In Nancheng, Mr. Huo and Mr. Chu are honorifics. Except for Huo Mingxiu and Chu Haotian, almost no one dares to use them again.

Who are they?

Where are you going to send her again?

Luo Yanxi feels that she has been lifted up, and at this time she has ruled out the possibility of Chu Bai.

At least chubai is unlikely to have such a bodyguard exclusive bodyguard so far.

Then the woman just said that Mr. Chu was

Chu Haotian!

No! She is now in such a state of being thrown into Chu Haotian's bed. How can she not have an accident!

What's more, Chu Haotian is used to being romantic. If he gets drunk, he won't go to see who the women in bed are. What if he regards her as those women?

"You The wrong person. "

She closed her eyes and whispered with all her strength.

However, in addition to the shoes and the ground contact and the friction sound, there is no sound response to her.

Just after Li Yueling left, she thought she had escaped from them. Unexpectedly, she was sent to Chu Haotian's bed again.

If you and Chu Haotian Then everything is in a mess.

Not to mention Huo Mingxiu, she can't forgive herself, and how can she stand up to her best friend!


When Huo Mingxiu found out that Luo Yanxi had not seen her, he was crazy. He grabbed someone and asked if he had seen her, but their answers were the same, just shaking their heads.

"Master, I didn't find Miss Xi's whereabouts. The surveillance in the banquet hall just now seems to have been tampered with."

Meng Lei also came with people, but what he brought was not good news.

Huo Mingxiu's eyes were full of evil, sweeping the people present. "Blockade here, no one is allowed to leave without my order!"

"Yes Meng Lei a wave, immediately, a group of black bodyguards have been guarding on both sides of the banquet hall gate.

"Get me a map of the island."

Huo Mingxiu's eyes were full of fire.

Meng Lei did not dare to slack off. He quickly transferred out the map of the island and handed his hands to Huo Mingxiu.

"Master, this is the map of the whole island. We'll send people to search from the East and West. I'm sure we can find Miss Xi."

"I'll take people from the East, you take people from the West."

Huo Mingxiu waved his hand, turned around and was just about to start. Suddenly, a flustered figure appeared at the door of the banquet hall.

When he can see the person clearly, he will give an order immediately.

"Arrest her for me!"


Li Yueling just escaped from the muzzle of the gun. She ran here, gasping for breath. Before she was relieved, her arm was clamped by the bodyguard.

Her legs fluttered a few times, and she was carried to Huo Mingxiu.

"Huo, Mr Huo."

When she saw the man in front of her, Li Yueling was scared to death. She stood shivering, looking for something.

She wanted to ask luoziyu for help, but at this time, luoziyu didn't dare to show up. As early as the first time she was caught, she hid in the crowd.

"Why are you here? What are you doing in such a hurry? "

Huo Mingxiu's eyes narrowed dangerously, staring at the old woman in front of him.

"I, I..."

"My master asked you! Say it

Meng Lei stepped forward and made a cold voice.

Li Yueling swallows saliva, her eyes are still searching for Luo Ziyu in the crowd, and her appearance can't escape Huo Mingxiu's eyes.

With a look in his eyes, Meng Lei quickly gets into the crowd, and without a moment's effort, he pulls out Luo Ziyu.


Li Yueling was overjoyed to see her daughter, but Luo Ziyu turned away and didn't even look at her, as if she didn't know her at all.

"Are you looking for her? Now people have found it for you, say it! How did you get here and what are you going to do with her? "

Li Yueling almost blurted out, but when she saw that Luo Ziyu finally looked at her and threatened her again, Li Yueling pursed her lower lip and swallowed all the words that were close to her mouth.

She said, "I, I just came here with my relatives to have a look. I didn't do anything."

"Meng Lei!"


"Don't, don't, don't, I said, I saw Luo Yanxi being robbed on my way here just now."

Seeing Meng Lei take out the gun, Li Yueling's legs are soft. She quickly tells them half the truth.

"What? Who is it? "

Frightened by Huo Mingxiu's anger, Li Yueling stammered out the characteristics of one of the bodyguards. She seemed to see a woman in the group."Master, why do I sound so like Like Chu Shao? "

After listening to Li Yueling's narration, Meng Lei's face is incredible.

"It's not like, it's his people!"

The man's face is covered with cold and dark, with bloodthirsty light, just like Shura in hell.

"Where does Chu Haotian live?"

No wonder since he and Xi'er arrived here, they didn't see his shadow.

He thought about what he wanted them to come for, but he never thought it would be like this!

The man's freezing voice reveals the danger of the coming storm, and the hostility makes the reception staff quickly report Chu Haotian's room number.

Chu Haotian's residence is guarded by bodyguards. Huo Mingxiu arrives at the door of his villa. Without waiting for the two bodyguards to speak, he directly kicks them down and goes straight into the villa.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, wait a minute. We Chu Shao are still busy. If you want to find him..."

"Go away!"

Busy, this word stabbed Huo Mingxiu's heart, he went into the villa, one by one kicking the door, one by one to find.

The bodyguards behind also dare not catch up. They are afraid of Huo Mingxiu.

When Huo Mingxiu arrived at the second floor, Meng Lei also came. He had to deal with Li Yueling before he came, so he was late.

Chu Haotian's bodyguard knows Meng Lei and asks him to dissuade his master.

"Don't push me. It's no use looking for me. I'm afraid it's the king of heaven."

Meng Lei is also full of anger. He never thought that the master's good brother would do such a thing. If Miss Xi had a good or bad thing, not only his master, but also Chu Haotian would fight for it!

"Chu Haotian, come out for me!"

Huo Mingxiu kicked the door of the second floor fiercely.


When another door was kicked open, Huo Mingxiu rushed in, and two overlapping figures came into his eyes. At this time, he was cold and frightening.

"Chu Haotian!"

Anger then drink up, the man on the bed a drag up, without hesitation to punch.

Huo Mingxiu tried his best, Chu Haotian's nose was hit, and the blood immediately flowed down.

"Do you know who the hell she is? The last woman showed me who I was! "

Huo Mingxiu said, once again swung his fist and hit several times.

When Chu Haotian was beaten, he looked up faintly. When he saw that it was Huo Mingxiu, he gave him a silly smile.

"Mingxiu, I'm playing with women, you have to take care of me!"

"I don't care who you play with, but you dare to touch my woman!"

"What are you, woman? Isn't your woman Xiao Xi? This is what I just looked for Chu Haotian was puzzled.

"I wanted to tell you where Lingxi is now, but you Chu Haotian, if you let Lingxi know that you have moved her best friend, you deserve to die alone! "

It seems that Huo Mingxiu's fist can't stop at all.

He even dare to move his son! He killed his heart!

"Lingxi? Oh Ha ha What does she have to do with me? " Chu Haotian seemed to think of something suddenly, and he raised his lips to smile.

And Huo Mingxiu didn't bother to talk to him any more. He ran directly to the woman on the bed and protected her in his arms.

"Xi'er, Xi'er is me, it's OK, I'm here, I'm..."

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