Huo Ye listens to Qimo's words. Meng Lei has already told him about Qimo. Although he is a big family, it's not hard to see that Qimo is very fond of this lost niece.

"Well, but I like these better!"

Looking at these things, Luo Yanxi said seriously. Although she was helpless just now, she was happy and warm in her heart. What she valued was not the value of these things, but the heart of her uncle.

"As long as it's from my uncle, I'll like it!"

"Wife, it's time for us to go in!"

Without waiting for Zimmer over there to express his inner emotion, Huo Mingxiu directly buckled his wife's waist and blocked her sight directly. In his words, he said something sour to her.

"Wife, do you like the things I bought for you before?"

Luo Yan Xi looks stunned, looks at the man in front of him strangely. Finally, after confirming that the man is really jealous, she pulls his cheek funny, "I don't like wearing it?"

When Shu Qing heard her son's words, she couldn't help chuckling. "Mingxiu, look at the vinegar you've been brewing since the airport. Now it's going to become old vinegar!"

"Oh? really? But whose vinegar did he eat? Xiao Xi has been around him all the time, and has never been in touch with other men. " Zimmer held his chin in one hand and thought for a while, looking lazily at the two figures that had already walked inside.

"Uncle in law, if you don't think you're a man, you'll think you haven't heard of the lady before!" Meng Lei stares at Qi Mo strangely for a second, then raises his foot and goes with him.

"Well, Meng Lei, you have to make this clear. I'm Xiao Xi's uncle. He'll eat such vinegar?" He keeps up with the figure in front and blocks Meng Lei's way in a few steps.

"Otherwise? Uncle in law, this is you. If it were someone else, my master would have thrown him on the flagpole and fluttered! Be content. Don't tell me you don't see it. Uncle in law, we are all our own people. Why pretend to be so innocent? "

Glancing at the man in the way, Meng Lei patted him in the stomach with a smile, "it's dark here!"

Well, compared with his master!

"Tut Tut, I know Meng Lei! Ah, I said, Meng Lei, how about you go to the Qi family and be my brother? "

Qi Mo looked at Meng Lei and said with a smile, "don't worry, I will treat you better than your master! I will spoil you, love you and give you all you want! "

His words let Meng Lei's shoulder shake, the whole body's goose bumps immediately sent up, full of panic to look at him, step back very far. "Uncle in law, it's more appropriate for you to say this to women, such as Miss Yun!"

As soon as he heard Yun Yi, Qi Mo's face changed. He threw away his hand, glanced at Meng Lei, and quickly followed him into the old house.

Looking at someone's back, Meng Lei shakes his head. If he says one more thing to him, Miss Yun has already arrived in Nancheng Is it time for him to cry? Ha ha

"Li Yu, what's wrong with the Huo family? Why such a long team? "

Not far from Huo's old house, they are walking slowly. Han Ruiyou holds Li Yu while looking at the vehicles and asks.

"Well, they brought it back. You say that Luo Yanxi is really a black sheep! Does the Huo family just let her? It's incredible Li Yu said so in his mouth, but he was envious in his heart.

Think about yourself, not only does Mr. Han not admit it at all, but even the Han family won't let them go back! Compared with Luo Yanxi, the treatment is quite different.

"You are just better. Walk slowly."

Seeing that Li Yu was in a hurry, Han Ruiyou said in a hurry.

His eyes focused on his wife's feet, for fear that she would fall when she walked.

In fact, the road here is very flat. Even if Li Yu is so delicate, how can he fall down?

But Han Ruiyou was afraid, and Li Yu also understood the man's psychology. He followed Han Ruiyou's words and said, "then you have to support me well. If you don't watch, I might fall."

Li Yu's voice is soft and delicate. Which man is not moved?

Li Yu is Han Ruiyou's dream lover in college! Han Ruiyou is infatuated with her!

But they never thought that when they were in love, a woman with two children was driven out of the house!

What a chill it was!

But in front of this seemingly infatuated man, actually said such words to that year's woman.

"I'm sorry, she's pregnant with my child. I have to give her a complete home! You have a lot of family, and I heard that the Qi family is quite rich, but she is different. She is an orphan, and she has no place to go except me! "

Just like this, Han Ruiyou can still be with his dream lover with peace of mind.

Han Ruiyou is very satisfied. He once chased Li Yu for several years, but he always thought he had no chance. I didn't expect that he would finally marry her and have a daughter with her.When he looked up to the front, he saw the back of a woman at the door of the Huo family's old house.

That figure makes Han Ruiyou stunned. How can he feel like his ex-wife!

"What's the matter?" Li Yu also noticed Han Ruiyou's absence and asked.

Han Ruiyou shakes his head and thinks whether he is dazzled. He has had such a feeling before.

"I seem to see It's all quiet. "

Mentioning his ex-wife, Han Ruiyou feels guilty.

He married other people and drove them away with their sons.

"Ruiyou, it's not your fault." Li Yu sighed, clenched Han Ruiyou's hand and said in a soft voice, "if she hadn't done something sorry for you, you wouldn't have divorced her!"

"You're not wrong. You just love me so much."

Han Ruiyou didn't return to Li Yu. Anyway, Qi Jing is also his wife, in order to have a daughter. He divorced her.

"Even if it's wrong, it's my fault. So Ruiyou, I'll feel worse if you feel guilty. "

Li Yu in his arms, with tears in his eyes, gently persuades the man beside him.

Han Ruiyou couldn't see Li Yu's tears. He raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. "Fool, how could it be your mistake?"

"We said, don't think about her. I also promised you that I can't let you shed another tear. " Han Ruiyou affectionately tells his feelings. In a twinkling of an eye, he just put the matter and Qi Jing's matter behind him.

For more than 20 years, without any news from Qi Jing, he didn't know whether they were dead or hiding.

But he didn't want Li Yu to feel uncomfortable, so he never took the initiative to mention Qi Jing and his son in front of her.

"Ruiyou, if you are happy, I will be happy." Li Yu said with a smile, "don't think about the past. You are my husband and Jingyi's father now."

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