"What do you want?" Luo Yanxi asked tentatively.

Luo Lai's lip cape is hooking up to put on an insidious smile, "I really want to know, if I threaten him with your life, what will he do?"

Luo Yan Xi's eyebrows sank and his heart suddenly tightened. What would he do?

Looking at the woman with a dignified expression, Raleigh said. "Don't worry, we won't really do anything to you. Besides, we have to implement our plan to let you see a good play in the afternoon."

Luo Yan Xi nodded, can not say what kind of taste in the heart at this time.

When Huo Ming and Chu Bai discuss the next step, his mobile phone receives a text message.

Arrive at Dongshan at two o'clock in the afternoon, or you will send your people to the West.

He handed his mobile phone to chubai, "look at it."

Chu white eyebrow a wring, "he is testing you is really critically ill."

Huo Mingxiu's deep eyes were introverted, "I'm afraid it's not just for this. Has Roy arranged it there?"

"Well, it's all arranged." Chubai replied.

"That's good. Raleigh wants to play games with me, so we'll play with him to the end. In the afternoon, you go to save Xi'er. "

The time soon arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon. Chubai took people to the appointed place according to the time set by Raleigh. From a distance, I saw a woman hanging on the cliff. The woman's head was low and her face could not be seen.

Chu Bai screamed with fright. "Xiao Xi!"

Under the cliff here is a piece of gravel. If you fall down, you will die.

The woman hanging on the rope, with all her blood, did not move, and was obviously in a coma.

Chu Bai's heart is aching. Even if he has no feelings for Xiao Xi now, he still has feelings for his family. When he sees that his family and friends are like this, he will not accept it.

"Come on, go up and save people." He's completely lost his mind and just wants to save people.

However, it is obvious that Luo Lai has set up an ambush here. The people hiding on the cliff keep shooting down with submachine guns, and Chu Bai's people can't get up at all.

Luo Yanxi stands on the other side of the cliff and looks at the people below. He has to say that what Luo Lai arranged is really a good play. It turns out that the person who came is Xiao Bai, not him.

Her heart is crisscrossing. Is he really too ill to come?

In her mind, he was hit by a bullet and fell to the ground that day.

The next moment, she shakes her head and shakes off the thought she shouldn't have. According to her understanding of the Huo family, if she is really critically ill, Huo's father will come out to take charge of the Huo family. But up to now, there is no news from Huo's father. It seems that Huo Mingxiu is still in control.

How can a critically ill person continue to be in charge of the Huo family?

Looking at Chu Bai anxious to go to the cliff to save her appearance, she was deeply moved, this friend can really do anything for himself.

However, she can't see chubai now, because according to Raleigh's plan, she just wants to delay the people who come and buy more time for Raleigh.

It's a very close villa under guard. It's said that Roy is being held here.

When Huo Mingxiu is out of danger, he will be dealt with.

Suddenly,? A smoke bomb exploded in the backyard, and the bodyguards rushed to the backyard. A group of people in black rushed in from outside the wall and went straight to the villa.

And the bodyguards ambushed in the villa also made a quick fight back. The bodyguards who ran to the backyard found that they had been tricked into luring the tiger out of the mountain. They turned around and ran back to the front yard. The front yard was in a war.

Several figures took advantage of this time, jumped into the backyard of the wall, quickly ran to the villa balcony, and then jumped on the window, a search.

They don't have much time. They have to find the person they are looking for.

Finally, a man from a window to find the person, he quickly made a gesture to other people, other people have to close to the window.

In the window, a woman with her back to the window was tied to a chair. Her head was so low that she couldn't hold it.

A touch of joyful figure pushed open the window and jumped into the room from the windowsill.

"Don't be afraid, Roy. My brother is here to save you." The man took a few steps to untie Roy's rope.

But the woman in the chair slapped him on the neck.

Luo Lai was surprised for a moment, raised his hand to block the woman's hand, and stood with the woman.

His eyebrows are upside down. Damn it, he's looking for someone to pretend to be Roy.

The door of the room opened and Meng Lei came in. "Mr. Luo Lai, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

Luo Lai's body jumped back for a while. He was secretly annoyed. He thought that he had set a trap for Huo Mingxiu, but he didn't expect that he was also in his scheme.

He yelled angrily, "where's Roy? No, what about Huo Mingxiu? "

Roy is obviously not here. What about Huo Mingxiu? Huo Mingxiu didn't show up for such a big thing. His men have reported to him. It's Chu Bai who went to save Luo Yanxi.

So, where is Huo Mingxiu now?

"Mr. Lorraine, take care of yourself first! Come on, get himMeng Lei orders, and at the same time, he has rushed to Luo Lai. They must catch him.

Out of the window, the people in Raleigh found that the situation was not good, and rushed in, and the two sides got together instantly.

Luo Yanxi stands on the cliff and looks at Chu Bai's difficult approach to the cliff step by step. Her feet walk to the edge of the cliff uncontrollably.

Suddenly, two pistol silencers behind her made a dull sound. As soon as she turned around, she fell into a warm embrace.

"You..." She looked at the man in her arms in surprise, he came, really came!

The corner of the man's lips curved a smile, "didn't you expect me to come? Xi'er, I said wait for me, let's go! Let's go home! "

Huo Mingxiu's hand tightly grasped Luo Yanxi's hand. He didn't know why. Although the woman was held in his arms as he wished, he couldn't feel her temperature. There was a kind of indifference around her.

Luo Yanxi saw two bodyguards lying on the ground. It was obvious that the sound of the pistol muffler just now was the sound of hurting them.

"How do you know I'm here?" She is really surprised that he can find here. Isn't the person pretending to be her on the opposite cliff?

"Yesterday, Raleigh led us all to the opposite cliff, and I was wondering where he would be? As for him, he should watch it as a winner, so I pretend to be injured and let him relax

"When I went back yesterday, I found the topographic map of the mountain overnight and analyzed the terrain here. Obviously, this is the best place to watch, and I also found the old man who used to guard the mountain. According to him, on this cliff, there is a wooden house for the mountain keeper, and there is a cave not far away. Luo Lai wants to settle down here. He must find a place where he can live. The conditions here fully meet his requirements. "

"Today, he sent me a message, and it's the opposite cliff, so I asked Xiaobai to restrain his men, and I'll come here to save you!"

Huo Mingxiu explained and took her hand down the mountain.

Luo Yanxi didn't expect that he had done so much homework.

"Wait a minute. What about Roy?"

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