Luo Yanxi's mouth curved. Just now so many people were in chaos. She didn't pay attention to this. It turns out that Xiaobai has made up with Luo Yi!

Xiaobai can get happiness, her heart is finally down, otherwise, she always feel owed Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai and Roy, it's time to treat you to wedding candy?"

Roy's little face turned red instantly and looked at Chu Bai with a shy smile.

Chu Bai continued to feed her, "if you want to eat wedding candy, let your man let my daughter-in-law go first!"

He had already chosen all the rings, but now his own woman is still under the name of Huo Mingxiu.

Luo Yan Xi Lala Huo Mingxiu's hand, "can you explain that Luo Yi is Xiaobai's fiancee?"

Huo Mingxiu stares at Chu Bai. How old is the smelly boy? He is anxious to hold his wife. He and his brother haven't married his daughter-in-law home yet!

"Not yet. When Huo Xiaochen and Luo Ziyu are all caught, they will return your daughter-in-law to you."

At that time, he must do the wedding first. The children are later than him. He has to fight for the first place in marriage.

Chu Bai's face was instantly depressed, and his hand touched Luo Yi's abdomen. "That can be faster. Can't wait until Luo Yi's stomach is big to let her wear a wedding dress?"

Huo Mingxiu's mouth is hard to draw, this kid has to get up, isn't the kid finished? Wait for him to work overtime to build one, and see how he can get away with it!

"If you want to finish it quickly, you have to help. Isn't Roy OK? You don't have to watch every day. "

"That's not good. Roy can't live without people." Chu Bai can't trust to give his wife and children to others now!

"Not the best bodyguards. They're watching 24 hours a day. It'll be OK!"

Even if Huo Mingxiu said so, chubai was still reluctant to leave. Finally, Roy spoke, and he reluctantly followed Huo Mingxiu to leave.

After Huo Mingxiu sent Luo Yanxi back to his old house, he and Chu Bai went to the company to discuss countermeasures. Late at night, he received an anonymous phone call.

"Mr. Huo, your fiancee Luozi is in my hands. If you want your fiancee, you can exchange it with luoyanxi!"

"Who are you?" Huo Mingxiu's brow flashed the anger of biting people. This person used a voice changer, and he couldn't hear this person's voice at all.

The man sneered, "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that if you want Luo Ziyu, you have to use Luo Yanxi! I'll give you a day, and I'll call you at noon tomorrow to let you know the location. "

Then the man hung up.

Huo Mingxiu's hand slapped on the table. Who is this man? Why should I cherish my name?

Because it was a quiet night, Chu Bai sitting beside Huo Mingxiu heard clearly.

"Brother Huo, what happened?"

It's just a wave. They haven't even found Huo Xiaochen's handle. How can someone come out to make trouble?

Huo Mingxiu's fingers quickly fiddled with his mobile phone. For a moment, he dropped it on the table. "The mobile phone he used has anti tracking function, but he can't find the location of this person!"

Chu Bai's brain turns, "Huo big brother, this person can't be Huo Xiao Chen? The medicine found in the utility room was suspended in the laboratory. It seems that Huo Xiaochen doesn't really want Xiao Xi's life. It looks like he wants Xiao Xi! "

Huo Mingxiu's whole body was shrouded in a spirit of killing, "you stay here."

He got up and left.

Chu Bai grabbed Huo Mingxiu and said, "wait, you're not going to find Huo Xiaochen alone, are you? It's too dangerous

No one knows what that man can do!

Huo Mingxiu snorted coldly and waved Chu Bai's hand, "don't worry, if he wants to win the position of president, he won't dare to kill me, otherwise he will be dismembered by the whole Huo family! He can still settle the account. "

Chu Bai helplessly looks at the back of the man who strides away. His eyebrows are locked. He wants to follow Huo Mingxiu, but there must be someone here.

A small villa, immersed in the darkness, even without street lights.

Huo Mingxiu with memory, went to the villa, opened a window from the outside and jumped in.

He is no stranger here. He used to be sent here by Huo ye to see Huo Xiaochen, who is weak and sick.

Along the stairs to the second floor, a woman's pain whimper sound, ring in this dark night, people just feel that this building is more sinister and terrifying.

Huo Mingxiu kicked open the door of the bedroom. The people inside were stunned for a moment, then they stopped their action and put away the whip.

The woman had red marks all over her body. Although the whip could not break people's skin, she was kneeling on the bed and being beaten at the same time. The pain she had to endure could be imagined, and her mouth was still stuck with adhesive tape.

Huo Ming Xiuning glanced at the woman with scattered hair. He had heard that Huo Xiaochen had slaves, but today he saw them for the first time.

Huo Xiaochen pushed the woman aside and came down from the bed, "cousin, how come you don't call in advance? If you are interested in watching, I can get more women to show you. Has my cousin played this? Do you want to try? "Huo Mingxiu came forward and grabbed Huo Xiaochen's neck, "asshole! Are you still human? "

Huo Xiaochen sneered coldly, "have you ever treated me as a person? I'm just a stain of the Huo family that is despised by thousands of people! My father is Huo Hao, not Huo Ye! I'm just the one you gave and raised who can't see the light. Do you even ask me if I'm human? "

Huo Mingxiu's brow lowered, "Huo Xiaochen! Your father killed his father and framed his brother. It's kind to him not to kill him. What's more, the Huo family has never been kind to you, and they have never given you the best school, so that you have no worries about food and clothing. What's not the same as mine? "

Huo Xiaochen clutched Huo Mingxiu's collar, "is it the same? The same school, but you in school is the son of heaven, and I was just the object of spit. You accept all people's compliments, I accept all people's cold eyes. Food and clothing? Huo Mingxiu, don't tell me that the servants you sent are not to spy on me! "

"Also, every month my father and I are waiting for your living expenses! So because of this, do you think we should be grateful? Your father is just born into the belly of the first wife, while my father is just a son of a bitch. Fortunately, you are Huo Ye's son. Unfortunately, I am Huo Hao's son. Do you think you're great? If not for Huo Ye's support, I would have replaced you! I want to be in your position and do better than you

Huo Mingxiu sent Huo Xiaochen's neck away, "very good! So did Da en get into a feud? I've been pretending to be my grandson for so many years. Today I finally speak my mind. Huo Xiaochen, I gave you a chance, and you didn't do it to me once or twice. But I warned you, you can challenge me, but you can't pity me! "

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