenly wet, and quickly shake their heads, get rid of their own ideas.

When he left, he nodded to her solemnly and told her that he would come back!

She believed that he was a good man and that he would do what he said.

This kind of feeling has existed since she first saw him. At the moment of falling, he didn't think about himself. Instead, he held her in his arms and protected her with her arms and hands to prevent her from being hurt. She was just a person he didn't know!

So she believed that he was a good man! A good man who loves women!

He was totally different from her elder brother who abused women, especially the warmth in his eyes, as if he was covered with a layer of light.

At that moment, she wanted to get close to the trowel, but before she got close, he knew that she was Raleigh's sister, and instantly changed face with her.

But after all, he risked his life to save her, didn't he?

"Chubai, I know you won't leave me, but why don't you come back?" Roy's tears meandered down her cheek.

All of a sudden, she raised her head, should not be outside her brother's people have not left, caught him, or hurt it?

She jumped out of bed in fright and ran to the door without putting on her shoes.

She watched Chu Bai go out and knew how the mechanism worked. As long as she wanted, she could go out.

Her hand touched the switch, but she couldn't press it. If she ran to him, nothing would happen. She would only become a burden to him!

Just like this time, he could run away by himself, but he got hurt because he wanted to save her.

Roy's hands are touching the switch back and forth. I don't know what to do?

Finally, as if she had made up her mind, she pressed her lips hard and pressed her hand down. Even if she died, she would make sure that he would die safely again!

The door opened slowly, and she walked out. But before she took two steps, she was brought back into the room by the shadow, and the door was closed by the shadow's backhand.

"I told you not to go out?" The roar of the man seemed to shatter the house.

Roy stared at the man in front of him, suddenly put out his hand around the man's neck and held him tightly.

"Good, you're OK! How nice

She murmured to herself, one head into his arms, thank God he is good, not dead!

Chu Bai's hands hung on both sides of his body, a little stiff, but his chest could clearly feel the moist from the woman's face, because his piece had been wet by her tears.Is she so worried about herself?

"Well, I'm fine."

For a long time, his hand hanging on the side of his body just raised, stayed in mid air for a moment, and finally grasped her shoulder.

He said to her softly. "Roy, I'm fine. All the people outside have withdrawn. I just contacted brother Huo's men, and then bought some thick clothes for us, which delayed our time. I'm sorry to worry you. "

He tried to explain that he had never felt the feeling of being worried by a woman.

It's a bit heartbreaking, but it's very comfortable.

Roy nodded in his arms, but couldn't stop his tears.

"Roy, clean up. Let's go back to south city."

Roy wiped his tears. "Well, I'm going to clean it up."

In fact, there is nothing to clean up, just take the medicine with you.

Chu Bai Ning from his arms turned to take medicine girl, eyes a drop, saw her bare feet.

"Why aren't you wearing shoes? Don't you know you still have injuries on your feet? "

He took a few steps, picked her up and put her on the bed.

"I was worried about you just now, so I forgot to put on my shoes. Not next time."

At this time, her white feet were red by the cold floor, and the wound on her instep, because she walked too fast, stretched the original blister.

"Don't move!" Chu Bai's heart a tight, roared a girl, have never seen so can't take care of oneself of woman.

He took the ointment and spread it on her evenly. He soaked the towel with hot water and wiped the soles of her feet clean.

Because the blister broke, in order to prevent infection, he took a bandage to help her bandage the wound, he did not have a good sharp hand to bear the pain to tie a bandage for her.

"Chu Bai, the injury of your arm..."

Roy wants to stop it. She knows his arm doesn't work.

"Don't move!" He waved her hand away.

Roy did not dare to say a word, even in such a dark room, also can not hide the man's black face. Did she make him angry again?

Bandage wrapped, but his hand did not let go of her feet, her pair of red feet kicked into his arms.

It's said that feet are also a place for women's privacy. Roy's small face is burning and embarrassed to take back her feet. "You let me go..."

She said weakly, coquettishly uneasy, but also mixed with a trace of excitement, he used his chest to warm her feet.

"It's too cold here. If you don't get warm soon, you'll get frostbite." Chu white hair black face also vacated a touch of dark red, his heart beat very fast.

In the silence, there are only two shallow and deep breathing sounds intertwined together, which makes the originally cold hut more and more hot.

Chu Bai's eyes hit the girl's face with her head down. Her thick curly eyelashes are very good-looking, and her soft red lips.

The butterfly like eyelashes trembled, as if noticing the man's eyes, opened his big eyes and looked at him.

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