Luo Yan Xi's face froze for a while, in a flash smile, "you don't eat me to eat."

At the end of the speech, she quickly walked into the dining room to have her breakfast.

Xiaolan knows that she is aphasia, and then she gets up and follows her quickly.

"Xiao Xi, after dinner, we'll go to H city. Your brother said that helicopters are not safe after all. We'll go to the airport later."

Luo Yan Xi Zheng next, "he, he is not to send someone to stare at me?"

Last night, she heard the bodyguard report to Yu Yang that there were Huo family members outside of them.

"Well, those people have withdrawn, and he said he would not stop you any more, so we can go." Xiaolan said softly.

Luo Yanxi chewed the food in her mouth for a long time before swallowing it slowly. Yesterday, she was worried that the fight between the Luo family and the Huo family would hurt these people. Now the result can't be better.

It's just

Her heart is more empty than before.

"OK, I'll finish and we'll go!"

In fact, she put down her meal without taking a few bites. It was originally Xiaolan and Yuyang who sent her to the airport, but Xiaolan finally transferred Yuyang.

She didn't forget what the man said yesterday. The man was so concerned about Yu Yang. She thought it would be better not to let him see Yu Yang around Luo Yanxi, so as not to have any new branches.

The road to the airport was smooth, and they got to the airport soon.

Xiao Lan is responsible for escorting them to the VIP area of the waiting hall.

"Xiao Lan, I want to go to the bathroom." Luo Yanxi said.

"Well, I'll go with you!" Xiao Lan follows her to the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the door, Xiaolan's phone rang and she connected her cell phone. "What's the matter?"

The voice of the bodyguard came from the other end of the phone. "Miss LAN, there is something wrong with the checked luggage. Please come here."

Xiaolan frowned, "how can there be a problem? OK, wait a minute. I'll go right away. "

Xiao Lan signals Luo Yanxi to go first, then turns around and goes out of the bathroom door.

When Luo Yanxi comes out again, the bodyguard standing at the door is also behind her.

Suddenly, a man came face to face.

As the man passed her, he lowered his voice. "Don't you want to know how your parents died?"

Luo Yan Xi immediately stopped, her brain was shocked by the man's words.

The man has walked out of a distance, she quickly turned to chase him.

"Hey, you wait a minute, you talk to me clearly!"

However, the man over there didn't hear her at all and soon turned into a corridor.

Luo Yanxi rushes to the man's neck with a palm, but the man's side body flashes past. She grabs the man's hand again, twists her wrist, carries his hand behind him, and holds him against the wall.

"Do you say it or not?"

Her eyes flashed and her hands were full of strength.

Just at this time, from behind Luo Yanxi came the sound of fighting. I saw several big men fighting with her bodyguards.

Obviously, those professional foreign mercenaries were superior to her bodyguards in terms of martial arts and strength. After a while, those bodyguards were captured.

"Let my men go!"

See their bodyguards captured, Luo Yan Xi forced to the hands of the people, she can see that this person is the head of these people.

"Don't worry, I won't take their lives."

Her bodyguards were stunned by the mercenaries before the man spoke.

But this person's wrist does not know how, unexpectedly shrinks from her hand, instead backhand grasps her.

Luo Yanxi's eyebrows are tight, and this man can shrink his bone.

When Xiao Lan comes back again, there is no Luo Yanxi in the bathroom. She goes back along the way to the VIP area, but finds the stunned bodyguard at the corner of the corridor.

Xiaolan's heart is tight in an instant, Xiaoxi is missing!

She quickly called Yu Yang and asked him to send someone to block the whole airport.

Although Yu Yang has not been sent to protect Luo Yanxi, he is still following her when he comes to see her off today.

When he got the call, he came in the first place.

"How could that be?" Yu Yang runs to Xiao Lan, and his face is furious. Who is so brave that he dares to fight under the eyes of the Luo family!

"See who it is?" Xiaolan makes people wake up those who are knocked unconscious.

"I don't know where it is, but those thugs are all foreign mercenaries." Said the bodyguards.

A shadow rushed over, "what's the matter, is Xi'er in trouble?"

Yu Yang sees the man coming, steps forward and holds his collar. "Huo Mingxiu, what are you wearing? It's you who hid the young lady, isn't itWhen Huo Mingxiu saw that it was Yu Yang, he was thrown away. At the same time, Huo Mingxiu also held his arm with his backhand. His fingers worked hard, and his deep eyebrows lowered with anger.

"What's the matter with Xi'er?" he said

Yu Yang's arm hurt deeply, but he didn't care to use his other hand to pull Huo Mingxiu's collar.

"It's very similar. As soon as our elder sister and younger sister disappeared, you came here. Is that a thief shouting to catch a thief? Don't think we are all idiots. In the South City, besides Huo Mingxiu, who else can do it under the eyes of the Luo family? "

"What did you say? Is Xi'er missing

Huo Mingxiu was stunned for a second, and then his anger flashed out.

"Lan Ke'er! I said she's missing a hair and I'll settle with you! "

His heart suddenly tightens, he has been secretly sent them to the airport, originally just want to quietly watch her plane leave outside the airport, but found that Luo family suddenly blocked the airport, he felt something bad, immediately rushed into the airport, he hoped he guessed wrong, but Yu Yang's words blew up all his illusions.

He has been afraid to let her leave, just afraid of her accident, the result is still an accident!

Yu Yang punches Huo Mingxiu and says, "is it wrong? It's my miss of the Luo family. Do you want to settle with us if you abduct her?"

Huo Mingxiu didn't have time to entangle with Yu Yang. He smashed his fist with one fist and turned to walk out.

"Hello, Huo Mingxiu..." Yu Yang shouts that he is going to chase, but he is stopped by Xiao Lan.

"Don't chase him! He's looking for Xiao Xi. He didn't abduct Xiao Xi. "

Yu Yang looks at Xiao Lan in surprise, "but here only he has the ability to abduct the young lady."

"I know, but he won't make fun of Xiao Xi's life. He takes Xiao Xi's life more seriously than his own!"

Xiaolan said quietly. She believed that since a man like him said he would let Luo Yan go, he would not turn back.

She steps up to chase Huo Mingxiu and wants to discuss with him about saving Xiaoxi.

The whole airport is not only blocked by the people of Luo family, but also checked by the people of Huo family.

"Well, have you found it? The bodyguard said it was several mercenaries who abducted Xiao Xi. " Xiao Lan asked uneasily.

"I checked. There were no foreigners out there." Huo Mingxiu's brow is tightly frowning. With the passage of time, the chance of finding Xi'er is even smaller.

Just then, Huo Mingxiu's mobile phone rings and he gets through.

"Take all the Huo people back!"

At the other end of the phone, Huo Ye's voice rings.

"But Dad, she's missing!"

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