A clear short message sounded.

"Xiao Xi, we have news again!"

Zimmer looks at the information on the computer and shouts.

Hearing Zimmer's words, Luo Yanxi, who is still on the sofa, immediately stands up and walks towards him.

Seeing her eagerness, Zimmer said in a hurry.

"Xiao Xi, don't get excited, be careful of the baby!"

Luo Yan Xi also just know later, think of the baby in the belly, quickly with the hand gently stroking his belly, murmuring.

"Baby, you must bless dad's safe return!"

"By the way, uncle, what does Meng Lei say?"

"They're all ready. They're on call!"

They have been in touch with Huo Mingxiu for two days. Just now they received a message that the time was ripe.

A suburban estate.

"Mr. Huo, our boss is waiting for you in the study!"

A bodyguard found Huo Mingxiu in the manor and said to him.


When he got up, the corners of his lips raised a simple radian and patted the bodyguard's shoulder, "hard work, lead the way!"

In the study, when Huo Mingxiu pushed the door in, the woman in front of him frowned, and his eyes flashed, "surou?"

Looking at the woman on Kurt's lap and ignoring Kurt's eyes, Huo Mingxiu went to the window and opened the window. He also sat on the sofa with a cold voice. "It seems that Miss Su has recovered well. My wife is really a soft woman. She can make you recover so quickly."

Looking at the sarcastic smile on Huo Mingxiu's face, thinking of Luo Yanxi's cruel and cruel means, Su Rou's eyes flashed a touch of horror, subconsciously leaning against Kur's arms.

"Mr. Huo, I don't think Miss Luo is a soft one. I think she was on the island of Raleigh, ha ha In my opinion, Miss Luo is almost a heroine. Su Rou's leg has been broken and there is a deep crack in her bone. "

Kurt suddenly put surou on the ground and pushed her out from behind her desk. "Go ahead, walk two steps to President Huo to have a look!"

"Boss, I can't go!"

Su Rou holds the table with one hand and prays to Ku'er.

She is not fit to be discharged at all. She was brought back by Kurt.

Kur looked at the disobedient woman, just about to get angry, but was interrupted by Huo Mingxiu.

"Just tell me what's going on. Don't play such a trick in front of me."

As he spoke, his ears stood up high, listening to the movement outside.

"Ha ha, Mr. Huo is really a pleasant person! Although Su Rou has offended Miss Luo, she is also my woman. Mr. Huo, you have to give me an account of this? "

Kur's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Huo Mingxiu with a smile.

"Oh? So, what do you want? "

"Well, I remember that Mr. Huo was attacked by the lions and beasts of Raleigh before. I think Mr. Huo has noticed that those lions and beasts are not ordinary things..."

Huo Mingxiu's lips started gradually. Now he probably knew what this man wanted to do?

"You want those lions?" He asked bluntly.

"We can't say yes, we can only say that we cooperate with each other. Those lions and beasts are very valuable, and I also want to borrow Mr. Huo's blood. After all, you've been bitten by them before, and the wounds heal quite quickly. What does Mr. Huo think? "

Ku Er's face showed a look of potential and said, looking at Huo Mingxiu.

"Do you think I should promise you?"

Huo Mingxiu's eyes are full of cold light. He stares at Kur and looks at the mobile phone time on his hand without any trace.

"It's not supposed to be, it must be! Mr. Huo, after all, you are still in my hands, and It's not only the poison on you, but also the medicine I used before. Any attack will kill you! "

"Poison on your body? Do you mean that the poison that Hughes gave me has not been solved yet Huo Mingxiu's whole body was shocked and his heart was tight.

No wonder, no wonder after taking Han's medicine, Xi'er's face will show a touch of sadness from time to time.

It turns out that the poison on him is not completely good at all!

"The poison made by Hughes, except him, is only me in this world. Mr. Huo, it's easy to let you die! "

Kur's words fell, but he didn't hear Huo Mingxiu's voice for a long time.

Looking at the silent Huo Mingxiu, Ku'er thought that he had agreed, and his face suddenly bloomed with glory. "Mr. Huo, don't worry, as long as you are willing to cooperate, I will help you solve the poison, and you won't be controlled by those drugs in the future! And we'll have a lot of money, not to mention the whole of China, we'll make a sensation in the world. The world's richest man is nothing! "

Huo Mingxiu's vision suddenly raised, and he looked at Kurt's face, and his lips were evil. "Is that right? Unfortunately, I'm not interested in those at all! Kur, you like to daydreamWith that, he suddenly got up, quickly moved to the wall full of guns, quickly picked up a pistol, pointed it straight at Kur's heart, and pulled the trigger decisively.

"Bang -"


Along with the gunshot, Su Rou exclaimed in surprise. Her eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe that she looked at Huo Mingxiu in front of her. Seeing the surprise in his eyes, her face also showed a bitter smile.

What surprised her was not only him, but also herself. She was so devoted to her boss that she was fed poison and now she was pulled to block the gun.

Huo Mingxiu wants to continue shooting, but Kur doesn't want to move Su Rou away from him. As Huo Mingxiu rushes forward, Kur suddenly takes out a pistol from behind Su Rou and aims at him directly.

"Bang bang" two, he even fired two shots, but Huo Mingxiu skilfully dodged.

Kur cursed hard, then threw surou to the ground, turned around and shot Huo Mingxiu again. At the same time, his body quickly retreated to another room. Just as he was about to leave the room, he aimed his gun at Su Rou, who was still breathing at the table.

Huo Mingxiu stares at his hand with sharp eyes, points the gun at him quickly, and pulls the trigger before Kurt shoots.

"Ah -"

Kurt didn't expect that his reaction was so fast. He was shot in the right shoulder and hit the door open. He rolled around the floor and closed the door at the same time.

"If you want to run, hum!"

With a fierce flash of murdering eyes, Huo Mingxiu quickly chased into another room, but only the empty room and well placed furniture, and the windows were tightly closed.

Sweeping around, he held a gun with one hand and searched the room vigilantly.

But a moment later, there was still no Kur, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Huo Mingxiu frowns deeply. Thinking of Su Rou outside, he runs back quickly. At this time, Su Rou is already sitting on the ground, with her back against the corner of the table and her forehead full of sweat.

Looking back at Huo Mingxiu, Su Rou tries to pull out a smile on her pale face. "Not found?"

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