"Sophie, it may be too late for you to go now!"

Hughes looked at the woman with a cold face.

"What's that to you?"

When he saw the appearance of Hughes, Luo Yanxi seemed to have understood everything.

"You sent the photos and videos on your mobile phone, right?"

"It's me!" He did not deny it.

"Sophie, is it worth all you've done for him? He has not left you and your children for other women. Even though he has raised you for 18 years, I have guarded you for five years. Why don't you give me a chance? "

His heart was aching. Huo Mingxiu colluded with Kur, although he knew why he did it.

"Hughes, isn't Vivian pregnant? Now you leave their mother and son behind and say this to me. Do you think you are a good man? "

Luo Yan Xi chilly eyes hit the man's body. "Don't say whether it's worth it or not, I believe him!"

Then, without waiting for Hughes to speak, he would go around him.

"Sophie, you can't go. It's dangerous!"

Seeing her estrangement and vigilance, Hughes's nerves were crying with pain. Even though she had become the wife of other men and even had children for other men, he could not let go.

He can not do like that Qin Peng, only to be her happy spectator, at the moment, his heart hate to the extreme!

"Do you want to see her put herself in such danger?"

Seeing that he could not persuade Luo Yanxi, Hughes turned his eyes to Zimmer again.

"So? Is it safe to have her with you? Mr. Hughes! Do you think Huo Mingxiu will hurt her? Do you hurt less? Don't worry, I still have the ability to protect my niece. "

Zimmer glanced at Hughes and said faintly. The tone of his exit seemed to describe the weather today. Although it was smooth, the cold low pressure shrouded Hughes. It seemed that the dark fog would devour him in the next second.

"Do you believe it? I can bury you here now! "

Hughes had a slight astringency in his throat. "Mr. Qi, you will not forget that we are partners, will you? Besides, killing people here will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble. "


For the first time, a touch of bitterness appeared on his handsome face.

"Is Mr. Hughes doubting my ability?"

Ironic words overflow from a man's thin lips. He's just a business partner. For the sake of his niece, it doesn't matter if he does one or ten business.

"Well, uncle, don't tell him any more. Let's go!"

Luo Yanxi over there was already impatient. She looked at Hughes for the last time.

"No matter what purpose you sent me those photos and videos, this moment at least helped me to know that he was in danger. I hope you'd better not get in the way of our business any more, or you'll have a new hatred We will never give up! "

"And you said five years of protection, sorry, from the beginning that is cheating! Even the so-called friendship, are not simple, I can not see those things as beautiful. If I'm grateful, I can only thank you for not killing me for five years! And what you taught me! "

Xiusi's words didn't stimulate Luo Yanxi. On the contrary, she met his eyes with magnanimity and was more convinced that the whole thing was not simple!

She knew that Hughes was true to herself, but too many things could not go back, not to mention the murderer who killed her parents, or he!

Hughes stood in the same place, looking at the figure that she left without hesitation. Even if Huo Mingxiu was like that, did she still give him up?

His heart was blocked, and his hand became a fist. Why, Huo Mingxiu? Why can you let her believe you and love you so much!

Crazy jealousy occupied Hughes' heart!


"Xiao Xi, Huo Mingxiu is there. Why don't you just go and take him away?"

Not far away from the room, Luo Yanxi suddenly stops, which makes Zimmer very puzzled.

"Uncle, we can't go in now. Could you please go to their next room and make a room?"

Zimmer's not going in?

But he didn't ask again, just nodded. "Good!"

But when they went to the front desk, they were told that the room had already been occupied.

"Xiao Xi, take a rest there first, and I'll find a way."

Zimmer finished and walked in the direction of the elevator.

When he came down again, he waved to Luo Yan on the sofa. "Come on, let's go to the room!"

"Isn't it occupied?"

"Oh, I sent the couple to Dubai for free for three days, and when they came back, their rooms were returned to their original owners." Wink at her, then a room card has been shown on her hand.Looking at that room card, Luo Yan Xi looks a Leng, originally just now he is looking for that couple.

However, she was thinking that the couple would not be forced to be tied to the plane, right?

They got on the elevator and all the way to the room. As soon as they entered the door of the room, Luo Yanxi put his ears on the partition wall of Huo Mingxiu's room.

Eyes closed, listening quietly, but no sound, nothing to hear.

Think of two people's state, can't hear is good news!

The reason why she didn't go in directly was that after she met Hughes, she confirmed that Huo Mingxiu must be planning something.

Including getting close to that woman, he did it on purpose!

She was afraid that she would break his business if she rushed in so rashly. She couldn't let everything he had designed come to nothing!

Zimmer looked at the room again, looking at Luo Yanxi's whole state. He quietly leaned on the door and didn't disturb him.

These days, he has learned a lot about this niece. Despite her strong appearance, he thinks her heart is very strong. Whenever he meets Huo Mingxiu, she is a little woman all the time.

But she didn't lose her mind, just like she didn't rush into the room and take Huo Mingxiu away!

Luo Yanxi stood upright, standing by the wall, drooping his eyes, and his thoughts flipped in his mind.

Suddenly, she looked up at Zimmer, "uncle, if I want you to do a very dangerous thing for me, will you help me?"

Her eyes were close to his black pupil, and her breath stopped at one point without a breath. "You can refuse!" In the end, she said it.

Hearing her words, Zimmer's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of anger, eyes staring at her, the voice was never in front of her cold, "if I ask you this question in turn, how would you answer?"

"Me?" She looked at the angry man in front of her strangely. She was shocked. She didn't expect that he would ask.

"Yes, if it's dangerous, but I ask you to help, will you go?"

Zimmer looked at her seriously. As early as she asked, he had the answer in his heart, but her last words still made him angry.

He had already told her that no matter what it was, he would stand by her side and help her no matter what the cost was!

Can't she just think she's joking? In that case

"If you can go, I can go!"

Luo Yanxi's body is stunned, will it? They had only been together for a few days, but just when he asked her, the answer in her heart was

Red lips just open, but suddenly Qimo interrupted.

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