
Without thinking about it, Lu Lingxi blurted out.

"Mom, why do you think so? Actually It's not entirely because of what you mean... "

She and Chu Haotian knew from the beginning that the inevitable result was the end, but it was just a matter of time.

Jiang LAN has been sighing, and then actually stood up and went to the room.

"Ma..." Lu Lingxi just wants to stand up and catch up, but is stopped by Jiang LAN.

After a while, when she came out again, she had an extra photo on her hand. Under Lu Lingxi's puzzled eyes, she handed the photo to her, "this is the only photo of your father that I have left. Have a look for yourself..."

Lu Lingxi is still unclear, so she takes the photo and looks down.

This is an old photo. Generally speaking, it should be a picture of a student. The people in it are very green.

At one glance, Lu Lingxi saw his father, who was young, handsome and elegant at that time. Her vision moved to one side again, and her eyes could not help slowly widening.

In this photo, there is not only his father, but also Chu Haotian's father and his mother!

"Ma, this..."

She looked up, wondering what her mother was doing to show her this picture?

Lu Lingxi doesn't know how to express it. Before, she only knew that her father and Chu Haotian's father were classmates, but now look at this picture Is Chu Haotian's mother the same?

Jiang LAN took a deep look at her daughter again, as if she had made great determination and finally said, "don't you always want to know what happened in those years? Originally, I intended to keep it from you all the time, but when you grow up, ah, it's really hard for you to feel confused and confused. "


"In fact, the person your father loves in his heart has never been me..."

Just a word, has let Lu Lingxi's heart suddenly a Lin, she was shocked to look at her mother, at a loss, but her mother is a calm face.

"Ma..." She called hastily.

She is also a woman. She knows how her mother feels when she says something like this. What's more, that person is still her husband who has been with her for most of her life!

It's just, how is that possible?

In her memory, although her father and mother are together, they respect each other very much. Moreover, her mother is in poor health, and her father does not take care of her with half a complaint. He has always been very good to her mother.

But she still does not understand, sometimes better than the head, it is because of not love!

Jiang Lan light a smile, that smile but some bitter, then recover as usual, "all so many years, I have long accepted the reality, fortunately have you in my side, other, also no big deal."

Yes, at least she has a daughter, although this daughter

"Mom, how could it be like this? Why? " Lu Lingxi still doesn't understand.

She couldn't figure it out. She knew that further questioning would uncover her mother's scar, but this fact shocked her.

"Your father and Chu Haotian's father are old classmates and good friends. You know that Besides, Chu Haotian's mother is actually their schoolgirl I didn't know these things until your father died. I heard that it was your father's mother who liked him first, and then pursued him fiercely. At that time, Chu Haotian's father was invited to be a military adviser. But I didn't expect that your father became a matchmaker in the end. At that time, your father was quite generous. He only said that he couldn't force his feelings, and he blessed the two of them. The three of them were still good friends.... "

"Maybe it made them feel sorry for your father, so they paid more attention to him on weekdays. After graduation, he was sent to work in Chu family. Later, your father married me, and that happened all of a sudden. Although there was something strange about selling the company, the death of Chu Haotian's father was not clear. It was not that I didn't believe your father, but that he was a person who didn't show his mind easily. Even though I have been with him for so many years, I have never known him

Lu Lingxi's pupil shrinks and then widens. She knows that her mother still has something to say!

"In fact, it was your father who chose to commit suicide! And if he didn't do anything wrong, do you think he would? I think he must have regretted it. That's why... "

Hearing this, Lu Lingxi was shocked and shrunk.

How could it be like this?

Is it that his father has been worried about Chu Haotian's parents, so he has hidden his mind for many years, but he made a big mistake!

What about mother?

Lu Lingxi looks at Jiang LAN and finds her voice after a long time. She only thinks that these years have really been hard for her mother!

So she shook her mother's hand, and her voice choked, "Mom Have you ever hated dad? "

Jiang LAN Zheng next, then hastily smile, "people are not here, hate ah resentment ah, what's the meaning?"? Mom doesn't tell you this all the time. She just doesn't want you to live under such pressure. Anyone can hate him However, he has raised you for so many years, I don't want you to hate him, and I don't want you to live with hatred. That would be very tired, do you understand? "Lu Lingxi nodded, very hard to nod, eyes already wet.

She knew that her mother was always thinking about her!

Jiang LAN stretched out her hand and touched her daughter's hair, "so smart You should know why I am so strongly against you being together, you No way! Just think of his mother, that kind of injury can not be made up for in any case, how can she accept her son with you? "

Lu Lingxi was stunned again, suddenly like five thunderbolts.

She has never been as sober as she is now. It turns out that the strongest and most difficult thing to resist is fate!

In the past, she had many questions that she didn't understand. At this time, she finally had the answer. She was the only one who was kept in the dark. Chu Haotian always knew, right?

That's why he did that to her that year

It turns out that the cause and effect of everything is like this!

It is not clear who is innocent, who is wronged, who is right and who is wrong.

My father has died. Before he died, he was also remorseful. What's the point of investigating again?

However, Chu Haotian's mother is alive, and still in pain.

Just this level, it will always be doomed to the result.

Lu Lingxi's lips closed tightly, and then she looked at her mother seriously, "Mom, don't worry, I know..."

"Lingxi, the reason why I stop you is because my mother really doesn't want to see you suffer in the future, but seeing you like this now Ah! There has never been a fixed pattern for feelings. You have grown up and only you know your feelings best. Today, I have told you all the things. You can make your own decisions on how to choose. Although mom doesn't want you to choose a hard road to go, you should remember that no matter what happens, no matter what decision you make, mom will be happy I will be by your side and support you

After listening to his mother's words, Lu Lingxi only felt his nose sour and tears rolled down again.

She nodded, thinking of the scar on her hand, and felt more ashamed of her mother. Compared with her mother, she was really too soft and weak.

However, how to go in the future?

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