"Huo Xiaochen!"

Huo Mingxiu grabs Huo Xiaochen's collar.

Huo Xiaochen sneered as before. His hand patted the back of Huo Mingxiu's hand. "Cousin, don't forget that your heart is still in my hand!"

Huo Mingxiu's fist clenched and clenched, and finally he was forced to let go.

Huo Xiaochen's chilly laughter, he had never stepped on the man in front of him so happily in his life.

"I'm leaving. I'll see you tomorrow, cousin. You'd better hurry up with the transfer procedures. I'm afraid I can't help swallowing that woman!"

Huo Mingxiu's arms trembled because he held them too hard.

"Master, I'll send someone to follow him. I don't believe I can't find Miss Xi's hiding place."

"He's not so stupid. He'll be wary of our people. He'll call LAN Ke'er and leave it to her. Besides, I'll check the whole city's plan one by one." Huo Ming orders Tao.

His brow frowned, his woman, how could he save her?

Luo Yanxi was in the warehouse, watching the sun set at the window, and the heavy iron door made a harsh clang sound. The man with the silver mask came in again.

His eyes stay on the table, looking at the food are eaten clean, seems very satisfied.

"Come and have dinner." He put his lunch box on the table and picked up the empty dishes.

Luo Yanxi went to the dining table and sat down. Looking at the hot food, her chopsticks picked up the mushrooms in the plate and gently hooked her lips. "Sit down and eat together, Huo Xiaochen!"

Suddenly heard her call his name, Huo Xiaochen whole body trembled, a moment later, he took off his mask with a sneer, "how do you know it's me?"

"Because only those who know me well know that I eat mushrooms every meal. Because I was captured, not only the Luo family but also Huo Mingxiu were threatened. You said, you have no grudge against the Luo family. You are the only one who is familiar with me and can benefit from threatening Huo Mingxiu! Do you use me to promote the position of president of Hodgson? "

Huo Xiaochen's original deliberately low voice also returned to normal.

"Yes! But it's not just for me, it's good for you. Your memory has disappeared. Have you ever thought about why your memory disappeared? Why did you forget him? And who killed your parents? "

"Luo Yanxi, maybe we can cooperate!"

Luo Yan Xi Mou Guang introverted, "cooperation? How to cooperate? "

Huo Xiaochen is condensing the woman who has no wave in the opposite. Her indifference makes him a little surprised. "I can tell you that your parents died because of Huo Mingxiu. Besides, he has a fiancee, so you can't accept such a blow, so you get selective amnesia and choose to forget him. If we cooperate, I can avenge you for killing your father and mother, and get rid of him for you. What do you think of such cooperation? "

"Kill him?" Luo Yanxi is eating the dishes slowly.

"Yes, don't you want to avenge your parents?" Huo Xiaochen asked in reverse.

"What am I going to do?" Luo Yanxi's voice did not fluctuate.

Huo Xiaochen's eyes are deep in this woman's eyes, and he wants to see her emotions, but her eyes are so deep that he can't see anything.

"You don't have to do anything, just stay here and wait for him to fall into the trap."

Luo Yanxi chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed it slowly, "is it so simple? OK, I agree. "

Huo Xiao Chen Zheng two seconds just reaction come over, "you agree?"

He didn't expect that she would agree with him with just a few words. It's so easy that he can't believe it.

However, on second thought, she had forgotten all kinds of things in the past. If she had no love for Huo Mingxiu, she would only have hate.

"Good! Then wish us a happy cooperation Huo Xiaochen said and stretched out his hand.

Luo Yanxi put down her chopsticks and held them with him. The man's fingertips were slightly cold, which made her palm cold. Her hand was about to be pulled out, but the man held it tightly.

She raised her eyes to see him, eyebrow slightly frown, just want to open his mouth let him go, the man first step let go of her hand.

"Eat Huo Xiaochen takes back his hand and gives her cloth.

Luo Yanxi took the mushroom from the man and put it back, "I don't eat mushrooms."

Huo Xiaochen a Leng, "how can? Don't you have to eat every meal? "

Luo Yan Xi Leng hooked his lips, "every meal is forced to eat!"

Just two days after she was hospitalized, the man forced her to eat mushrooms, saying that mushrooms can improve immunity and prevent cancer.

Huo Xiao Chen dull Zheng for a long time, just helplessly hook next lip corner, "next meal won't let them do mushroom for you again."

A meal Luo Yanxi eat very casual, Huo Xiaochen eat very carefully, this is the first time he alone and she eat, only feel his arm will be stiff.

His eyes from time to time hit the woman's face, heart beat so that he could not press down.He once imagined that one day he could be opposite to her and hold her in his hand like Huo Mingxiu, but he never took this illusion seriously and just laughed it off as a dream.

But when all this really came true as he wanted, he only felt that he was still dreaming. This kind of unreal feeling was too strong.

Luo Yan Xi completely ignored the opposite man's state, self-care after dinner, took out a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"It's a good meal. I'm full. Can you take me out for a walk?"

Huo Xiaochen subconsciously put down the bowl, "can!"

But then he regretted it.

Luo Yanxi looks at the man sitting there and laughs at himself, "it seems that I'm being amorous. I really take myself as your partner. I'm your hostage. How can you take me out with ease?"

Huo Xiaochen's face is a stiff, "how can you be the hostage that I capture?"? I'll take you out for a walk! "

Women's words make him unable to refute, do not know why he in front of her, always feel humble dare not resist.

Luo Yanxi's lips were slightly curved. "Well, let's go!"

Huo Xiaochen opens the iron door and the two go out.

Luo Yanxi's eyes glide through the space outside the iron gate. It's still a warehouse, in which you can see a few people, who are the bodyguards who take care of her.

There are lots of warehouses here, one covering the other, almost out of sight. She followed Huo Xiaochen seven twists and turns to walk, walked for a long time, finally arrived outside.

But even when she came out, she found that her idea was too simple.

Even standing here, she still can't figure out where she is now?

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