"After I was drugged, I met a group of people, including a woman, who said they would take me to Mr. Chu's room."

Luo Yanxi jumps over the period between Luo Ziyu and Li Yueling and preaches to Huo Mingxiu.

If she had not told the woman in the middle that she wanted to go to the bathroom, she couldn't imagine what would have happened in the end.

At that time, her condition was very bad, her whole body was very weak, her whole body was burning in the fire, and her emptiness devoured her.

She told the woman that she wanted to go to the bathroom. At first, the woman hesitated, and the bodyguards seemed to disagree, but at last, the woman agreed.

They took her to a hotel, in the corridor, while someone came, Luo Yanxi used all her strength to break the woman's hand.

"Don't make too much noise, find out the people."

The woman said softly to the bodyguards.

Luo Yanxi ran all the way to the bathroom, but didn't see if it was the women's bathroom. She went directly to the last door, hid in and locked the door tightly.

Her physical strength has been consumed almost, if caught again, there is no possibility of running away.

Who are these people? To send her to Chu Haotian's bed?

She soon heard footsteps coming from outside the bathroom, as if they would not stop until they caught her.

Luo Yanxi hid in the compartment. The men soon kicked the door one by one, as if she was going to her own room. She could not hear anything except her breathing. Her heart was more tense and flustered with her body. The sweat on the forehead keeps coming out because of the medicine and fear.

She clenched her hands and didn't know what to do?

If you run out, you will be caught, but if you hide here, you will be found soon.

Luo Yanxi leans against the door and slides down powerlessly. When she lowers her head, she sees a pair of black high-heeled shoes in the bathroom next door.

There's someone next door to her!

"Ah Who are you? This is the women's room. If you don't go out, I'll call the police! "

Soon, there was a sharp female voice next door.

"You go out, I'll look for you."

Then a female voice came again. Luo Yanxi recognized that it was the woman who had caught her before.


The group of bodyguards retreated.

Luo Yanxi leaned against the door and didn't dare to move. The sound of women's high heels was getting closer and closer to her.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock in her ear, and she was so nervous that she held her breath.



"Is there anyone in it, please?"

"Who are you? You've been knocking for a long time and there's no movement inside. It's probably that the toilet is broken and locked up by the staff! "

The voice of the woman next door came again.

"Is it?"

Luo Yanxi heard the woman outside say, and then silent for a while, the woman's feet outside finally gradually away.

Until the sound of footsteps outside the toilet rings again, Luo Yanxi confirms that they have left and opens the toilet door.

"Sure enough! It's you

Luo Yan Xi raised her eyes and saw a woman in red dress blocking her way.

"Do you know me?"

Luo Yan Xi hooked his lips and looked at the woman in front of him.

"Well, I've seen you on TV, Miss Luo Yanxi!"

Luo Yanxi's photos were published in various newspapers and magazines together with Huo Mingxiu's, and the previous photos of her snatching marriage also flowed out.

"Who are you?" Luo Yanxi is getting weaker and weaker.

"I'm an actor." The woman looked up and down at Luo Yanxi. Seeing that she was weak and flushed, she immediately thought of something.

"Actors? I'll give you a chance to get on top. Do you want it? "

Luo Yanxi said directly that she couldn't last much time.

"What chance?" The little star sneered at Luo Yanxi. With her long time in the entertainment industry, she naturally saw that Luo Yanxi had been drugged. Let's think about those people who came to arrest her just now.

"Who are you with?" Luo Yanxi asked.

"Chu Shao."

It's really hard to find a place to break the iron shoes. Luo Yan's smile is stronger. "You came with Chu Haotian? If you become his woman, I think it will be very helpful to your acting career. "

"What, his woman, I am!" Little star some displeasure retorts.

Luo Yan said with a smile, "I'll give you a chance to climb into his bed. Do you want it?"

She only looked at the expression of the little star and knew that if she really had sex with Chu Hao, she would not emphasize that she was his woman, and her face would not be so sad.

Chu Haotian, however, is not necessarily what the outside world says. He is with different women every day.Little star pause, want to refuse Luo Yan Xi's proposal, but she can't stand such a big temptation.

You know, she just climbed up to Chu Shao, but Chu Shao didn't touch her at all except hugging her. With the speed of Chu Shao changing women, she was really afraid that he would find another one before she climbed into his bed.

As long as you climb into his bed, you will be his woman, and your acting career will be more and more smooth.

"I've been drugged. Now I've been arrested. They want to send me to Chu Haotian's bed."

Luo Yanxi spared no effort to support, and continued to say to the little star.

"Let's exchange clothes. I don't think your acting skills will make them find that you are not me! How? I don't give you much time to think about it. Do you want to change it or not? "

"There's only one chance. If you miss it, it's hard for you to think about it." See little star hesitates, Luo Yanxi said again.

"How do I know if it's sent to Chu Shao's room? What if it was someone else? If it's a bad old man, don't I suffer a lot? "

"Well, what good is it for me to fool you? Or what can you give me? "

Little star listen to heart, think for a moment, take a deep breath, let go. "OK, change it!"

In this way, Luo Yanxi changed clothes with the little star, and when the little star went out and was taken away, she just managed to escape there.

She bumped all the way running, drug waves hit, tormenting her.

Confused, she ran to the grass, but lost her way, and finally fell down.

Later, Luo Yanxi didn't say anything about it. Huo Mingxiu naturally knew it. Later, he drove to find her and brought her back.

"Xier, you have suffered."

After listening to her words, Huo Mingxiu knew what she had experienced last night. When she was in the most pain and needed him, he was not by her side.

He hugged her more tightly, thin lips fell on her forehead, gentle words overflowed from thin lips.

"Xi'er, stay by my side and don't leave again, OK?"

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