Luo Yanxi said choking, why every time clearly know he is so cruel, but she still can't control drowning in his love, unable to extricate herself.

Huo Mingxiu's eyes flashed, and she said, "you, do you remember?"

"Yes, I remember. When I saw the contract that Raleigh gave me, I remembered it all. I remember you carrying me home, peeling me shrimps, sending me dolls, braiding my pigtails... "

After a pause, she said, "I also remember how cruel you were to me! You always tell me to believe you and love me, but what about the current accounts of Swiss bank transferred from your computer? But Huo Mingxiu, do you know? Even if all the evidence is clearly placed in front of me, I still foolishly said to myself in my heart, I will not leave you! Live and die together! But... "

"But it's not you or me who are dead now, it's my brother!"

Tears poured down her face, pain, spread from the heart to the four limbs, she has been unable to breathe, abdominal pain also followed a burst!

"Xi'er, believe it or not, I'll tell you everything now. Listen to me, when Uncle Luo noticed that someone was attacking our three families, all the spearheads were directed at Raleigh. In order to get the evidence and defeat it at one stroke, my father Lobo discussed with me and let me pretend to cooperate with Raleigh, so as to gain his trust. That's why I signed the contract with Raleigh. I'll tell my uncle what I've got from Raleigh. We'll unite to fight against annexation of Raleigh's company. "

"At that time, the plan was very smooth, but I didn't expect that Laurie would kill Lobo's father and mother madly. Raleigh was always cautious. I didn't have much evidence in my hand at that time, so I had to play with him. Until later, I found out that in fact, Luo Lai was not directly aimed at our three families. There were still people behind him... "

Huo Mingxiu said, suddenly his body was in a flash, and his dizziness hit him again. He almost fell down.

Seeing his movements, Luo Yanxi's legs want to move forward uncontrollably, but the next second she reacts, pursing her lips and forcing herself not to help him.

"Enough, Huo Mingxiu! Do you want to tell me now that you can't kill my brother or save him? The annexation of my Luo family was also instructed by my parents, and my parents were killed just because you didn't expect that Lorraine would be so cruel? Oh Huo Mingxiu, do you think I will believe such a reason? "

"Xier, you said you would believe me!" Huo Mingxiu was in a panic. He knew how weak his explanation was, because he could not get any evidence to prove that what he said was true!

"Believe it? Huo Mingxiu, I can't help it, and I don't have the heart to believe it any more I have sent your contract with Raleigh and the current account of your Swiss bank to the commercial crime investigation agency. As for whether what you said is true or not, it has nothing to do with me. You don't need me to believe it. Go and explain it to them! "

With the fall of Luo Yanxi's voice, a team of police with live ammunition has come in the villa.

"Mr. Huo, someone reported that you maliciously annexed Roche five years ago. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation."

Huo Mingxiu looked coldly at these policemen. With his ability and power, he could walk out of here or leave the south city without wasting his strength.

But he is not alone, he has the whole Huo family!

So he has to go with these cops!

"Xi'er, whether you believe me or not, my uncles and aunts have spirits in heaven. They will know. Also, stay away from Hughes. He didn't save you five years ago. He used hypnosis to change your memory. He's actually behind the whole thing! Because his father died in the hands of our major families, so he wanted to avenge his husband! Whatever you want, wait for me to come back! "

He had no time to explain, so he had to tell her what was important.

"Mr. Huo, please The policeman said impolitely.

Huo Mingxiu takes another deep look at his beloved woman, turns around and follows the police out of the villa. He sees Meng Lei at the door and tells him that he just got on the police car.

Until all the people are gone, all the strength in Luo Yanxi's body seems to be drained from her head. Her body is soft and she squats on the ground dejectedly.

I don't know how long it took for her to get up and walk straight into the dressing room, where her parents gave her birthday presents for so many years.

She always felt that she was not qualified to open their gifts, and finally she felt that she could now say that she was their daughter.

Her hand touched the boxes of the gifts, and the neat boxes were the deep love of her parents. Just a few days before they died, I still remember to arrange her annual gift!

She cried out, "Dad, mom, what should I do? What should I do now? Even if I avenged you, I will never forget him! In the end, how to do not love him, here, can not hurt

Her hand was gripping the clothes at the heart, which was about to explode. She couldn't bear the pain.

"Xiao Xi.""Xiao Xi..."

Two female voices came, the door of the dressing room was pushed open, and Lu Lingxi and Luo Yiqi stood at the door.

"Xiao Xi, don't cry!"

Lu Lingxi hugs her, and Roy follows.

But the more they said that, Luo Yanxi cried more fiercely. Her throat swelled as if she had been cut by a knife.

"Lingxi, Roy, Wu, Wu, Wu..."

"Well, don't cry. We know you feel bad." Lu Lingxi patted her on the back and comforted her.

Looking at Lu Lingxi and Luo Yi, Luo Yanxi slowly raises his head.

"You Do you know? "

Lu Lingxi nodded his head, indicating that he knew, but Roy looked at Luo Yanxi in embarrassment.

"Xiaoxi, really Do you want to see brother Huo arrested? In fact, I feel that... "

At the end of the day, she didn't dare to say anything more. After all, her husband told her before she came. It was a comfort to let her come.

Luo Yanxi naturally knew what she wanted to say. She bit her lip, and it took a long time to squeeze out a sentence from her lip.

"Xiaobai, they have gone to the police station? What about him? "

"Who is it?" Asked Roy.

Luo Yanxi just wants to smoke himself! It's clear that she went to the police station to expose him. It's clear that he is just her enemy, but her heart still can't help missing him.

"No Nothing... "

She taut face, secretly repeat in the bottom of her heart. Luo Yanxi, he is your enemy! You must remember that he is the enemy, the murderer of your parents and brother! You can't be soft hearted to the enemy!

"What are these?" Roy asked when he saw the beautiful boxes.

Luo Yanxi's eyes focused on those boxes again, "these are the birthday gifts my parents give me every year."

"Why didn't you open it? Don't you even look inside? " Roy's face was full of curiosity.

"It should be jewelry or something! Or dolls, which they usually give me. "

With that, Luo Yanxi went over and opened a box. It was her 18th birthday present.

But it's strange that the box can't be opened.

Her eyebrows slightly frowned, and Lu Lingxi and Luo Yi were also confused.

"Xiao Xi, this box is locked." Lu Lingxi found clues, pointing to the small keyhole said.

"Really, do you have to use a key to open this? Do you have a key, Xiao Xi? " Asked Roy.

Luo Yanxi thought for a few seconds, then thought of the key hanging around her neck.

"I don't know if it's this."

When she took out the key, her heart jumped a few times. The key was tightly held by her mother when she was dying. Could it be the key to open the box?

"Great. Open it and see what's inside." Cried Roy.

Luo Yanxi takes off the key, takes a deep breath, and gradually approaches the box.

With a click, the box was really opened!

Inside, what would it be?

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