On a dark night, in a villa on the outskirts of Nancheng, Luo Yanxi, dressed in black, is like a clever cat, running through these rooms quickly.

She explored one room at a time. Unfortunately, after the fifth room, she still didn't find anyone's trace.

Hearing the sound downstairs, Luo Yan cherishes his heart. Lingrui's eyes fall on the European style window facing him.

Tidy up the tools in her hand, she jumped on the balcony, listening carefully to the movement inside, like the sound of running water from the special texture of the receiver in her hand.

I didn't expect that there were people here!

Thin lips tightly pursed, Luo Yanxi secretly unscrewed the lock on the window, the window revealed a small gap, she quickly swept the whole room through the curtain, the luxury degree inside can be said to be several grades higher than the previous rooms she had been to.

Who on earth lives here?

Will my brother be here?

Luo Yanxi received the anonymous call after Huo Mingxiu sent her home.

The person on the other end of the phone used a voice changer and told her that if she wanted to see her brother, she would come to the villa in Nancheng.

Luo Yanxi naturally thought that it might be a trap, but she was willing to take risks for her brother's sake.

But she still had to be very careful. What if her brother was locked up somewhere by people here?

Besides, she didn't know who lived here!

The line of sight sweeps the room, this should be master bedroom apparently.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the room. The door of the bathroom was opened. A man with a towel around his waist came out of the bathroom.

His strong shoulders are reflected in Luo Yanxi's eyes, and she quickly turns her little face away.

The man's chest is also hanging crystal beads, slender legs exposed to the air, with a force of Ben Zhang.

There are also drops of water on the black hair. Although I can't see his face, it's extremely sexy from the point of view of his figure, with a stream of game.

At this time, the phone rings in the room, and the man has come towards the window. Luo Yanxi quickly retreats, and is blocked by the curtain. When the man raises his head, she doesn't see his face.

The man picked up the phone and turned around, but when his eyes suddenly swept to the open window lock, his eyes were fixed for a second.

"OK, well, I see..."

There are only a few words in the husky male voice.

He was still answering the phone, but his eagle like eyes swept around through the window. Finally, he looked out of the window.

It didn't take long for the phone to hang up, and the man didn't say anything all the time.

When the mobile phone was thrown on the bed, the man suddenly turned and walked towards the door. At the moment when the door was closed, the crystal blue eyes looked at the French window. A flash of light flashed, and the deep meaning in his eyes became more and more invisible.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Luo Yanxi relaxed her heart a little, but she didn't hear any more for a long time. After confirming that the man had really left, she opened the window and quickly turned over.

Who the hell is that man?

Did he catch my brother?

Luo Yanxi's eyes aim at the mobile phone at the head of the bed. She goes to it lightly, grabs it and unlocks it quickly. But to her disappointment, there is no useful information in the mobile phone, and there is no name she knows on the full screen of the phone blog list, but one point has attracted her attention.

Is that man a foreigner just now? Otherwise, his mobile phone is full of English names.

Just as the list rolled to a long row of English names, Luo Yanxi just wanted to open the name.

"Don't move!"

Luo Yanxi turns her back to the man. Suddenly, the voice makes her heart tremble. She says a low curse. This damned foreign man, has he read Sun Tzu's art of war?

Even without turning her head, Luo Yanxi knows that there is a black gun at her back. With the man's movement, her body is also quietly close to the window.

"Name it!"

The man's voice is cold, looking at the slender figure, it should be a woman!

He's just arrived in Nancheng. Who's going to keep an eye on him? Men's eyes are dangerously narrow.

Luo Yanxi has deeply felt that the danger is getting closer and closer to him. If he doesn't jump down, maybe the man's pistol will pass through his chest.

Biting her lower lip hard, she aimed at the opportunity and jumped quickly. When she turned around, she also took out a small pistol from her arms and attacked the figure.

The man's body skilfully dodges, looking at the figure that wipes to escape, at this time of he is not anxious, first put on the clothes, this just look calm pace to walk toward the door.

"Why are you here?"

When Luo Yan Xi easy to escape the sight of those bodyguards, to the villa door, but saw the blue.

"Yes, I'm sorry, miss. I don't trust you to come alone."Luo Yan Xi's eyes flashed a sharp color.

Bang Bang Bang

Obviously, the people inside have found them, and the gunfire keeps ringing. In a hurry, Luo Yanxi doesn't ask any more, and drags Xiaolan to run outside the door.

"I'm sorry, miss." Xiao Lan finds her anger and bites her lips.

"Go out first."

When she received the call, she was in her room, and when she came out, she was waiting for all of them to go to bed, but Xiaolan followed!

Bullets pass by them, and Luo Yanxi takes out his pistol to fight back.

"Young master!"

The head of the bodyguard is close to the man.

"Don't hurt her!"

When the man saw the bright eyes under the black veil, he recognized who she was and told the bodyguard to go down.


"Don't you understand me? Just shoot a few shots to scare her. Not only are you not allowed to kill her, but also Let her go


The bodyguard couldn't figure out the man's mind, but he didn't dare to speculate and give an order. "Don't shoot, catch alive."

Suddenly, all the men dodged and retreated. If they didn't shoot her, they couldn't get close to her at all, but the woman killed them.

"Now, let's go!"

Luo Yan Xi whispers to Xiao Lan, and they quickly withdraw towards the door.


Huo Mingxiu's carriage was covered by a strong low pressure, and Chu Haotian on one side was silent. The whole carriage was very quiet.


Huo Mingxiu grabs his mobile phone when an urgent phone rings.

"Any news?"

His voice was hoarse and his face was gloomy.

"Master, we just intercepted a piece of news that someone wanted to buy Miss Xi's life, and it was Qinglong gang who took over the business!"

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