Huo Mingxiu analyzes all kinds of possibilities at this time. Since she has read her uncle's letter, she should know the whole truth of the matter, but why did she leave?

All of a sudden, his muscles tightened.

"Meng Lei, send someone to find Xiusi!"

There was a flash in his mind. If she knew that the culprit was Hughes, then she

"Master, just received a report from the following people that Miss Lan was hunted down, but Hughes was empty, and there was no miss Xi at all."

Meng Lei looks at his master with anxiety and worry on his face.

Huo Mingxiu clenched his fists tightly, his handsome face was dark, and his sharp eyes glared at him.

"Then continue to look for me, and dig out the whole South City for me!"

"Yes Meng Lei stepped down.

One day passed, but no trace of Luo Yanxi and Xiu Si could be found by Huo Mingxiu.

"Still no news from Xiao Xi?"

In the restaurant, Lu Lingxi looks at a table of dishes in front of her, but the food is tasteless.

Chu Haotian coagulates the sadness on the little woman's face, and has no words, but a small piece of beef has been put in the saucer in front of her.

Lu Lingxi looks at the beef in the dish and his eyes hang down again.

Xiao Xi didn't see her. She was always regretting. If she had thought more about it at that time, or let Meng Lei deliver the letter alone, would Xiao Xi not have left.

"I'm full..."

She really can't eat it.

Looking at her appearance, Chu Haotian was no longer embarrassed and nodded.

"Well, let's go!"

The man stood up and put her hand in the palm naturally.

However, they just left their seats, and before they could get to the door, they were stunned by the oncoming people.

Lu Lingxi, in particular, was more surprised than Chu Haotian. She even had a trance for a moment, thinking that she was hallucinating or dreaming.

How could it be him?

unbelievable and strange as like as two peas in the face, Wu Shengrui is a face that looks like a face to face. But she is so far away from the person she used to know.

Although before Wu Shengrui always dressed up in spirit, clean shirts and ironed pants, never a trace of dust shoes.

Today, however, the clothes he wears all over his body are pure handmade high-end suits, which are quite different.

If it wasn't for that person who also called her name in a little surprise, she would really think that he was just a person who looked very similar to Wu Shengrui.


Seeing that Lu Lingxi didn't seem to react, Wu Shengrui called her again.

His eyes stayed on her face for a few seconds until Lu Lingxi suddenly woke up.

"Ah?" She subconsciously whispered a sentence, looking at once very familiar people, clearly he, but I do not know why she had a kind of uneasy feeling.

Her body involuntarily leaned against Chu Haotian's side, and the hand he held in his palm was also tight and tight.

Wu Shengrui was acutely aware of her change, his eyes sank slightly, and then he instantly returned to smile, as if he didn't care about this scene at all.

He is full of smile, more confident in the face of the man beside her.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chu is here, too. Come out to have dinner together? I didn't expect President Chu to be so considerate... "

Listen to his words, Lu Lingxi's palms are sweating, the bottom of his heart is slightly cool, who can tell her, now what's the situation?

It's not just his clothes that have changed, but now his words and behavior seem to be earth shaking.

He How did he

As if feeling her nervous, Chu Haotian gently pinched her little hand to appease her.

Although the irony and disdain in his eyes are so obvious, he still smiles politely, "of course, but when it comes to consideration, Mr. Wu, you are the same. Just look at Miss Wang's happy face."

The two men exchanged greetings without laughing.

As soon as the words came out, the woman who came with Wu Shengrui also came up and took Wu Shengrui's arm intimately, smiling with provocation.

"Mr. Chu is really joking, but it's also true. Sheng Rui is really a good man!"

When Lu Lingxi's eyes reflected such a scene, she was completely confused.

Wu Shengrui, who appears in front of her today, has completely changed. Her dress, manner and temperament have all changed.

In front of Chu Haotian, he has always been neither humble nor overbearing, even slightly provocative. What surprised her even more was The beautiful woman with short hair beside him.

Who is this woman?

Chu Haotian called her Miss Wang. Do they all know each other?

So, what is the origin of this Miss Wang? She is so close to Wu Shengrui that their relationshipWu Shengrui just laughed at the appreciation of the women around him, and then said, "I'm not good to you. Who else can I be good to? Oh, by the way, since it's such a coincidence today, I'd like to tell president Chu something in advance. Minmin and I are ready to get engaged. We'll have someone present the invitation later. I hope that Chu can give us a small face and come to our engagement banquet. "

Wu Shengrui's words really made Lu Lingxi's heart jump.

One reason is that the news of his engagement was too sudden for her. The other reason is that he didn't speak in such a brave and arrogant manner.

This It's really not Wu Shengrui she knows!

Who is Chu Haotian? It's rare to see someone who dares to be so arrogant in front of this man.

What kind of transformation has Wu Shengrui experienced during his time?

Or what happened?

When Lu Lingxi was puzzled, Wu Shengrui said, "Ling, Miss Lu, come too! Anyway, we all know each other. You will bless me, right? "

Suddenly, Lu Lingxi raised his eyes and looked at him. For a moment, he was unprepared.

She saw something of resentment in his eyes.

For a time, I can't help but feel sad. Do I have to? Love is not, really in addition to hate can only complain?

She knew that her smile must be stiff at this time, but she nodded gently: "of course, I wish I wish you happiness... "

Chu Haotian also said with a polite smile: "don't worry! Miss Wang is engaged. It's rare that she looks up to Chu so much. I'll be there to congratulate you. First of all, I wish you two a long life together and have your son early! " His meaning is very clear. What he gives is the so-called face of Miss Wang.

As for Wu Shengrui, he doesn't pay attention to him. He stays where he is cool.

Wang Min's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, his eyes shuttled between them, and he laughed meaningfully, "OK, Chu always has a heart, then we'll be waiting for you!"

Four people are opposite, each with his own heart.

Finally, after Chu Haotian had just had a meal and declined their request to invite them to have dinner together, the war without gunpowder ended.

After Chu Haotian and Lu Lingxi leave, Wu Shengrui and Wang Min look very loving and find a place to sit down.

But they don't know, in the corner, there is a person will this scene silently panoramic.

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