At this time, the exit has been surrounded by reporters. Luo Yanxi is protected by Zimmer's arm to prevent the crowd from squeezing her.

"Miss Luo, have you divorced Mr. Huo? Is this the main factor in divorce

The reporter's recorder kept pushing toward Luo Yanxi, and the flashing lights around him kept flashing.

"Miss Luo, you and Huo just had their honeymoon? Why did you come back alone? Is it true that you left Mr. Huo behind? Is this gentleman here to pick up the plane? "

"Miss Luo, what do you want to say about the rumors on the Internet? "

all the questions were thrown at Luo Yanxi, and her face was always indifferent. After all the questions were asked, she looked up at them and said," can you excuse me? You are standing in my way without my permission

Seeing her calm reaction, the surrounding reporters and the crowd were stunned. Is she calling these reporters dogs? I have to say that the abuse is quite implicit.

"Miss Luo, don't you have any idea of explaining these things?" There was a loud question in the crowd.

"I didn't do anything, I didn't say anything. You've been talking all the time. What can I explain? Why explain? Can I help you with your work? "

She is still standing quietly in the same place, with a stubborn look on her face, staring at the reporters who are eager to see her make a fool of themselves.

In the face of her questioning, the reporters choked, but someone found a breakthrough.

A young female reporter with sharp eyes locked Luo Yanxi in front of her, pointed the spearhead at Zimmer, and asked sharply, "Miss Luo, who is this gentleman who is very close to you? I think you should explain it? It should still be honeymoon now. It seems inappropriate for you to do so. It's even more unfair to Mr. Huo! "

Such words immediately resonated with other reporters, and Luo Yanxi had to give an explanation. Who is the man beside her?

Looking at the female reporter in front of him, Luo Yanxi's face was tickled with a funny color, "well, let me ask, what's your relationship with Huo Mingxiu, his family? Or is it the love hidden outside

The female reporter's face froze, feeling the confused eyes of the surrounding crowd, she replied coldly, "it doesn't matter. I'm just a reporter."

"So, are you secretly in love with him?" Luo Yanxi's eyes burst out a funny look.

"No The voice of the reporter is getting lower and lower.

"Since there is no relationship, and you are not my relative, why do you care about such things? Besides, I am not a public figure. At most, I married a different mother-in-law. After all, I am also an ordinary person. Why do you disturb my life? What's my marital status? Why do you question me? Who do you think is mine? How can I explain it to you? "

She looked at the woman reporter almost sarcastically and threw all the questions back.

"I..." Faced with such strong words, the female reporter completely lost her voice and glanced around in the hope that her colleagues could come to the rescue.

"Well, no more words? Get out of the way! Don't you want to ask about the rumors on the Internet? It seems that Xiaoxi is not the only one. Why don't you ask Huo Mingxiu? Or do you think we are good bullies? Persimmon is soft? As a reporter, can you talk like this? What about your professionalism? "

Zimmer's face was cold, staring at the reporters who were at a loss in front of him, scolding him coldly.

"All out of the way. Who sent you here? When can our Huo family report like this? "

A cold voice suddenly rang out in the crowd. For the first time, Shu Qing, who was always dignified and elegant, angrily cried out in the periphery.

"My daughter-in-law still has our Huo family's precious grandson in her stomach. If you are touched, none of you will want to run away!"

With anger on her face, Shu Qing reaches out to the reporters and wants to give Luo Yanxi a way of life.

"Meng Lei, where's the car?"

Huo Mingxiu's voice also sounded in the crowd at this time, which immediately attracted the attention of reporters.

At this time, they do not know what to do, can only step by step out of a path.

"How can you be, Mingxiu? Why don't you come out with Xiao Xi? Where did you just go? " See their son, Shu Qing quite dissatisfied, frown tightly.

When he saw Han Qin coming behind him, his face was suddenly awakened, but his face became colder. "Miss Han, are you coming to the airport to meet someone?"

Han Qin didn't expect that the Huo couple would come to meet him in person. He looked at Shu Qing and avoided her sight.

Through the window not far away, she saw the familiar figure in it. At this time, she was also looking at her.

In the face of such a situation, Han Qin doesn't know what to do. She shows her eyes to Han Jingyi, hoping that she can come out to help her out, but the car doesn't move at all."Miss Han, if there's nothing else, we'll go first." Shu Qing saw that Han Qin was so close to her son. She stepped forward and separated the distance between them. She took Huo Mingxiu's arm and said to Han Qin.

"I, I'm here to meet Mingxiu, too. Aunt, I don't mean anything else. I just..."

"Miss Han, what do you want people to misunderstand?"

Han Qin's words haven't finished, is interrupted coldly by Huo Mingxiu, his eyes are full of cold.

Huo Mingxiu raised an eye, looking at these reporters around them, their recording pens all stretched out to Han Qin's eyes.

Shu Qing's face also coagulates a layer of ice, Han Qin does so intentionally, say so again, it is individual all understand her meaning.

"Aunt, Mingxiu, I really don't mean anything, and I don't want to make people misunderstand anything..." Han Qin tried to explain.

Ignoring her words, Huo Mingxiu went directly to the reporter who was holding the recorder. "If you want to stay in Nancheng, you can hand it in!"

He reached out to the man, who looked flustered, turned and ran away as fast as he could.

Looking at the reporter who ran away, Han Qin felt a little relaxed, but the next scene made her whole heart twist again, and her foot couldn't move any more.

In the sight of people's shock, the runaway reporter was toppled to the ground by a figure who quickly came down from a black high-end car. The recording equipment in the man's hand was also severely smashed, and the memory card was also pulled out.

"Take people to the police station!"

Huo Ye takes a sharp look at the people on the ground, "by the way, tell the director, please have a good trial!" When talking, his vision is also sharp toward this side, fell on Han Qin's body.

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