Sure enough, on the third floor, they were surprised to find that on this small floor, the whole corridor was full of mirrors.

From the beginning to the end, even the top of the head, let alone the room, they couldn't even find the door anywhere.

"I didn't expect that this woman's mind was so deep. Maybe it was a mistake that Hughes didn't choose this woman!" Zimmer couldn't help sighing.

Such a thoughtful and ruthless woman, if she is a virtuous domestic helper, must be able to help him win a good master, but she is not in the right mind! But that Hughes didn't like it!

But what Zimmer doesn't know is that these are not arranged by Vivian, but someone else.

"If you think it's a pity, when you see that woman later, you can express yourself."

Huo Mingxiu snorted coldly. His vigilance didn't disappear. On the contrary, as they went deeper and deeper, those alert cells in his body became more and more sober.

Just at the stairway, they didn't find that this floor was not only full of mirrors, but also full of forks and mirrors.

There's a lot of light here. If no one leads the way, it's a maze.

Even if they go all over the place, it's impossible to find anyone.

"Here, behind the mirror is Miss Vivian's room."

The housekeeper trembled and said, but as soon as his voice fell, there was a pain in his back neck, and the whole person was knocked unconscious to the ground.

"How do you want to open this door?"

Zimmer asked.

Do you want to hit it directly?

If it doesn't work, won't it disturb the people inside?

It's so hidden here, and there are forks, maybe other exits.

In order to avoid frightening the snake, when they came here, their men didn't follow. Now they are here, and they are the only ones who are at risk when they can't find out the number of the enemy.

"Get him out of the way first."

Huo Mingxiu and Zimmer throw the housekeeper at a fork. Before they can go back, they see that the mirror just turned around.

They ducked to one side, only to see a man coming out from the opposite side.

Huo Mingxiu and their eyes fixed again, it turned out to be Xiusi!

"Why is he here?"

Zimmer whispered, looking at Hughes over there.

"I don't know." Huo Mingxiu's vision has been staring at Xiusi over there. Looking at him, it seems that he is longer than they came in.

Xiusi went round and round here, but he didn't find the way out, let alone find Vivian to rescue Luo Yanxi.

“Shit!” Hughes hit the mirror next to him heavily and swore.

The woman was so cunning that she came up with such a way to upset people.

But in the afterglow, Hughes saw the two people in the mirror.

The two sides were stunned at first, and then the atmosphere became tense.

"What are you doing here?"

"You can't take Sophie away!"

Huo Mingxiu and Xiusi said in one voice.

"She's my wife, and of course I'm entitled to take her!" Huo Mingxiu glared at Xiusi over there.

And Xiu Si also didn't show weakness, slightly raised chin, ice blue eyes also meet up.

"Naturally, I came here to save Sophie, and I will be the first to find her!"

In the transparent space full of mirrors, two tall figures stand upright.

Huo Ming Xiu Jun face a stretch, a lunge to rush past, the fist mercilessly pound to Xiu Si.

Xiusi's foot flashed, and his wrong step crossed him, and his backhand cut toward Huo Mingxiu.

The anger of the two men all burst out with their actions, and each move was ruthless. They didn't leave a trace of affection for each other!

Arrogant anger in the surrounding wanton flow, you punch me a foot.

"Huo Mingxiu, don't be too arrogant. Don't think that you are proud of being her husband now. When I save her, I will never leave a little chance for her to come back to you!"

As early as when he let her go and let her go back to Nancheng, he regretted it.

If time could turn back, he would rather not take revenge than let her go!

"She's my wife, and all her firsts are mine! You have no right to say such a thing! I warn you, stay away from my wife, or I will kill you by any means

Huo Mingxiu raised his foot and kicked Xiusi. Xiusi jumped up and jumped to avoid his leg. When he fell again, he also kicked Huo Mingxiu.

"Oh, kill me? Come if you can The corner of Hughes's mouth is cruel 'draw, "even if she once was yours, but in the future will only be mine!"

"Don't forget, I'm the one she loves! And you, always have only one identity, her enemy! You killed her parents. This hatred will only make her hate you even more! ""Huo Mingxiu, who said hate, is not another kind of memory? The deeper you hate, the deeper you love. Haven't you heard of that? "

Xiusi's words let Huo Ming's eyebrows flash across the fierce eyes, "then we'll make an end now!"

After that, Huo Mingxiu has pulled out his gun.

"That's what I mean. Today, either you or I will die!" Hughes said he had an extra pistol in his hand.

However, the two fight each other, it is difficult to shoot at each other, the hands of the gun can only do auxiliary work.

"Huo Mingxiu, either you take the lead every time, or you win!" Hughes' eyes were full of provocation.

Fight with your fists and feet, and don't forget to be better at words.

"Well, you don't even have a chance to take the lead!" Huo Mingxiu's lips became a straight line, and Hughes' fist hit Huo Mingxiu's face, and he just caught the gap to avoid Hughes' fist, in addition, his fist also hit Hughes hard in his heart!

Hughes was caught off guard. He was hit backward a few steps. His hand held his heart. No one knew that he had had heart surgery when he was a child. This was the weakest place in his whole body.

His eyes hang Huo Mingxiu, the defect of his heart, he doesn't believe that such a secret happened to be met by him!

Damn it, how many insiders are there around him!

Hughes's teeth were biting, as if he wanted to kill all those insiders one by one!

"Are you two finished? If you don't want to find Xiao Xi, you go on. I'll find my niece myself. When I find my niece, I will take her back to Australia and find her a good husband and a good father for her baby! Neither of you will ever see her again

Zimmer yelled angrily, then turned and left.

But not a few seconds later, he quickly stepped back and waved to them.

When they heard what he said, they immediately stopped and saw him walk a few steps back, and then saw his eyes.

No matter how unwilling they were, they also realized that there was something wrong with Luo Yanxi, and they avoided the mirror one after another.

After a while, Vivian came out from behind a mirror with a little maid behind her.

"What about that woman, miss? She's about to wake up The little maid asked Vivian.

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