A woman's breath is like a cat's voice. Her breath and his breath are intertwined. The temperature is getting hotter and hotter. Her charm almost killed the man.

Suddenly, he clenched her hand around her waist and took a few steps to press her against the wall.

In front of the body is the hot chest, behind is the cool wall, Luo Yanxi the whole person is in the middle of fire and water, plus the strength of the man, she can't help but snort.

The man feels the soft and boneless little woman in his arms. At this time, he just wants to rub her into his own blood.

He kisses more and more intensely, at the same time a hand also starts to pull the zipper of the back of her wedding dress.

Luo Yanxi breathes heavily, because of lack of oxygen and dizziness, her brain has been in a state of dizziness before, at this time, the cool breath on her body makes her a little sober.

Her hand suddenly pressed the man's big hand, and her head also began to escape from his lips, with a few words spilling from his lips intermittently.

"No, not here..."

If people don't watch this, she has no face.

Huo Mingxiu's whole body seemed to fall into the magma, and he couldn't stop at all. His lips groped for her small mouth, his chest undulating and his voice hoarse.

"Baby, I want you!"

"No, I can't. It's still someone else's shop here, outside A lot of people... "

Her sense of recovery is not equal to his conquest, but she still has this understanding. Can't she do that in someone else's fitting room?

The man's action slightly pause, seems to be forced to himself, just stopped, deep eyes still lust fierce flash, but fortunately did not move her.

"Change your clothes and let's go."

Then, without waiting for Luo Yanxi to agree, he lifted his hand and took off her wedding dress, quickly covered her clothes, and pulled her from the special elevator in the fitting room to the underground parking lot without going through the main door.

Luo Yanxi was dragged all the way by the man until she was put into the car. The sound insulation board in front of her was raised, and she didn't even sit firmly. The clothes she just put on were messy by the man's big hands.

My God! She suddenly feel at a loss, a face of shame and tension, in front of Meng Lei is still driving!

Although there is a sound insulation board, she still has a burden in her heart. She really wants to say that she will find a hotel when she gets home!

But obviously men can't wait for that.

During the whole process, Luo Yanxi didn't know what she was like. He just felt that his desire lit her up in an instant. Maybe it was because they wanted each other too much. Before long, she had been made to fly to the clouds by men.

what the first mock exam is, and the only vague memory is that the man carried her into the bedroom, and she almost fell asleep at the instant of being hit by the pillow.

Huo Mingxiu looked at the sleeping little woman, her lips curved with a happy arc, and her face was full of tenderness. But if you look carefully, there was still a wisp of uneasiness hidden in the dark pupil.

In order to protect her safety, he sent someone to protect her, so he knew who she met.

She met Raleigh, but she didn't tell him, and what did they say?

It's not that he didn't want to explain what happened at that time, it's just that the evidence in rolley's hand is true, and he has no chance to plead.

The only way to return his innocence is to catch Raleigh, and then catch the man behind him!

And he can't help wanting her, not only because of love, but also because only in this way can he be sure that she has her own heart and loves him, so that he will be at ease!


His eyes are introverted, he must find him!

On the street of Nancheng, Lu Lingxi keeps a close distance with the man walking in front of him.

She knew that he was calling chubai.

Chubai was about to marry Roy, and she was very happy.

"OK, I see. Let's go first."

The man with the mobile phone walks, hangs up the phone and turns his head to look at the woman who is a little far away from him.

Ying Mei frowned slightly and then waved to her.

"Come here."

Lu Lingxi pursed her lips, hesitated and walked over.

"The wedding is settled?"

Chu Haotian nodded and pulled her little hand with his big hand. Her whole body was once again held in his arms.

His breath came, and she took a deep breath, as if she had been infected with his whole world.

They walked like this all the time before they answered the phone.

For the first time in history, walking like a couple.

Lu Lingxi doesn't know what happened to the man today. On the way back, she just looked out of the window and he stopped the car.

He asked her, "like it?"

At first she didn't quite understand him."Like walking?"

Her heart suddenly jumped and he noticed.

Yes, the brightly lit streets and squares of Nancheng are full of lovers holding hands and nestling together.

Looking at the smile on their faces, somehow she was a little sad.

But it was just a moment of absence, and he had caught it.

He stopped the car, then took her hand and walked on the crowded street.

"Xiaobai is more capable than his elder brother. He not only married his wife home, but also had children..."

Suddenly a man's voice came from the top of his head, as if with a sigh.

Lu Lingxi's head is slightly low. She doesn't want the man to see the yearning in her eyes.

"Why don't you talk?"

"Ah? Yes, they will be very happy

She looked up at him with a smile on her lips.

The streamer in the man's eyes flickered slightly. "Happiness? Lu Lingxi, what do you think is happiness

He has a strong desire to know, to know her What do you want?


Lu Lingxi thought, "everyone's definition of happiness should be different!"

"What about you?"

She thought again. "People who like them also like themselves, and then support each other to live a good life every day."

"Flat and light?"

Chu Haotian murmurs and repeats these words, the corners of his mouth slightly hook, as if sighing.

"It's not that easy. Mingxiu and Xiao Xi don't like each other, but These are the naive thoughts of you women. Tell me, what is plain and light? "

Lu Lingxi stops and looks up at the man in front of him. He seems to be very interested in this problem.

She smile, so stand in front of him, let the neon on the street shine to her eyes.

"Plain is In my life, I only love a man, get married only once, only with him In a word, we are together all the time. We may have conflicts or quarrels, but no matter what happens, we will hold hands with each other until we grow old. We will never separate! "

She said, looking up at him.

At this moment, Chu Haotian's heart seemed to have thousands of horses galloping by. He looked at her, bent down, took her small face in his big hand, covered her lips accurately, and kissed her deeply and fiercely.

In this crowded street, in such a full view, he kisses her, let heaven and earth change, can't meet his heart that just want to promise her.

He wants to say, he can!

In this life, he only wants to love her, marry her, and let her give birth to a monkey!


His heart with this deeper kiss more tightly, he kisses kiss, heart pain.

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