Luo Yanxi's hands hold those contracts to death. Because of this, they will kill her parents!

Huo Mingxiu, why, why do you do this?

Her parents had already written a will and gave her half of the shares of the Luo family. That is to say, as long as they get married, Huo Mingxiu will get half of the shares of the Luo family because of their marriage.

Can't he wait for those shares?

Her teeth were biting her lower lip. She had tasted the smell of fishy sweetness, but she didn't feel pain.

"Now, our common enemy is Huo Mingxiu! We can work together to destroy him and his company. Of course, I'm your enemy. Now I can promise that after Huo Mingxiu is removed, we can fight fairly. If you can kill me, I won't have a complaint, and I won't let my men go to you for revenge. How about that? "

Said Lorraine in a faint voice.

His Mou Guang congeals on the face of Luo Yan Xi, the despair of woman Mou bottom, absorb his Mou Guang.

He closed his eyes in pain, and his mother's dying eyes appeared in his mind, which was also such despair!

"Rest first! Huo Mingxiu should come to save you. I'm going to prepare. "

Luo Yanxi didn't hear what Luo Lai said at all. She was completely immersed in the despair of her parents' death and being betrayed by her man.

Huo Mingxiu's people lie in ambush around the mountain. It's a big mountain with dense jungle. If you want to search in the mountain, it's like looking for a needle in the sea.

He's activated the satellite to detect every move in the mountains.

Just then, when his mobile phone rings, it's Shu Qing's phone.

"What time is it? Why haven't you brought Xiao Xi back? It's time for dinner, you two, come back quickly

Shu Qing's urging is like a knife cutting Huo Mingxiu's heart, to eat reunion dinner, he lost his favorite woman!

His voice choked, "I'm going back!"

He hung up the phone, eyes deep in the mountains.

He believed that the man's choice of Dongshan was not a spur of the moment, but a full preparation. The mountains here are steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. That man would never let him find their hiding place so easily.

He turned back, arranged the deployment, left Meng Lei with people here to continue to find their hiding place.

When I returned to Huo's old house, it was already dark, and the old house was surrounded by lights inside and outside. He was staring at the light. Unfortunately, no warm light could warm his heart at this time, because there was no woman he loved in the light!

He walked into the door step by step with heavy steps, playing back the sweet smile when the girl pulled him away.

She trusted him so much, and he was so confident that he could bring her back.

But now, he wants to smoke himself, even his own woman can not protect!

When Shu Qing heard the servant's report that the young master was back, she rushed out.

"Why? Why is it just you? What about Xiao Xi? "

Huo Mingxiu's face twitched, and he didn't say anything coldly.

Every word to be said is a dagger to stab him.

Huo ye also followed him, "just come back. It's time to have dinner. After dinner! Today, director Wang and several other directors are here with their families. Huo Xiaochen is also here. Mingxiu, you know what to do! We have a long way to go

Huo Mingxiu looked at his father and nodded, "well, I'll go upstairs and take a bath first!"

With that, he turned to Luo Yanxi's bedroom.

Shu Qing is completely in the same place, until Huo Ye's figure is about to leave, she suddenly reacts, grabs the man and shouts, "stop! Tell me clearly, what's going on? "

Huo Ye brows a pressure, "wait for the guest to leave again, don't forget you are Huo's female Lord! Do what you have to do

Thinking about her son's expression and her husband's words, Shu Qing already feels that something has happened to Luo Yanxi, "Huo Ye! I tell you, if something happens to Xiao Xi, I won't forgive you all my life! "

She is so worried that if she didn't worry about the guests in the living room, she would have quarreled with Huo Ye.

Huo Ye's step stops, his eyebrows drop down, his hand hanging on his side clenches tightly, and then suddenly releases it. A touch of sadness flashes across his face, and then there is a sense of desperation between his eyebrows. "Don't let me remind you of your identity again!"

The child had been in front of him for more than ten years, just like a daughter in his eyes.

If he can keep it, he believes that his son will bring her back! Now the situation can only show that the opponent is stronger than they think!

Shu Qing is biting her lip hard. She really wants to say that if she can't keep Xiao Xi, what's the use of her identity as Huo's mistress!

Huo Mingxiu went into the room. The bed in the bedroom was still in a mess. Because they were in a hurry, they didn't have time to clean up.

His eyes closed painfully, he could imagine how much she would hate him!Wait for me! Xi'er!

His hand touched the pillow, which was full of the fragrance of her hair. He picked up the pillow and sniffed it deeply. Only her breath could comfort his empty heart.

His eyes fell on the Yellow charm under the pillow. He took it up and looked at it again. Finally he could see the words clearly. His hand held the charm tightly in his hand.

Pain, has been unable to express!

Luo Ziyu was sent here temporarily, so he had the honor to eat here.

She took advantage of Huo Xiaochen to go to the bathroom, quietly followed up.

"We can't let Luo Yanxi come back alive! This is the best chance to get rid of her. Don't forget how she ruined our chance. "

Huo Xiaochen looks back at the woman coldly, "who kidnapped you in the end?"

"I don't know! Don't look at me like that. I really don't know. I just think he doesn't look the same as us, but his staff are very powerful and he has a lot of money. He said that he was Huo Mingxiu's enemy. I hope he can kill Huo Mingxiu for us. "

Luozi more hook lips angle sinister smile.

Huo Xiao Chen's lips Cape also coldly starts, "don't worry, this time even if he can't kill, I will also help him to kill.". It seems that you should get rid of the baby in Roy's stomach earlier, otherwise it will be difficult to do

"I understand!" Luo son more tiny Yang her chin passes by Huo Xiao Chen's side. Seems to have seen their own success in sitting on the Huo's position.

But she had to think about what to do with Roy.

In the silent night, the waffles prepared a table of food.

"No matter what, the meal is still to be eaten." She took Luo Yanxi to sit at the table.

Looking at Luo Yanxi and Luo Lai, she still hopes to make a couple of them.

"Would you like a drink?" A bottle of red wine was handed over by the Waldman.

To be honest, Luo Yanxi wants to get drunk.

What will Huo's old house look like now? Luo Ziyu goes back, and she has his children. The Huo family will be very busy. It should not change anything because of her lack.

Take the bottle with your hand, fill your glass and drink it at one go.

Ridiculous! At this time, she is still trying to kill her parents' enemies!

On the second pour, Lorraine took her bottle.

"It's for you to eat, not for you to drink. Your current physical condition is not suitable for drinking this."

Luo Yan Xi low smile, "yes, I still have a lot of things to do, still can't drunk!"

She began to pick up chopsticks random clip food, do not know what they eat, just mechanical swallowing, only eat, her body will not collapse, she must be strong for her parents to face all this!

Suddenly, a few shots came from the forest. Luo Lai's face sank and he got up and went out.

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