Luo Yan Xi swallows saliva, eyes stare at Lingxi and asks tentatively.

"Can it be that Chu Haotian

Almost a second after she asked, looking at Lu Lingxi's eyes, she could confirm.

"It's really him! Sure enough, you are inseparable! "

Hard to part?

Lu Lingxi frowned. She had some helplessness for herself. She didn't intend to hide anything, so she said about last night.

After listening to it, Luo Yanxi thinks that the plot should be like this.

"Well, it's good. He still has a little conscience. How about you? What's your plan? Make up? restart? I think it's best to start all over again! "

Lu Lingxi sighed, "it's so simple."

However, she suddenly remembered something, immediately looked at Luo Yanxi, "you said two days ago that he was not a thing!"

Luo Yan was embarrassed and grinned, "that's not when he made you sad, that's why I said that! But now This is what we call "one time at a time, another time at a time, concrete analysis of specific problems!"

Lu Lingxi bit his chopsticks and didn't know what to say.

"Oh, don't be so sentimental. Since you love him so much, he loves you too. What a simple thing it is, let's be together! What are you doing all day? " Luo Yanxi patted the table with chopsticks and made a decision for her.

Lu Lingxi looked at her, "but you don't know our situation..."

This time, it's Luo Yanxi's turn to be silent. Indeed, their situation is very difficult, even more difficult than her and Huo Mingxiu.

"If two people just want to be together, why should we take so many detours? You and Huo Mingxiu were not... "

"We have also gone through a lot of hardships, but I believe that as long as we really love each other, as long as we are willing to face them together, there will always be a way!" Luo Yanxi said firmly.

Lu Lingxi looks at Luo Yanxi and is silent, but she secretly replies in her heart.

"But Xiao Xi, even if it's true love, the reality is more cruel!"


On a street full of luxury goods stores in Nancheng, Lu Lingxi looks around. She is looking for the cafe where the person on the other end of the phone yesterday agreed to meet her.

So easy to find, she stood at the door, somehow suddenly nervous.

Is it because yesterday the man said that the artist who hired her would also come?

To tell you the truth, she has never dealt with such a shining person standing on the stage all day in her life. She doesn't know whether it's easy to talk or not?

She took a deep breath again and walked into the cafe. Under the guidance of the waiter to the box door.

Just wanted to knock, but the door opened from inside.

"Hello, Miss Lu!" A man in a suit smiles and reaches out to her.

Lu Lingxi was a little at a loss, but he quickly responded and reached out.


The man's lips slightly raised, "we talked on the phone yesterday. My name is Bingmo. Miss Lu, please come inside."

Lu Lingxi is still a little confused. As the man moves away, she also sees another person in the box.

The door of Wang Shengyu's box, who had been sitting inside, was completely closed. Then he took off his sunglasses and took a light look at Lu Lingxi. Then he opened his mouth.

"Is that her?" This sentence seems to speak to Bingmo.

"Well, that's her." Bingmo's answer is very cooperative. He thinks that this young master is really a born actor. He is so familiar that he can't be any more familiar. He can still pretend to be a complete stranger! I really admire it!

"Miss Lu, this is the person who wants to hire you, Wang Shengyu. I think Miss Lu should know?" Bingmo turns to introduce Lu Lingxi.

Looking at a cool face in front of her, Lu Lingxi's brain is spinning rapidly. This face is really familiar, but she has never paid much attention to entertainment news. If she has to match the person in front of her with which star, it will be really difficult for her for a moment.

She hesitated, wondering whether she should answer yes or no.

"What's your name?" Wang Shengyu spoke again, this time looking at her.

No way, in order not to let her doubt, he had to ask.

"Lu Lingxi."

Lu Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief, secretly congratulated himself that fortunately he didn't ask any more questions, and hurriedly returned.

However, as soon as her words came to an end, she was surprised to find that the man who had no expression had a smile on his face, and it seemed that he was still pondering.

When she was unprepared, he suddenly stood up and came to her, "is there a soul in his heart? Good I like this word best... "


His words sound really normal. He likes this word, isn't it?

But the only abnormality is how he suddenly said such words to her.And she sounds strange!

With a dry smile, Lu Lingxi stepped back without any trace, unable to find the words.

Wang Shengyu also chuckled and stood still in front of her eyes. He regained his business like appearance, "let's start today! One class an hour, two thousand for each class. If you teach well, you'll add more, and there's more... "

Before his words were finished, Lu Lingxi suddenly raised his head and looked at him, blinking, as if to be sure that what he said was true?

Wang Shengyu said with a smile, "what? Too little? "

"No, I didn't mean that." Lu Lingxi quickly shakes her head. How can she be too little? On the contrary, she thinks that her level, the price, is really high.

"That's agreement? Let's start when I finish my work in the evening! "

Huh? night?

Lu Lingxi was not calm this time, "that I have something to do at home in the evening. I have to wait until tomorrow. During the day... "

Wang Shengyu can't help laughing at the way she looks. She is a woman who doesn't know how to lie.

Does she think he is a wolf?

OK! He admitted that he thought this woman was very special, just because every time he saw her, he was surprised, so he was impressed.

At least, his explanation is like this!

So to show his innocence, he added, "you should know that artists don't have time every day."

"Well, I really have something at home. I really can't do it at night. Otherwise, forget it! Sorry

Lu Lingxi didn't even think about it, but instinctively refused, because she wanted to have a man and a woman at night, which was always strange.

She nodded to Bingmo, "that I'll go first... "

At the end of the speech, he turned quickly and wanted to run.

Wang Shengyu was puzzled.

Is he that scary? It's well known that his women are good friends, and which woman saw him like her? She ran away? Is this a show where little red riding hood meets big gray wolf?

"Hey, what are you running for..."

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