"Good! I'm worried about no one to talk with me! Xiao Xi, I'll go back first. I've been working hard for you these two days. I'll go back and stew some tonics for you. You and Mingxiu need to mend them well! "

Shu Qing walked out of the door with a smile and did not dare to hinder her son's eyes.

With her son working so hard, she is sure to become a grandmother next year!

Ha ha, think of her happy!

Luo Yan Xiqiang pulls a stiff smile at the corner of his mouth, sees off Shu Qing, turns around and goes back to Huo Mingxiu, and stares at the man in front of him.

"How did you promise to have a baby next year?"

Huo Mingxiu's lips are curved, his big hand pulls the little woman to sit beside him, and his fingers stroke lightly on her abdomen.

"Don't you want to have a baby for me? Xi'er, I want a daughter, give me a daughter! It looks like you

Luo Yanxi's heart suddenly jumps, a home, a man who loves her, a lovely baby, should be the dream of all women!

Her head against the man's shoulder, deeply smelling his body fragrance, this is his taste, even forget all their past, but she still remember this familiar taste.

"The death of your parents has something to do with Huo Mingxiu!" Don't know why Huo Xiao Chen's words, suddenly flash in her brain.

Leighton, "OK." Gently a good word, this is her lifelong commitment.

No matter what the past is, let it go!

She didn't believe that a man who loved her so much would do anything to hurt her!

It's just that things are not as good as she wants, even if she really wants to forget.

Luo Yan Xi feeds the man to finish his breakfast. Seeing that there is still a lot left over, he thinks of Chu Bai and Luo Yi. They should not have had breakfast yet.

She went to Roy with the incubator. But I don't know that her every move falls into other people's eyes.

A figure came to Chu Bai's ward and followed her. That insidious Mou son dead coagulates Luo Yan Xi's back figure.

"Roy, godmother has brought breakfast. Have some, too!" Luo Yanxi enters the room.

After serving chubai, Luo Yi is about to buy breakfast when he sees Luo Yanxi coming in.

She closed the door with her backhand, and didn't want chu Bai to see Luo Yanxi.

"No, I'm going to buy it!" Luo Yi's heart knot a knot in one's heart, if Chu Bai loves Luo Yan Xi, Luo Yan Xi also loves Chu Bai, she will silently bless them.

But Luo Yanxi shouldn't play with chubai! This makes her very angry!

"This is made by godmother. Xiaobai used to eat it. I think he would like to eat the food at home." Luo Yanxi explained.

Luo Yi's Mou Guang a burst of fierce, "Luo Yan Xi! Are you coming to show your love to chubai? "

Luo Yanxi was startled by Luo Yi's remarks. She just came to deliver breakfast.

"No, Roy, you misunderstood! I don't have that relationship with Xiaobai! "

"But he loves you! If you give him porridge again, he will misunderstand your feelings for him. Luo Yanxi, since you don't like him, don't bully him any more! "

Luo Yanxi takes a deep breath, and then he knows that there is a big misunderstanding.

She bent down the corner of her lip, reached out to hold Roy's hand, "Roy, do you want to hear the story of Huo Mingxiu and me and Xiao Bai? When you're done, you'll know. "

Roy blinked her bushy eyelashes, pausing, then saying.

"Well, tell me about it! I listen

She'll see what excuse she can give.

Although Luo Yanxi forgot about himself and Huo Mingxiu, Huo Mingxiu told her more or less, for example, she was raised by him, for example, she was his little woman from birth!

And she remembers everything about Xiaobai, which she can tell Roy very clearly.

"Let's go to the garden and talk!"

Luo Yanxi and Luo Yi come to the garden bench together. Luo Yanxi began to talk about the relationship between the Luo family, the Huo family and the Chu family since she was born. Of course, these are what she remembers.

In her memory, without the death of her parents, without the antagonism between the Luo family and the Huo family, everything was so beautiful!

After a long speech, Luo Yan looked at Luo Yi with a smile, "so you should understand now that Xiao Bai and I are just friends, right? He's my good friend, my blue confidant, that's all

Roy finally understood the relationship between all the characters.

"Wait a minute, you said you were with Huo Mingxiu since childhood? Then why do you have something to do with the young master of the Qin family? "

She clearly remembers what Luozi told her.

"Who said I was with Qin Peng?" Luo Yanxi was surprised. How could there be such a rumor?

"You don't have to worry about that. You tell me first, don't you?" Asked Roy.

Luo Yanxi shook his head, "no, in the bar that year, Qin Peng wanted to plot against me, but I was saved. I love only one person, that is Huo Mingxiu! Besides, we are getting married soon. You should know the skill of Huo Mingxiu. If Qin Peng really has anything to do with me, can he still live? "Roy pondered for a moment, as if what Luo Yanxi said was very reasonable. How could a man like Huo Mingxiu allow his own woman to betray him?

It seems that he really wronged Luo Yanxi. It turned out that Luo Ziyu was cheating her!

Roy was so angry that she almost lost her good friend.

"Luo Yanxi, I know that I will never believe those people's nonsense again!"

"Can you tell me who's talking nonsense?" Luo Yanxi asked.

Roy opened his mouth, slightly heavy, "nothing, just some rumors, you can rest assured, I will never believe it again."

Huo Mingxiu told her that Luo Yanxi lost her memory. She couldn't mention Luo Ziyu in front of her, so she chose to be silent at this time.

"All right. Roy, I always regard you as my friend. By the way, do you like Xiaobai? "

Roy's face was flushed, and nodding was the default.

"That's great. I hope you two get married when you have a lover!" She really hopes Xiaobai can find her own happiness.

Roy sighed. "Unfortunately, he doesn't like me!"

"Why? You didn't see how nervous he was yesterday. He had you in his heart, but he didn't know it. When he saw his heart clearly, he would understand it! "

Roy nodded and gave a sweet smile, which she hoped would be the same.

"Roy, is there something I can ask you?"

Luo Yan Xi's heart also has a knot in one's heart, has not been untied.

This time, she also wanted to make it clear that after all, she promised to stay with sister Huo Ming and have children.

"What's the matter, say it!"

"I lost my memory, but I remember you and Huo Mingxiu kissing on the island! Have you ever loved him? "

Luo Yanxi's voice was a little hoarse. She used a lot of perseverance to force herself to ask.

Her heart was trembling, for fear of getting answers she didn't want to hear.

Roy was stunned and gave out a silver bell like laugh. "It was that time! It turns out that someone is really behind us. Is that you who ran away? Ha ha... "

Luo Yanxi pulled his lips awkwardly, "don't laugh, then you..."

She didn't dare to ask the following questions.

Roy half a day to stop his laughter, "Luo Yan Xi! How could I fall in love with him! That bully big ice, you can stand him. I love a warm man, just like chubai, who is careful and considerate to women, and never cold faced. Also, at that time, he asked me to help him steal the documents, and I also asked him to find a way to take me away. I just teased him on purpose. We really have nothing to do with each other! "

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