"After graduating from University, Ruiyou was not interested in the Han family's business, so I let him go and find a teaching job outside. I don't ask him for any help. I think it's better for him to get married and have children and live a quiet life. "

"Qi Jing's father and I were old friends. Later, their family immigrated to Australia. Qi Jing was still studying in China at that time, and she didn't want to go. So I want Ruiyou to marry Qi Jing, and the Qi family agrees to the marriage. I told Ruiyou that he had no problem. "

When Mr. Han said this, he sighed.

"I know there is someone in Ruiyou's heart, but he doesn't object to the marriage. I think that after he marries Qi Jing, the person in his heart will fade after a long time."

When he married Qi Jing, Han Ruiyou acquiesced to the meaning of the old man. He told Li Yu that he had failed, and Li Yu left him when he went abroad. Han Ruiyou is sad and gets married according to the old man's idea.

"However, how can I guess that this villain, in the name of love, drove Qi Jing out of the Han family!" Speaking of this, Han beat the ground with his cane angrily.

"Six years later, he and Qi Jing had both children, and they even took that woman to me and asked me to help them. Mr. Huo, do you think I should agree or disagree? "

Huo Ye didn't take the words from master Han. He knew that master Han must have opposed it at that time.

In other words, he does not agree with Han Ruiyou to leave his wife and marry another.

Qi Jing gave birth to a son for Han Ruiyou. They lived together for six years. He should not abandon his ex-wife because of his love, either emotionally or responsibly. I don't know whether Han Ruiyou is too infatuated or Li Yu's clever means. Han Ruiyou insists on being with Li Yu.

"Qi Jing gave birth to a son, smart and sensible. I like him very much. When her grandson was six years old, she was pregnant again. Our husband and wife wanted to be a girl and put together a good word. If not, it would be ok as long as the family was harmonious." When Han recalls the past, he is very worried.

Han Ruiyou takes Li Yu by the hand and comes to him. In front of Qi Jing, he says that Li Yu has children and wants Qi Jing to quit!

It's ridiculous. Qi Jing was pregnant with his child at that time.

If you want him to do it, how can the old man compromise? At that time, Li Yu was driven out of the Han family!

He also remembered what he said to Han Ruiyou at that time, "Ruiyou, that woman is pregnant with a child, so is Qi Jing!"

Han Ruiyou shook his head and said, "it's different.".

"Dad, I always love Li Yu. She has my child, and I can't let her down. "

Han Ruiyou does not want to live up to his love, but to live up to his responsibility!

After listening to Han Ruiyou's words, the old man was very angry and fell ill. He claimed to sever his relationship with this rebellious son.

If you don't love me, you should put off your responsibilities and divorce Qi Jing.

"Qi Jing and I divorced. The Han family gave her a lot of money. Li Yu didn't have anything with me. She would die." Han Ruiyou kneels in front of the old man and asks him.

Listening to those words, Mr. Han felt very ridiculous. His wife comforted him. Qi Jing turned pale and stood there trembling.

For a long time, Mr. Han thought his son was weak and didn't like to fight. However, the Han family was not short of money and could afford to support him all his life at home.

How can I expect that this son, like possessed by a demon, must marry Li Yu.

This matter, Han Laozi resolutely disagreed, even cut off Han Ruiyou's financial resources, forced him to come back!

People are back, but the heart is still outside that woman.

Li Yu's side, the old man also went to find.

A woman with a big stomach kneels pitifully in front of the cafe man. It can be seen that this woman is very resourceful.

If Han Ruiyou didn't come, he would send Li Yu to the hospital and kill the child.

"If I had been more ruthless at that time and knocked out her children, I would not have harmed Qi Jing and the children."

At this point, Han said with guilt.

A moment of tenderness gave the woman a chance.

Huo ye and Shu Qing quietly listen to the old man say the things behind, they feel out, the words behind is the old man want to say.

"It's strange, but later Ruiyou came back every day. I thought he was changing his mind. And after the woman found her, there was no sign of her. She thought she had left. My wife and I left the Han family because we had something to worry about. "

"When we come back, we know that Ruiyou has driven Qijing's mother and son out of the Han family, even with her baby. What's the matter with Qijing's baby! He also threw some pictures in front of me and said it belonged to the man outside her! " Mr. Han shook his head and said, "I look at those photos with half faith."

"I still sent someone to find Qi Jing, but no one found her. Someone saw her jump into the lake with her son in her arms. Qi Jing's affair has just passed. Li Yu's woman appears again. Ruiyou takes her home and says she wants to marry her. ""When I see this woman, I feel that Qi Jing may have been wronged. She has been concentrating on Ruiyou all these years. Where can I find a man?"

Mr. Han says that Huo Ye has a bold guess.

Qi Jing, they are alive. Not only that, but the unborn child is also alive, and

"I didn't teach my son well and let my grandson and granddaughter suffer a lot outside. It took me so many years to find out that the Qijing family is still alive."

With a word, Huo Ye is more sure of his guess. Shu Qing didn't react as quickly as he did. She couldn't help but ask in a voice, "what do you have to do with the dowry and the building? "

" because Xiao Xi is Ruiyou's daughter! " Huo Ye takes Shu Qing's words and says in a light voice before the old man opens his mouth.

He was trying to find out, but he was stunned when he saw master Han.

The old man looks at the shocked Shu Qing and nods to Huo ye, "yes, Xiao Xi is my granddaughter!"

His eyes were red as he spoke. "Over the years, the Han family owes her too much. I'm sorry for her. This building can't make up for her debt at all. I came here today to tell you about her life experience in the hope that the two of you will be better to her in the future. "

Mr. Han said that Shu Qing was still in the same place for a long time.

She never thought that Luo Yanxi had such a father! Fortunately, she thought that her stepfather was her own father when she was young, and the couple also doted on her. Otherwise, she was really pitiful.

"Well Your grandson... " Shu Qing suddenly thought of another problem.

"Yes, ah Ling is my great grandson! I'm very grateful to the Luo family. He treats a Ling and his brothers and sisters as if they were his own. That's why I didn't find Qi Jing any more

The old man replied without hesitation.

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