Now Luo Yanxi has roughly understood Huo Mingxiu's meaning. Her eyebrows are low. According to their conversation, it should be the woman Luo Ziyu paid to disguise herself.

her eyes were as like as two peas in her face. No wonder lorzi would kill anyone.

But what is Huo Mingxiu doing?

If he exposes Luo Ziyu, what about his children?

Her eyes are full of doubts to coagulate a look around the man.

"Mingxiu, what do you want to do? Just say it in one breath."

Director Wang almost guessed some, and was not interested in listening to him again.

Huo Mingxiu didn't ask Luo Ziyu any more. She had completely lost the ability to explain, and she couldn't refute at all.

"Let me make it simple again. This woman is the one who pretended to be Xi'er and pushed over Roy that day. She didn't commit suicide yesterday, she was killed. But she escaped by chance, and the one who killed her was Luo Ziyu. "

"This is the evening dress she wore that day. The tear on the skirt corner is consistent with the cloth strip found on the nail. After testing, the fiber of the cloth strip is consistent with that on the skirt. It can be determined that it is from a skirt. Meng Lei, distribute the test report to the directors."

After Huo Mingxiu's words, Meng Lei immediately distributed the report to all directors. You look pale after reading the report.

"There is also a confession made by the police, because the person who wanted to kill her broke her throat bone. She can't speak now, but this is her own confession. It was written by the police on the spot. She pointed out that the person who killed her was sunspot, and the person who directed sunspot was luoziyu. "

Just then, suddenly, there was a shot.


The woman, who was still standing well, fell to the ground with a sudden sound, and her chest was covered with blood.

All the people were shocked. The bodyguards rushed to the window to kill the distant sniper, but the man had already run away at the moment of the bullet.

"Get to the hospital!" Huo Mingxiu ordered anxiously.

Luo Yanxi stands up and wants to run to see the situation of the woman, but her hand is grabbed by the man.

Huo Mingxiu looks around the conference hall. The light of his eyes finally falls on Huo Xiaochen. His cold eyes look at Huo Xiaochen.

"It seems that the woman has something else to tell us. First, send luoziyu to the police station for interrogation and arrest sunspot. As for other things, we will discuss after the woman is saved."

Huo Xiaochen didn't pay attention to Huo Mingxiu's eyes, and his lips were always wearing a sneer.

The bullet hit the heart. It couldn't survive unless there was a miracle!

At the first sight of the woman being brought, he had ordered his men to lie in ambush, ready to take the woman's life at any time.

Of course, as long as a woman doesn't talk casually, he could not do it now. After all, it would be suspicious to do it here.

But the woman's eyes made his heart more and more confused. He had to get rid of her first.

Now women have no threat, and sunspot yesterday, he ordered him to go out to hide, obviously his caution is right.

Now Huo Mingxiu wants to catch sunspots, which is not so simple.


Huo Xiao Chen's Mou Guang glides over Luo Zi Yu, now only left her, as long as deal with this woman again, no one can threaten him again.

Although all his plans failed, he could keep the green hills and not worry about firewood.

As long as he plans again, he doesn't believe he can't fight Huo Mingxiu next time.

"Well, we'll wait for our cousin to call." Huo Xiaochen from the mouth light overflow a, the tone is mixed with a touch of irony.

Then he got up from his chair and strode out of the meeting room.

Huo Mingxiu's cold eyes are always hanging on Huo Xiaochen, ah It's calm!

Huo Xiaochen, when can you calm down?

He ordered the meeting to end, and then took Luo Yanxi back to the hospital.

Little woman's face is not very good-looking, all the way did not say a word with him.

Just walked into the room, his long arm would circle the little woman into his arms, "Xi'er, Luo Ziyu's child is not mine!"

Luo Yan cherishes the introverted eyes, and her long eyes are half drooping. She hates his deep eyes.

Every time she would indulge in his eyes and lose all her judgment.

Her hand broke his arm, "Huo Mingxiu, you don't want to say that the news Luo Ziyu said is also false. If not, how can you explain that you didn't come back that night? Luo Ziyu is telling the truth. You were with her that night! Besides, when exchanging hostages, I saw the pregnancy test form in her hand! "

Have been in a room all night, even if he didn't think, Luo Yan Xi also don't believe Luo Zi more will not have!

Will luoziyu simply not touch him?

A pregnancy test?

Men's eyes half a moment of consternation, the original they stopped in the middle of the suspension bridge said, is this thing.Luo Ziyu started to stir up their relationship at that time. No wonder his little woman came back and alienated him so much.

"Yes, I was with her that night, because she drugged my wine. At first, I was very dizzy. I thought I was just drunk, so I wanted to wake up in my room. But then I realized that something was wrong, but at that time, I couldn't insist on coming back to you. "

"And then? And then you'll make do with her? " Luo Yan cherishes eyes full of water and roars.

Are all drugged, and he denies that he has nothing to do with luoziyu?

Huo Mingxiu hugged the woman more tightly with his long arm and said, "no! I didn't touch her! I know you have a habit of cleanliness. If I really touch other women, no matter what the reason is, I am dirty in your heart, and I will lose the qualification to have you! "

"So Xi'er, I won't allow myself to infect other women. At that time, I broke the glass and cut my arm with pieces of glass to drain my boiling blood. But the medicine was so strong that I lost too much blood and fainted in the bathroom

"Who knows, when I wake up in the morning, luoziyu plays another play, but I know that I have never done anything with her! The reporters who were called also caught the news. I think she took those pictures when I was in a coma. "

"Xi'er, do you remember that the day I came back, didn't you still find a wound on my arm?"

Luo Yan Xi's eyes can no longer bear her tears, big big tears rolling down her cheeks.

Cutting the pulse and bleeding, just a few words almost killed her.

She couldn't imagine how terrible the situation would be at that time! In order to keep their clean love, he did not hesitate to use the most dangerous way to remove the drug.

She clenched her lower lip tightly, he put blood into fainting, for she almost put his life, but she did not believe him at the first time, but believed the so-called evidence of luoziyu.

Women endure crying, let the man hold her face painfully, kiss her rolling tears.

"Darling, don't cry. It's all right. I'm fine? Don't worry, I haven't done it. I can confirm that the child is not mine! At that time, she can no longer frame me up, and we can be aboveboard together. "

Yes, this time he designed a big situation. It's not only Luo Ziyu, but also Huo Xiaochen that he wants to get rid of. When he gets rid of these two people, there won't be any messy women around him, and she can be with him.


Luo Yan Xi's lips trembled. He did so much just to be with her!

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