Under the pastor's question, Luo Yanxi and Huo Mingxiu hand the wedding ring box to chubai and Luo Yi. They exchange rings in front of the public, and become a real couple with cheers and blessings.

Next, Roy began to give up her flower ball. Everyone stood behind her waiting to receive the lucky flower ball. It was said that the girl who received the flower ball would be the next bride.

"Here, here..."

Many girls come forward, hoping to receive a happy flower ball.

"Roy, throw it when you see it!"

Huo Mingxiu said in a cold voice.

What is accurate? That's obvious, but his baby has to get it!

"Where is Xiao Xi?" Luo Yi asks Chu Bai beside her. The person calling behind is mixed with Huo Mingxiu's voice. She is a little messy and doesn't know where to throw it.

Her heart is also hope that Luo Yanxi can receive, of course, if Chu Haotian received also good, then, Lingxi can also be blessed!

Chu Bai looked back at the crowd, "it's OK, just throw it! If this thing can be accurate, there will be no men and women left

Anyone who wants to get married will be robbed by himself. Why does his wife bother him? He can't bear to tire his wife and children.

Behind the crowd is a burst of urging sound, Roy pursed his lower lip, "then I really throw it away?"

"Throw, throw away!" Chu white bad smile for a while, he pour want to see the magic Huo big brother how to give small Xi rob this flower ball.

Roy nodded and yelled, "I'm going to throw it!"

With a wave of her arm, the flower ball had already been thrown behind her.

It's a beautiful parabola. The flower ball flies over everyone's head. Huo Mingxiu and Chu Haotian jump up to catch it, but they are all surrounded by people, so the flower ball flies by.

A man standing at the end of the crowd suddenly sprang up, perfect action in one go, the flower ball was directly in his hands.

All the people looked back at the lucky man. Unexpectedly, it was the evil man!

The ladies all screamed and rushed to the man. I don't know who he would give the flower ball to?

The man's lips with evil smile, step by step along the red carpet came.

Luo Yanxi looks at the man opposite in amazement. In her cognition, he seldom leaves his own territory. Even if he leaves, he only goes to several countries related to his business, because he said that his identity should be kept secret.

I don't think it can be exposed that he does such business, but why does he come to Nancheng?

Huo Mingxiu's eyes coldly coagulate the man who came. It seems that the eyes are sweeping the cold current. No one can ignore his spirit of killing.

And the evil man, the evil smile of the eyes also hide a trace of provocation, as long as it is with his eyes, will be shocked.

Originally, it was still a hilarious atmosphere, which was immediately shrouded by the confrontation between the two men.

All the guests on the scene were silent, looking at the changes of the situation in front of them. It was hard for them to ignore the invisible light and shadow.

As the man approached, Luo Yanxi's mind came back to her. Her eyebrows frowned and she looked at the man's handsome face. Seeing him again, he moved his hand holding the flower ball. Her heart stagnated. Would she

Before she can fully understand, the man has come to her, is still the signboard smile, the eyes of ruthless intended to coagulate on the woman's eyes, all convergence without a trace.

"Honey, what's the surprise? A gift for you! Do you like it? "

Say, the flower ball in the man's hand has already passed toward Luo Yan Xi.

"Thank you. But if my woman wants flowers, she doesn't need others to send them. Meng Lei, go and order 999 flower balls now. "

Without waiting for Luo Yanxi to speak, Huo Mingxiu coldly refuses the man opposite.

The man didn't pay attention to Huo Mingxiu, the smile of the corner of the lip is deeper, seemingly innocuous to Luo Yanxi said.

"Sophie, are you trying to refuse my gift?"

People's eyes are all focused on Luo Yanxi. I don't know how she will choose.

It seems that no matter how she chooses, it will cause a catastrophe.

Luo Yanxi looks at Xiusi's evil smile and reaches for his flower ball. No matter what, Xiusi is also her savior. It's impolite to refuse his gift.

"Thank you

Hughes chuckled and stretched out his arm. "Isn't that too light? At least you have to hold it, don't you think? My dear kitten

A hug like a friend, a face-to-face gift, in the western world is the most basic etiquette, just more intimate than handshake.

Luo Yan Xi bent his lower lip and was about to lift her step to hold Hughes. However, her waist was suddenly grabbed by the man around her. The man's thick big palm was tightly clasped on her slender waist.

Huo Mingxiu's whole body sent out a chill, which made her heart beat. She had never seen such a cold.

"Mr. Hughes, I've heard so much about you. You've taken care of my woman for five years, but I haven't had time to thank her. Now that I'm here, I'll give her a good treat and make the best of the friendship of the host!" Huo Mingxiu put out his hand to Xiusi with a cold hook on his lips.Xiusi's peach blossom eyes half narrowed down and reached out to hold Huo Mingxiu's hand, "nice to meet you, Mr. Huo! It's nothing to do with Mr. Huo that I take care of Sophie. If you want to thank me, it's Sophie who comes to thank me. There's no need for Mr. Huo to do it for me! "

Both of them didn't let go. A contest was going on between them.

Careful people will find that their two shaking hands together, because of too much force, all burst up the tendons.

But even so, none of them would take a step back. Let's have a look. They both had a light smile on their faces.

Such a state of disobedience makes people feel overwhelmed by their low pressure.

Chu Haotian and Chu Bai see something wrong, and they come forward one after another.

"Is this Mr. Hughes? Nice to meet you Chu Haotian takes the lead to say, Chu Bai also hastens to speak. "It's a great honor for Mr. Hughes to come to the wedding."

Chu Bai said so in his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Today is his wedding. Is he going to ruin it?

Huo Mingxiu and Xiusi let go at the same time.

"This is Mr. Hughes, the world's top pharmacist, but few people know that Mr. Hughes is the descendant of the ancient Italian aristocracy. Unfortunately, his business is not very good."

Luo Yan Xi's surprised eyes coagulate Huo Ming Xiu's face, completely don't know how he knows Xiu si so much.

"Mr. Huo is ridiculous. How can I compare with Mr. Huo? Mr. Huo's business is all over the world. Although it's deep-rooted, it's too ostentatious and unpredictable. "

"Oh, Mr. Hughes, we have a party after the wedding. Look..."

Chu Bai wants to make a comeback, although there is no smoke, but he has smelled the smell of gunpowder.

But before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Xiusi. He went straight to Luo Yanxi, and said, regardless of Huo Mingxiu beside her.

"Sophie, I just got here. I think this church is very good. Can you show me around?"

"She wants to accompany the bride. If Mr. Hughes doesn't mind, I'd like to take you around. I don't know if Mr. Hughes gives me such a face?" Huo Mingxiu said coldly.

Xiusi's ice blue eyes narrowed, "I can't get it!"

As the two walked forward side by side, the crowd had automatically made way for them.

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