Luo Yanxi also carefully looked at the three pictures, and finally found the difference.

The corner of her lips has drawn a charming radian. As expected, her man is smart enough!

Huo Mingxiu smiles back at the woman, then looks at the suspicious crowd, "didn't you find out? There is an important difference between the three pictures, that is, the jewel hairpin on Luo Yanxi's head. This hairpin has been worn on her head, from her conversation with Luo Ziyu to being found. But just as she was pushing Roy, the hairpin disappeared from her head. "

Huo Xiaochen's hand tightly clenched, he ignored this problem, but who would have thought of this at that time?

Director Wang finally understood what Huo Mingxiu meant and immediately retorted, "maybe she took it off herself and put it on again?"

"Yes, didn't you notice? Just now, the video was fixed in the middle for a few seconds. I think she must have used this time to take off the hairpin. "

Luo Ziyu immediately put forward her point of view.

Hum, he wants to prove that the person pushing Roy is not Luo Yanxi? Don't think about it. This time we must take Luo Yanxi's life!

Huo Xiao Chen's Mou light instantaneously chilly shoots to Luo Zi Yu, almost didn't shoot through this woman.

His hand clenched and opened again. If he could, he really wanted to strangle the bad woman now.

Huo Ming repaired the corner of his lips and said, "thank you. Luozi has found such an important problem. You should also notice that this picture was frozen for a few seconds. Moreover, not only the monitor, but also the video recorded by the monitor in this corridor on that day was frozen for a few seconds. "

"I've had our engineers check all the monitors, and there's nothing wrong with our monitors. But can let our monitor appear such problem, can only be someone used the military jammer, interfered with our monitor work! From the first monitor in the corridor to the monitor at Luo Yanxi's location, freeze frames appear in sequence. This situation only shows that someone uses the freeze frame of the picture to run from one end of the corridor to her location, and then steal the beam and change the pillar. And then he sent Luo Yanxi to the storeroom at the top of the corridor in the same way! "

Clothes can buy the same, people can find similar, but the Platycodon flower hairpin, it is his custom, guarantee unique!

"It's just your own inference. Do you have any evidence?" Huo Xiaochen can't keep his breath and asks. He thinks he's perfect this time, but he doesn't expect to be caught by Huo Mingxiu.

And Luo Ziyu's face is more pale. He didn't expect that he was going to put Luo Yan to death, but he became a breakthrough for her.

"Yes! Xiao Chen is right! It's not that we don't believe you, but you have to come up with solid evidence. "

Director Wang's words are no longer as tough as before. After spending so many years in the Jianghu, he can still smell the smell of conspiracy.

I just thought that this disaster was harming people again. I didn't expect that someone was setting up this disaster this time!

His Mou light twisted one eye Luo Yan Xi, unexpectedly she also has been framed one day.

Huo Mingxiu nodded, "of course there is evidence! After I found the problem with this video, I was wondering where the person who replaced Luo Yanxi was hiding and could appear in such a short time, and how did the woman you get into the building? Why didn't all the monitors detect her

"So I tuned out all the videos of the day before and after Luo Yanxi was arrested, and I found this! Look, everyone

As soon as he pressed his finger, another video appeared on the screen. The picture showed a woman wearing a hat and a wide dress. However, the woman lowered her head. With the woman's wide sunglasses and scarf, no one could see her face. And the woman was carrying a big leather bag with a bulge inside.

"This woman never came out of the hallway the night before, and there was no information about her check-in the day before yesterday. The following video shows the woman appearing in the corridor again after Luo Yanxi was caught. I sent someone to search the storeroom. This is a piece of evening dress hanging on a nail from the closet of the storeroom. And Luo Yanxi's evening dress was not damaged, and when we found Luo Yanxi, she was unconscious on the ground and had never been to the closet! I don't think I need to say more? "

With the fall of the man's voice, Luo Yanxi finally understood the whole thing. The woman had been lying in ambush in the storage room the night before. When she fainted the next day, the woman came to replace her, and she was sent to the storage room.

When the woman finished pushing Roy, she ran back to the storeroom and hid in the closet! But the Huo family came after her and only saw her fainting on the ground. Naturally, she would not open the closet.

Luo Yanxi also tried to recall the situation at that time. Yes, before she fainted, she seemed to smell a very fragrant smell.

As soon as her eyebrows tightened, she always thought that she had fainted. It turned out that someone had confused her. At that time, only Luo Ziyu was with her.

All the directors looked at each other and everyone looked at director Wang.

Originally so aggressive forced Huo Mingxiu to kill Luo Yanxi, but did not expect to wronged others!Just at this time, Meng Lei came in, "master, the people of the Luo family said that they want to find you a way to detain Miss Luo! If the Huo family imprisons Miss Luo innocently, the Luo family will not sit by and do nothing! Now their people are at the place where our two forces are transferring. Our people see them using heavy weapons. "

Huo Mingxiu nodded. The time was just right.

"I know!"

He turned to Director Wang and other directors and said, "I don't know what's your opinion? If you insist on dealing with Luo Yanxi, at least give the Luo family a reasonable explanation. "

All the directors were awkwardly silent.

Director Wang said, "there is a misunderstanding. Someone wants to frame Miss Luo. We don't know that. Please explain to the president and the Luo family

"But I'm the one who ordered the arrest. I'm afraid that if I want to explain, the people of the Luo family may not be willing to listen!"

Huo Mingxiu put on a big posture.

Director Wang is secretly biting his teeth. It's revenge and challenge! He forced him to lock up Luo Yanxi. This boy, now he wants to seek justice for this woman!

He pulled a stiff smile on his face and walked to Luo Yanxi, "Miss Luo, I think you'd better explain this to Mr. Luo. After all, it's just a misunderstanding! What's more, it's not good for the Luo family if they really want to fight with each other, and it will make Mrs. Huo worry, don't you think? "

He is not afraid of fighting, but he should fight reasonably. If he really wants to open fire now, the Huo family will only become the public enemy of all groups and families.

Luo Yan Xi's lips hook out a smile, the old fox moved out of the Luo family and Ganma to pressure her!

However, she knows that this is a man to earn her face, do not want other people can easily doubt her, bully her!

"I can explain to the Luo family. Don't you know if I can go now?"

Director Wang was embarrassed. "Of course, thank you very much, Miss Luo!"

"I'll take you!" Huo Mingxiu got up and took the little woman out of the hall.

As soon as he got into the car, he couldn't wait to hold the little woman in his arms!

Luo Yanxi buried his head deeply in his chest and breathed his breath. Fortunately, she believed him!

Luo Ziyu and others quit, quietly walking behind the crowd.

Huo Xiaochen has motioned to her with his eyes not to let her go! She didn't venture out of the hall.

Her heart was trembling, and she didn't know how the man would torture her again.

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