It's already been like this outside, but why hasn't Huo Mingxiu made any noise?

Luo Yanxi thought that the chopsticks in her hand had been put down by her, and her heart began to worry.

"Uncle, isn't there any familiar voice outside?" She murmured to Zimmer.

"Familiar voice? No? "

Zimmer looks at her niece who stops eating all of a sudden. Her dark eyes flash with a light.

"Xiao Xi, why on earth did you do that? Just because that woman offended you? So you're going to mess with this woman? "

"Huo Mingxiu is in it!"

Luo Yanxi's eyes looked at the direction of the opposite door, and there was a man named Kur who was with him. That man was very dangerous

"Kurt? So he's the boss that the woman said before? Do you mean that Huo Mingxiu met the guy named Kur in that private room? So who is the woman inside? "

Zimmer couldn't see the woman's face at all. He could only hear the voice, which was a little familiar.

Looking at him, Luo Yanxi obviously knew that he was referring to the woman who came out just now. Because he was twins, he was afraid that he was the woman who provoked her.

"Surou, the one next door is surou, and the one with Kur and Huo Mingxiu is Suqing."

Luo Yanxi's eyes glanced gently at his mobile phone. The information of the twins on it was sent to her by the stranger.

"What? Didn't she just be out there? Then they are... " Zimmer looked back in surprise and saw his niece's look. He seemed to understand it.

"No wonder some people say that this woman has two sides. Although she is charming, she is as hot as fire and as ice. It turns out that they are just two people! They really play with a lot of men. " Zimmerkan said.

"Yes? Uncle, why does that woman come here to eavesdrop

Luo Yan Xi said, eyes have flashed a touch of cold.

"Well, it's not for my nephew and son-in-law! It seems that the one in your family is really charming and has a deep heart for women. Xiao Xi, are you in pain like this? Do you want your uncle to help you find a perfect man again? "

Zimmer couldn't see his niece hurt.

"No, I like him!" She killed somebody's idea at once!

Seeing the cold eyes almost projected on him, Zimmer couldn't help murmuring. His niece's taste is really special!

"You Su Rou grits her teeth and looks at the waiter in front of her. He completely buckles the basin on her head.

"Miss, don't look at me like this. It's really your face that orders here. As for who ordered it, I don't know. Anyway, it's one of you. I'm just a little waiter. Please don't embarrass me."

"If you want to complain, please go to the manager. I'm willing to accept the inspection. Two guests, you see, I still have work. There are guests calling. I can't waste any more time here. I'm sorry."

the most incisive look as like as two peas in the face of the waiter, who are very much alike in their own interpretation. They are the same as the two, but they only say they can't distinguish themselves.

"Get out of here, get out of here!"

Hearing what he said, Su Rou's brain trembles, and her gaze stares at Su light.

It's her! It turned out that she had already found herself here.

"Oh, you're very proud of the play you directed and performed? Su Qing, what's good for you to deal with me like this? "

Su light looked at the spearhead suddenly pointed at his Su Rou, the bottom of his heart is even more angry, "Su Rou, you have to talk about evidence, I don't have the need to do this to you, don't push what you do to me!"

"Is that what you told me? It's a good design for an infighting

Zimmer leaned over the door and whispered.

"No, I didn't expect the two sisters to have a conflict, but it seems that you just praised the waiter very well. It's a pity that he is only a waiter."

Luo Yan Xi said, but his eyes were fixed on the door of Huo Ming Xiu's private room. Why didn't he open it!

"Come here, you two!"

Suddenly, a angry male voice came from the next room. Luo Yanxi's body trembled. There was no doubt that the voice was Kur's!

Su Rou's eyes shrank, and a look of panic flashed on her face. She looked at Su light with resentment, "I won't let you do what you want!"

At the end of the speech, he has taken the lead in going out.

When she walked into the next room and saw Huo Mingxiu, who was already sitting askew on the chair and had no self-consciousness in her eyes, her heart tightened.

She did not hear wrong just now, he was really drugged!

"Su Rou, what are you doing here?"

As soon as Kur saw her coming in, his eyes fell on Huo Mingxiu. His fat face became gloomy immediately, and his eyes were burning with anger. He could see clearly the emotion of this woman's eyes."Come here!" He said to Su Rou in a cold voice.

Su Rou's body shakes, and there is panic and uneasiness in her eyes when she looks at Kur. Unfortunately, she didn't look at him first just now. This man is always suspicious.

"Boss, I don't know!"

"I told you to come here!" The more he said, the more gloomy Kur's face was. His eyes narrowed dangerously, staring at Su rou.

Then Su Qing, who follows in, sees Kur's angry face, and then looks at Su Rou's stiff back, with a smile on her lips.

Walk straight to Huo Mingxiu's side and look at this beautiful face with low eyes. It's really a man that women will be fascinated by at a glance. She hasn't played with such a man before.

"Boss, I'll let this man go first."

"No way!" When Su Rou heard this, she immediately stopped, but she regretted it again. In such an obvious tone, the boss said

Sure enough, Kurt pulled Su Rou into his arms, held her jaw, and flashed, "do you like him?"

His strength is more and more heavy. He breaks Su Rou's face to Huo Mingxiu's direction. In an instant, her white skin leaves a red mark.

"We're just working together." Su Rou forbears pain and stares at Su Qing, who is standing beside Huo Mingxiu with a smile on her face, and says.

"Cooperation, to what extent? In his bed? "

Kurt's face was astonished, and his strength was even stronger. His angry eyes seemed to tear her whole body to pieces.

"No, no, I think the boss knows better than me who he is. We just cooperate." Eyes are forced to face the man's eyes. Su Rou can't help cursing "the devil" at the bottom of her heart.

"So if this man is interested in you, you'll climb into his bed?"

Seeing that Kur's face seems to be getting better, Su light suddenly starts to speak with sarcastic anger.

Sure enough, Kurt's eyes were half narrowed at once.

Su Rou's heart sank, regardless of the pain on her face. She glared with anger, and yelled at Su lightly, "don't be bloody here, I'm not you! What do you mean when you want a man to play? Hum, I know you so well that you just want to torture him? Su Qing, you cheated the boss, but you can't cheat me. You never asked for a person at the first time! He is the first

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