"Yes! The less important Luozi is, the less important everyone is, except you! Xi'er, believe me, the reason why I keep her here is to eradicate Huo Xiaochen. "

It turned out that she knew about Luo Ziyu. No wonder she would faint.

In a flash, Huo Mingxiu found another important problem.

"Luozi has been looking for you more and more, hasn't he? What did she say? "

"She said that she was your fiancee, just like Roy. She also said that you killed my parents. She said that you just wanted to use me to stabilize my brother, and then look for an opportunity to destroy our Luo family."

Huo Mingxiu's hand suddenly holds the woman's small face, and his eyes are directly in her already dim eyes.

"Tell me, do you believe it? Tell me

"Are you going to tell me that none of this is true?" She asked back. She wanted to believe him, but all the facts contradicted what the man said.

"Yes! None of this is true! "

Huo Mingxiu's eyes were so bright that he could swear to heaven that they were not true!

Luo Yan Xi's eyes are all men's resolute eyes, which don't allow her to have half of doubt.

"Well, I believe you!"

Believe for the last time, just for his love for her!

Huo Mingxiu's heart moved. He took her into his arms and held her tightly, as if to embed her into his body.

If he can, he really wants to embed her in his body, so that she will never leave him again!

"Xi'er, I'll let you know that you didn't believe me wrong!"

Luo Yan Xi closed her eyes and deeply absorbed the fragrance of men's body. The unique smell is the taste of her infatuation.

She read silently in her heart, hoping that he would not let her down!

Because, even without the memory of the past, she could not extricate herself from falling in love with him!

For a moment, she reached out and pushed the man who held her tightly. "By the way, how's Roy? What about the children? "

Huo Mingxiu's arm loosened slightly. "They're all right. They're safe. Don't worry about them. Tell me first, what happened? "

He has to find out the truth, so that those who cling to this matter can not say a word.

"Luo Ziyu followed me all the time, and then told me something about the past. I can't accept the fact that she's your fiancee. I want to remember everything before, but my head aches, and then I faint. When you open your eyes again, you will be awakened by the crowd. "

Huo Mingxiu's eyebrows frowned tightly. This matter was not done by Xi'er at all, but now he has no evidence at all!

He picked up the remote control, raised his hand, turned on the screen on the wall and called up the images captured by the surveillance cameras.

At that time, in the banquet hall, it was the seconds when Xi'er pushed Roy. Now he turned the video forward. It was the video of her walking to the bathroom.

The picture is very clear. Luo Ziyu is really behind her. When she finds out Luo Ziyu, she turns around and confronts her. Although there is no voice, it can be seen what they are talking about.

Luo Yanxi squats on the ground holding his head in pain, but the picture suddenly stops in this period, and all the pictures freeze. About a few seconds.

When it was played again, she still squatted there. When Roy appeared, she pushed him to the stairs.

"How could that be? I didn't push! "

Luo Yanxi's heart is pulled up, and there seems to be no flaw in the picture, but she certainly didn't push it by herself. How can a faint person still be able to hurt others?

"I know you didn't push it, you watch the time on these videos!" Huo Mingxiu reversed the picture again.

This time, Luo Yanxi stares at the little time under the video. From the pause of the picture to the start of the play, the time is still, and there is a difference of 5 or 6 seconds.

"How could that be?" Luo Yanxi couldn't understand what these meant?

Huo Mingxiu's face was cold. "Someone interfered with the shooting of the monitor and made the picture freeze. Because it's just a few seconds, no one will pay attention to this, but a few seconds to steal is enough. "

Luo Yan Xi's eyebrow center a tight, "interference monitor's shooting?"

"Yes! But most people don't have this kind of jammer. Even if you have money, you can't buy it unless it is Army! I didn't expect Huo Xiaochen to have this hand. But now these are not the key points. It's the most important thing to find out the person who pretends to be and frames you. You have a rest here, and I'll check all the surveillance videos to see what's suspicious. "

Huo Mingxiu stood up, took out a mobile phone to Luo Yanxi, "call me if you have something, don't go out, wait for me to come back!"

His hand caressed the top of her soft hair for a moment before leaving the lounge.

Luo Yanxi holding a mobile phone, secretly funny, she is now naked wrapped in the quilt, is it difficult for her to run?

Huo Mingxiu comes to the monitoring room, and his men are busy getting all the videos."Did you find the video of Luo Ziyu at the time of the crime?" Men's voice through the shares of cold, cold eyes swept a circle, the final set on those screens.

Meng Lei immediately called out the video, "this is the video after she came out from the corridor. Master, you see, she is chatting with the ladies. From the time on the monitor, when Miss Xi pushed Roy, she was not present."

Huo Mingxiu nodded, one of his ideas was shattered.

"Find out if anyone else has been there during this time."

"No, from Miss Xi and Luo Ziyu into the monitoring range, and then to Luo Yi's accident, no one passed there again."

Meng Lei's words make Huo Ming frown tightly. He knows that someone deliberately framed him, but he can't find any evidence.

"Then look for Huo Xiaochen's picture and see if he has gone."

Of course, the results of the investigation let Huo Mingxiu down again. Huo Xiaochen didn't attend the banquet at all!

This time, he was really trapped in a dead end and couldn't find an exit at all.

In a dead silence, Huo Mingxiu's mobile phone rang and he got through.

"Mingxiu, did you find out about Xiaoxi?" Shu Qing's voice came from the phone.

Naturally, she would not doubt the girl she raised by herself. She believed that someone deliberately did this to frame Xiao Xi.

But after such a long time, Xiao Xi was still locked up. She couldn't sit down any more and came from Huo's house in a hurry.

"Not yet, mom. I'll find out. I'll let you know if there's any information!"

Obviously, Shu Qing is very dissatisfied. "It's almost a day. How did you find out? No, Xiao Xi hasn't eaten for a day. You ask the bodyguard to open the door. I'll go in and see Xiao Xi. "

Huo Mingxiu was so surprised that he immediately stood up from the chair, "Mom! You stand still, I'll be right there

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