"Lu Lingxi..."

Standing outside the bathroom, Chu Haotian shouts out.

What he thought was that as long as she came out from inside, then she would smile at him, and never say anything like leaving, she wanted him to do whatever she wanted!


He twisted her leg to see where she could go!

However, his answer was quiet.

He frowned, raised his hand impatiently and knocked on the door a few times, but as always there was no response.

What the hell is this woman up to?

Some irritable, he just directly kicked the door of the bathroom, vigorously kicked the door open, and then cheered coldly: "Lu Lingxi, you are good at..."

Words, suddenly stop, just like being cut off by a sharp knife, the lower half has not yet been said, so stuck in the throat, can not say, also can not swallow.

A pair of eyes stare greatly, looking at the scene in front of you in consternation.

On the wet floor, Lu Lingxi curled up. Her long hair was a little scattered and covered most of her face. It was like that in those intimate nights, she always nestled in his arms and fell asleep peacefully.

However, he knew that she was not sleeping.

There's blood coming out of her wrist.

Her white clothes were almost dyed bright red, like plum blossoms in full bloom in the snow, beautiful and gorgeous, but extremely sad.

Chu Haotian felt that his breath was about to pour. He was stuck in his throat and nearly suffocated.

Leng for several seconds, he just came back to his senses, ran two steps to her side, picked her up, her wrist dropped from the body, blood like a blade, cut his eyes.

How could that be? Why did she do that?

"Lingxi, Lu Lingxi..."

He called her, his voice trembling and choking, his eyes filled with fear, he had never been so scared and scared, he called her name, but she just shouldn't.

Shaking, he grabbed her wrist and hurriedly took down a towel from the side and wrapped it tightly, trying to stop the blood from flowing out again.

His heart beat fast enough to break through his chest. He carefully opened the hair that covered her face and found that her eyes were tightly closed. Her eyes were wet and her long eyelashes were all glued together. It was obvious that she had cried bitterly.

She had a weak cry, collapse of the cry, finally, is the tears of despair

He imagined the scenes and felt that his heart was pierced by countless needles, with severe pain.

Lu Lingxi's body is still warm, but her breathing is very light and slow. He can't help holding her tightly for fear that she will fly away from his arms at any time.

She's still leaving him, isn't she?

No matter what method, even in this way, she will leave him, won't she?

Suddenly, he regretted, unprecedented

If he had known that, he would not have used that woman to stimulate her. He would not have allowed her to be sad. He would not have forced her. As long as she was good, he would be willing to do whatever he was asked to do!

"Lu Lingxi..."

He gave her another trembling cry.

She was in a coma in his arms, and her unconsciousness clung to his heart. He just wanted her to wake up soon, as long as she could open her eyes and look at him, even if she hit him or scolded him.

"Don't scare me Wake up, Lingxi. Don't scare me any more, OK I didn't dislike you, and I didn't want to be with you. I didn't touch other women, I I just want to annoy you. I thought you would be jealous and drive that woman out I, I just want you to stay with me, I was wrong, wrong, really wrong! Lingxi, don't worry. I beg you, please... "

As he dealt with her wrist, he kept talking to her. The more he said, the redder his eyes were. Finally, he said something incoherent.

He has always thought that nothing in the world can defeat him, except her, his heart is affected by her, his weakness is so obvious.

However, until he helped her to stop bleeding, Lu Lingxi still had no sign of waking up.

I didn't dare to delay for a second, and I didn't care that I was still in rags. I held her in my arms, took the car key, and galloped all the way to the hospital.

It's not too late now. The bus is busy on the street. While waiting for the red light, he has already called the hospital.

Chu Haotian poked his head out of the window. He had never felt so long waiting for the red light.

Found that there are more than 20 seconds, he anxiously snapped the steering wheel, and then frowned to look at the people next to him.

She is still fainting. If she can't get to the hospital again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In his heart, he secretly scolded himself as a real jerk, no one can match!

If he doesn't get angry with her, if he goes in early to see her, can all this be avoided?

However, he still couldn't figure out why she was desperate to do such a thing?After gazing at her carefully for a few seconds, I suddenly felt a sense of despair.

If she can't be saved What should I do?

Just think so, his heart in the frenzied beat for a few seconds, suddenly settled, looking at her pale face, he thought, Lu Lingxi, you love to sleep, sleep!

Not alone!

He will accompany her, no matter when and where!

In this way, can we be together forever?

At the moment when the red light turned to green, Chu Hao was scared by his pessimistic thoughts. When did he become so depressed? As long as she has a breath, he will not give up!

Slam on the gas and rush to the hospital at the final speed.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, no matter who he was, he saw a man in a white coat, so he pulled him over and said in a fierce voice, "get your best doctor right away and save her! Quick... "

Although Chu Haotian was in a mess, his inherent dignity was enough to overwhelm everything!

He personally put her soft body on the bed and watched her being pushed away from his eyes. Her face was still pale. Her eyes were always closed and did not open from beginning to end to see him.

Chu Haotian wanted to keep up with him, but he was stopped by the nurse. At the same time, from the moment she left his arms, his whole strength seemed to be drained.

He held out his hand and held on to the wall. It was so easy for him to stand firm.

A man stood in the corridor in a daze, looking at it as if he could not see the end, find a way out, touch tomorrow.

Without her

He thought, tomorrow or not, it doesn't matter!

Maybe the way he rushed into the hospital just now was too shocking, plus his special identity, leaving aside his prominent family background, many of the advanced equipment in the hospital were donated by Chu, so the president and high-level officials all went out one after another.

Chu Haotian has no idea to deal with them. He only thinks that the woman inside can wake up quickly.

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