As a result, he also ignored her and hurt her.

it seems that they always follow each other step by step!

Chu Haotian thought that as long as she stayed obediently and gave him a little time, maybe it would be better slowly, maybe as if nothing had happened.

However, Lu Lingxi's idea is completely opposite to his.

She wanted to make everything clear, otherwise she couldn't go on.

Chu Haotian had already taken a few steps, and she couldn't catch him. At last, she could only cry.

"No, Chu Haotian, listen to me. I don't know how it happened. I really don't know You believe me, I don't know... "

Her voice choked and she began to speak incoherently.

The more she wanted to explain, the more unclear she was, and her brain was in a mess, because she couldn't understand it.

Her vision was blurred. She could only see his figure, but could not see the expression on his face.

Then, heard his voice, cold, as if to freeze her into ice.

"What do you want me to believe? Did you believe me again? Ah... "

He turned without hesitation.

"No! Don't go... " Seeing that he had come to the door, Lu Lingxi screamed.

He didn't even listen to the explanation and had to leave again. It would be a long time, she knew!

When Chu Haotian heard her cry, he stopped for a moment, but he didn't turn back after all. He raised his foot and strode away, letting her cry go farther and farther away from him.

He can't stop, can't turn to face her, otherwise, he doesn't know whether he will go crazy.

What we need most now is to calm down and then calm down!

Chu Haotian didn't go to work when he came out of the villa. After he made a phone call, he drove straight ahead. He didn't know where he was going. He only knew that he needed a quiet environment now.

Until a few hours later, he looked at the dark silence in the sky. Lu Lingxi's face became more and more clear in his mind. She was crying, and she was full of tears in front of him.

And she told him not to leave, but he left at last.

What about her now? What's going on? Are you still crying?

His mind was in a trance, and it was easy for his calm heart to become a mess.

Escape is not the way after all, he always worried about her in his heart, took a deep breath, he decided to go home!

What happens when you get home?

Chu Haotian has been trying to think about that picture in his mind, but he always can't figure it out. He has tried his best to drive a little slower, and he still doesn't have a clue.

When he got home, it was dark. He thought that when he got home, could he see all the lights on?

Thinking about this, I can't help speeding up again.

However, just into the villa, but on the road to see a familiar, and this time should be at home!

Lu Lingxi, how did she come out? Where is this going?

She was only wearing thin clothes, her hair was scattered, and she was flying in the night wind. She walked forward slowly and aimlessly. She was a wandering soul. Even Chu Haotian came down from the car and came to her side, but she didn't notice it.

"Lu Lingxi..."

He called her, her steps just a little pause, even did not look at him, continue to walk.

Chu Haotian is in a hurry again. This woman dares to have a tantrum with him!

He rushed up and grabbed her by the wrist to stop her from moving forward.

Clearly don't want to be fierce to her, but a mouth, tone is not good, "Lu Lingxi, what are you mad?"

Lu Lingxi's hand was grabbed, she had to stop, looked up and looked at him laxly.

For a long time, he didn't seem to recognize him. He asked: "Chu Haotian, please..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, tears came out and flowed down her thin, pale cheeks.

Today, she shed too many tears all day. She thought it had dried up, but when she saw him, she was always fragile and couldn't control it.

When he left her at home, she thought a lot

She spent three hours in the bathtub, rubbing her body with bath gel over and over again.

However, as long as she thought of her consciousness, the last person she saw was Wu Shengrui. When she thought of what might happen later, she still felt dirty! Even the skin wrinkled after washing, she still didn't feel clean!

She is not clean, no wonder he will dislike her

She wanted to ask Wu Shengrui if he really took advantage of others' danger and how he could do this to her?

But what if I ask? It's just adding a handful of salt to the bleeding wound.

So she thought for a long time, finally, she decided to go!

If you leave him, maybe it won't be so painful. Anyway, leaving is also the inevitable outcome between them!But she walked back and forth and finally ran into him.

Chu Haotian saw her this appearance, in the heart a pain, can't help but put soft tone, "what's the matter? What happened? I'm not back. I'm... "

He was thinking, what did she ask him to do?

Can you stop that? Can we stop tormenting him?

Then she looked at him and said, "you, let me go!"

He is stunned, let her go?

His face was so heavy that she always hurt his heart!

He can't let her go, but this selfish woman, does she know that what he can't let go is himself!

He let her go, so who can let him go?

Chu Haotian didn't speak, but showed his answer with his actions.

He pulled her over, put her in the car, drove all the way home, pulled her out of the car and went straight into the house.

"Bang -"

there was a door closing sound.

For a long time, Lu Lingxi just adapted to the dazzling light in the room. She came back.

After circling again and again, she finally went back to the origin. She couldn't escape his Wuzhishan after all!

Chu Haotian is such a man. He always lacks reason when he is angry. No matter how weak Lu Lingxi is, he just shakes her hand and she is thrown into the sofa.

Although the sofa is very soft, she still has stars in her eyes.

Before he recovered, he heard a man's anger again, "Lu Lingxi, what do you want? Will you die if you don't provoke me? "

Lu Lingxi slowly raised his head, as if there was a pool of stagnant water in his eyes. Now he opened the gate and went out a little bit.

She just looked at him and murmured, "what's the point? Can't you let me go? Since I dislike you, why don't you let me go? "

"Who says I dislike you?"

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