Although the woman is wearing a dress, she should also come to the party, but she is wearing sunglasses.

This kind of strange dress can't help but let Luo Yan Xi and Luo Yi a little Leng next.

Two people look at each other, then pull down the elevator.

"What's wrong, Xiao Xi?"

Walk a few steps, see Luo Yan Xi eyebrow slightly wrinkle, Luo Yi low voice asks a way.

"Don't you find that woman strange? What's more, I always feel that something is wrong with her. When she saw us when the elevator door opened, her head dropped obviously, as if she was hiding something, and... "

The more Luo Yanxi thought about it, the tighter he frowned. He tried to recall the moment when he just looked at the woman.

"Oh? Is it a new trend for her to wear a dress and sunglasses with her head down? " Roy returned.

That kind of dress is really strange in this environment.

"It's Vivian! Roy, that woman was Vivian, the man beside Hughes

Luo Yan Xi suddenly raised his eyes and was shocked.

Roy's face was tense. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure it's Vivian. Although she changed her dressing style, it's her face under the sunglasses! Roy, you go to inform brother Mingxiu and Xiaobai, and I'll go up and have a look. "

Luo Yan Xi looks uneasy. Vivian is here. What about Xiusi? Is he going to be here?


Luo Yi wants to say something more. Luo Yanxi has turned around and watched the elevator stop on the sixth floor. She quickly enters another elevator.

Roy saw that Luo Yanxi had gone up, and he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he hurried to the banquet hall.

They didn't bring their mobile phones just now, so now they have to go to the banquet hall to find Huo Mingxiu and Chu Bai.

The elevator stops on the sixth floor, and Luo Yanxi goes out to look for Vivian.

But she looked around, the corridor was empty, where there was Vivian's figure.

In the banquet hall.

When Huo Mingxiu's voice sounded like a spring breeze, Su Rou's heart was filled with clear water. No one had ever talked to her like this, and no one had ever considered her.

As long as they get their permission, they will throw themselves on the bed without hesitation.

Her eyes followed the direction of Huo Mingxiu's fingers. It was the handsome man surrounded by many women.

Su Rou's face showed a wry smile, "he? He is so far away that I can't touch him. "

"Out of reach? Just to see if you work hard enough, I used to think that the happiness of me and my wife is so far away. "

Huo Mingxiu said, lips slightly raised, a mention of the beloved, even if you want to suppress, the bottom of the heart will not be able to show emotion.

But from this woman's words, he also knew that Zimmer and those people should not be familiar to a certain extent.

Su Rou was stunned, thinking of the woman who was so beautiful that she said, "your wife also has a strong background, or has a business empire like that person?"

Her face was full of shock. Did she think she was wrong and that her wife was just a beautiful vase?

"Business empire? I think Miss Su is wrong. "

Huo Mingxiu's lips coldly hooked down and said nothing more than half a sentence.

"Don't you know who the man over there is?"

Seeing Huo Mingxiu's reaction, Su Rou's eyes flashed with surprise.

She thought that he didn't even know who Zimmer was? Did you find the wrong person?

But She looked up at his clothes, which could not be worn by an ordinary rich young master. His clothes were as good as those over there.

"You think I have to know?"

Huo Mingxiu looked at the woman in front of him. He naturally knew who the man was. He just looked at the woman's appearance and seemed to think that she had found the wrong person.

This It's interesting.

Did the man of Hughes not give the woman his own information?

"You seem to think highly of him."

He took a look at Zimmer over there and said to Su Rou deliberately.

Su Rou's body trembles. She thinks that this man's pride is not so easy to pretend. No, to be exact, it should be born.

"No, I don't mean that. I don't admire him alone. Although he has just appeared here, his reputation has spread all over the city. As long as businessmen want to make friends with him, and the tourism projects he invests in here are just the tip of his iceberg. Oh, this hotel is his."

Huo Mingxiu listens to Su Rou's evaluation of Zimmer. It seems that this woman doesn't know much.

Huo Mingxiu squinted and looked to the other side, but to the same man who looked up.

"Yes? Ah... "Huo Mingxiu found that the man had been observing them.

How long did he look at them?

Surou hears the disdain in Huo Mingxiu's tone, and her eyes are wide open. She looks at him strangely.

I didn't expect that after knowing the identity of the man, he still had such an attitude, and there was no envy or desire to make friends on his face.

This man, he

"Mr. Huo, what industry are you in?" Su Rou asked very implicitly.

Huo Mingxiu's eyes fell back on Su Rou's face, and the corners of his lips seemed to evoke a faint smile. "Miss Su, I think what you should do now is to express your feelings to the one over there."

After that, without waiting for Su Rou to answer, Huo Mingxiu turned and left.

"Mr. Huo!"

Su Rou quickly turns to Huo Mingxiu's back and shouts. She trembles at the thought of his smile. This man must be interesting to herself.

In the distance, Zimmer put his hands around his chest, his eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He looked at Huo Mingxiu who stopped. At the moment when he turned around, he had a dangerous look under his eyes.

The man just gave up the woman over there, but why did he do that?

"Anything else?"

Huo Mingxiu looked at it with a light look, and there was no trace of nostalgia on his face.

"Are you here on holiday? How long are you going to stay here? "

Su Rou adjusted her mood with a smile, so that she could let him see her most enchanting side.

"It depends on the mood." He didn't want to reply casually. Of course, he hoped that the fish would be hooked soon. When Hughes was solved, he could have a good time with his wife.

If my wife is in a good mood, it's OK to stay here for a month.

Su Rou chokes in her throat. The man in front of her is too hard for people to think about. She can't hold the dominant position at all. She just spoke softly, but now she is cold again. "How can I contact you?"

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