Silent night, a crisp keyboard sound is particularly clear.

Luo Yanxi pursed her lips, looked at the Swiss bank page that had been opened with the mouse, took a deep breath, and was ready to open the transaction record.

The password can't stop her at all, because his password will always be her birthday.

She hit a few numbers in the code area, and her shaking hand could not press the final OK key.

Just at this time, suddenly there was a sound of footwork outside. Her heart was hanging. She quickly closed the page and cleared the browsing records. There was no time. She simply pulled off the power button and the computer shut down in an instant.

Finally, the footsteps stopped at the door of the study. As soon as the man pushed the door, he saw the little woman rolled up on the wide swivel chair like a cat, looking at the magazine in his hand.

These magazines are the latest fashion of the season sent by famous brands all over the world, but Huo Mingxiu's taste is very specific, so even if the magazines are sent, they are placed at random, and the servants will clean them up every once in a while.

He came with a charming curve on his lips.

"What are you looking at?"

Luo Yanxi raised her small head, "see what clothes are suitable for you."

The man leaned down, close to the woman's small face, strong man atmosphere, unscrupulous hit on her forehead, "so good ah, it seems to hurt you."

"No, not just..."

Think of the previous hot, her small face and a burst of hot, this man's energetic she is a little afraid.

The shyness of the little woman made the man smile happily, "baby, I have many ways to love you, not only that one, but if you only want that one, you can always be satisfied for your husband."

Luo Yan Xi's big eyes are wrung with men's teasing at the bottom of their eyes. How dare he play with her?

"Huo Mingxiu, you hate it!"

She was so angry that she pushed him away to get out of the study.

Huo Mingxiu shook his head helplessly. This little woman is good at everything, but she is too shy.

I don't know when I can turn over her shyness.

But the next moment, his eyes become deep up, big night ran to the study to read a magazine?

He remembered her habit, but he was lying in bed watching.

The dark pupil glanced at the computer and raised his hand to touch the back of the computer, where the temperature explained everything.

He frowned a little. It seems that he will catch Raleigh as soon as possible, otherwise

Luo Yanxi came out of the study and saw the servant carrying a tray upstairs.

"Miss, the young master bought you bird's nest porridge and small balls."

The servant respectfully put the things on the coffee table in the small living room.

Luo Yan Xi pursed his lower lip. It turned out that the pain he said was this!

"Thank you. Just put it here. Go back and have a rest."

Sitting on the sofa, she just ignored the bird's nest porridge, looked at the small balls full of firewood and fish, and swallowed her saliva.

She picked up one with a bamboo stick and put it in her mouth. The juice was fragrant.

In the past, the man often nagged her that the snacks on the street were unhealthy, but occasionally, he would buy some for her.

I haven't eaten it for a long time. The more I eat, the more I want to eat. One by one, the small balls are just put into her mouth.

"Eat slowly. It's like a cat. It's full of food."

When the man's voice rang out, he had already stridden over.

He sat next to the little woman and took out a tissue to help her wipe the corners of her mouth.

"This is too big, but it's delicious to eat one at a time. Try it, too!"

She provoked one to the man's lips.

Huo Mingxiu shook his head, "eat for yourself!"

Luo Yanxi blinked her big eyes, and a fox like smile flashed at the bottom of her eyes, "Huo Mingxiu, eat one, good, my husband is obedient!"

She coaxed him like a coquettish, because her small head has been imagining that such a high cold man, eating octopus balls this kind of disobedient appearance, must be super funny.

Huo Mingxiu naturally didn't let off the bad smile at the bottom of her eyes. The deep light of her eyes converged. How dare little things fight with him?

"If you eat this, I'll eat it."


Luo Yanxi's little head is burning, but she has been persuading him to eat for more than ten years, but she didn't expect to succeed today.

She put a small ball into her mouth, but the man at this time, kiss her lips.

Luo Yanxi knew that he was cheated by a man!

But this is just the beginning, the rest of the small balls and porridge, when they eat in this way, she was also tossed to bed by the man.

Nani? She was successful, let him eat small balls, but he also succeeded in eating her!

Luo Yanxi later vowed that she would never let him eat any small balls again!

When Luo Yanxi woke up again, it was noon the next day.

"Xiao Xi, don't you get up yet?"A familiar female voice rang out beside her bed.

Luo Yanxi half opened her eyes and saw Luo Yi standing by her bed.

"Roy, you're here." Her head moved slightly. She was sleepy and still wanted to sleep.

I don't know why, she always sleeps easily recently, as if she can't wake up.

"Xiao Xi, it's time to get up. You tried to dress that day and ran away. You haven't tried the bridesmaid dress I ordered for you! Try it today

Luo Yan Xi listens to Luo Yi's complaint, can't help but think of the previous absurdity, secretly scolded the man several times.

"OK, I'll get up." Just as she tried to lift the quilt, she suddenly remembered that she was still in a vacuum.

"Inner Roy, you go out first, I'll get up in a minute."

Roy bent his lips with a smile. "It's not like I haven't done it before. Do you still need to avoid me? Xiaobai said that you and Huo Mingxiu will get married next month, but I can't be your bridesmaid. "

Luo Yanxi looks embarrassed. Er, it's seen by Roy

"You're going out first. I promise you'll soon." Even if it's all women, she's embarrassed to be seen with her kissing body.

"Well, I'll go out. Hurry up!" Roy walked out of the room with a smile.

She quickly tidied up, followed Roy out of the door, looked back at the direction of the study, it seems that today can not check.

In a deep alley, a group of people went in. Almost the whole street was blocked up.

All of a sudden, gunfire broke out everywhere, and the forces of the two sides began to fight each other.

"Raleigh, you're hiding in my house. Do you think you can escape today? It's a pity that Huo Mingxiu didn't catch you yesterday, but do you think you will be so lucky? "

Luo Yanling shouts harshly around. He has no more hatred for Luo Lai. This man is the one who killed Luo's family and his parents with Huo Mingxiu! Also threatened to take Xiaoxi to change luoziyu!

Yesterday, he got a report from his subordinates that Huo Mingxiu was fighting with others in the city.

Huo Xiaochen is dead, so what he can think of is Luo Lai.

He left with people to go, although did not find the first time Luo Lai, but it is fortunate that he went to Luo Lai to escape, he picked a few smart and capable men, followed Luo Lai, found his present foothold.

However, it was too dark yesterday to be arrested, and he has been delayed until now.

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