"I'm going back to South Town, Mrs. Carrie. This is the last time I'll see you. I know that as a mother, when her son doesn't do things according to her will, it's hard to avoid feeling sad. But as a mother, since she loves her son, why do she have to force him? "

Standing in front of Carrie's bed, Luo Yanxi just quietly watched the people on the bed.

Although Carrie did not open her mouth, the flash of light in her eyes could not escape Luo Yanxi's eyes.

I knew that she was pretending to be crazy, but she didn't expose it. It was like saying something to her.

"Hughes, he has a good temper and should have a bright future, but madam, you are blinded by hatred. You not only destroy yourself, but also those eyes that may be very pure!"

Carrie on the bed still didn't open her mouth and didn't even give Luo Yanxi a look in her eyes.

Ignore in silence!

"Xi'er, it's time for us to go!"

Huo Ming Xiujun's face is full of anger behind him. If his wife didn't say no to him, he would tear off that woman's mask!

Finally, Luo Yanxi slowly left the ward in Huo Mingxiu's arms. When the door closed, Carrie, who had been sitting quietly, was crazy, gritting her teeth and pulling the sheets, her eyes scarlet.

Luo Yanxi! You're the one who ruined me. You're the one who ruined my Hughes! I will never let you go!

"Xiao Xi, are you going back to Nancheng so soon?"

Hearing that they were going to leave, Zimmer's face looked anxious.

"No, I'm sorry, your health is not completely good, so I'd better stay in the hospital for a while."

"I still have business in Nancheng, and I've been out for so long, some things can't be solved by one phone."

Huo Mingxiu took a deep look at Qimo. He knew what the man was thinking.

Don't you just want your wife to come back to Australia to see his parents when she gets better?

However, there is no time to delay in Nancheng. The cooperation with the Han family has been put on the agenda. Besides, it is not a long-term plan for Luo Yanling to stay with his brother-in-law and brother.

If Luo Yanling's identity is torn down, he will encounter a lot of trouble!

Looking at Zimmer, Huo Mingxiu said again. "I know you want Xier to rest here for a while, but it may not be so safe here now."

When he finished, his eyes were fixed on Zimmer, and the meaning was obvious.

"I know, but I can guarantee Xiao Xi's safety!"

Zimmer looked back seriously, and he was not a soft persimmon.

"Uncle, we really have to go back. The key to this problem is not my safety, but we have been out for a long time, and so many things have happened, and..."

"What else?"

Seeing that Luo Yanxi wants to talk and stop, Qimo frowns slightly. Intuitively, he feels that things are not so simple.

Luo Yanxi looked at him, how to say this?

In order to get close to Kur, Huo Mingxiu staged a "divorce" farce before. Unexpectedly, these reports were sent to the Internet by someone with a heart.

And yesterday they also received such a call from Nancheng, now because of their "divorce" make a storm all over the city.

If you don't go back, I'm afraid things will get worse and worse, and the business of the Huo family will be involved, then she will become a real disaster in the eyes of the Huo family's elders!

"Uncle, don't worry. When I have a baby, I will take him to Australia to see you!"

Luo Yan Xi's words changed and he showed a bright smile to Qi mo.

Looking at the two people who had made up their mind, Zimmer stood still for a long time. Finally, he nodded, "OK, you go back, I'll go back to Nancheng with you!"

There is no doubt about his tone.

"What? Are you going with me? "

Luo Yan Xi looks surprised. It seems that the matter here has not been solved!

"What are you going to do?" Huo Mingxiu's eyes narrowed and his face was not welcome.

This nephew son-in-law's flat appearance let Qimo can't help staring at him fiercely, "I'm going to watch you, of course. If you dare to be a little bad to Xiaoxi, let Xiaoxi suffer a little injustice, I will take Xiaoxi to Australia! You'll never see her again

"Yes? I'm afraid you can't, because I will never give you the chance to take Xi'er away! Put away your threat! Watch your liver, uncle

Huo Ming eyebrows a pick, to him showed a very disdainful smile.

"You! You How do you know! "

Huo Mingxiu suddenly yelled out, which made Zimmer jump up, his throat choked, and his face turned red!

"What do you think of that?"

Every day, he reports to Australia. Huo Mingxiu hears it even if he doesn't want to hear it. Besides, his grandmother's voice is still so loud!Looking at Zimmer's shriveled appearance, not to mention how hi Huo Mingxiu was, his small eyes narrowed almost into a crack.

Looking at someone elated, Zimmer gave a cold hum in the bottom of his heart. Soon, he began to laugh again.

"Do you know now? I'm so proud of your uncle in Qijia! Besides, no matter what you say, I will definitely go to this trip to Nancheng! "

He was full of confidence. Sure enough, after he finished, he immediately saw Huo Mingxiu's face changed. He didn't have to be furious. That's enough. Let him touch the icicle immediately at the exciting point. Ha ha!

Luo Yanxi was standing in the hall, looking at the people who were busy carrying their luggage. He could not help but rely on Huo Mingxiu with a dull face.

"I'll tell you! You can't take him with you

Huo Mingxiu almost gritted his teeth and said, what's the matter with that man? They want to go home, not move!

But then again, where on earth did the man get so many things!

"Husband, you and uncle are also too wrong!"

Although Luo Yanxi was leaning against Huo Mingxiu, he was smiling.

Looking at Zimmer, who is explaining things to her subordinates in the distance, she thinks that they are satisfied with each other, that is, they don't know why they start running on each other as soon as they meet. Maybe they are really enemies in their last life.

"Wife, you can see it!"

Huo Mingxiu doesn't shy away from his attitude. That man likes to fight against himself when he has nothing to do. Can he show him a good face?

It's just He could not help twitching at the corner of his mouth when he looked at the things that seemed to be endless.

The dowry is too much Should he call back first and ask his mother to find someone to build another warehouse in the villa yard?

"Wife, how did these things move here? I'm afraid our family won't be able to let it go! "

"I don't know. I haven't seen it at all." Luo Yan looked at a servant with a desk lamp in her hand, her brow immediately wrinkled into a Sichuan character, "stop! Then you don't have to take it. We have it at home! "

What's the matter? The table lamp has to be moved up!

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