In a word, he is not happy! Super upset!

"I think you'd better quit! I support you

"Who wants you to raise it?"

As soon as Chu Haotian's voice fell, Lu Lingxi quickly retorted, "we are equal now. I do my work. I'm happy. You don't have to worry about it!"

What an equality!

Chu Haotian looked at her, stuffy and speechless.

If he said anything more, wouldn't it just prove that they were unequal before?

Some of the past, let it go with the wind! I can't look back!

Can endure and endure, after all, still can't resist the depression in the heart, so he began to have a strange, "I know, you are so happy to work for Wang Shengyu!"


Lu Lingxi originally wanted to argue, but after listening to his tone, he suddenly realized that he was feeling

I used to be Wu Shengrui, but now I'm wang Shengyu. Can this man be more stingy?

Can't she have a man around? He'll be at ease if he's all female, won't he?

He didn't trust her. She thought he was more attractive!

With a sigh, she could only explain helplessly: "what are you talking about? Besides, I'm not very familiar with him. It's just the relationship between the boss and the assistant! "

"Well, what else do you want to develop into?"

"You..." Er! Is this unreasonable?

Lu Lingxi always thinks that it's a woman's privilege to make trouble without reason, but she looks at the man beside her

All of a sudden, she began to laugh. He always said she was sour. Now he is not the same!

However, she wanted to say that he was very cute. She rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Chu Haotian, I suggest you change your career! You can do old vinegar business, guarantee is zero investment, zero risk, but also make a fortune! Because there are a lot of raw materials in you, and there is a steady stream of them... "

Chu Haotian choked immediately. He cheated her and looked at her. He was jealous and had nothing to lose face with.

But couldn't he have the right to let go of the sour and uncomfortable feeling in his heart?

Now that he has started, he doesn't mind making it clear.

"Tell me about it. You meet like this every day, more than you see me!"

"And last time in the elevator, he was just in front of me Well, I know he did it on purpose, and I don't want to see him the same way! That's all. It's childish

Lu Lingxi Lengleng looking at the man beside, one after another, said the dissatisfaction in the heart.

Now I can see what I did when I was sour?

She finally laughed, now with him, even the quarrel has become sweet, so far also don't bother with him.

After they had dinner outside, when he came out of the restaurant holding her hand, Lu Lingxi's satisfaction and joy finally rose to the highest point. He could not help saying to him: "today we Is it a date? "

Chu Haotian stopped and looked down at her. There were two red clouds floating on her cheek, which seemed as eye-catching as the clouds in the sky.

He didn't say no.

The word "date" suddenly moved him.

She also looked at him, pursed her lips and laughed, then clasped his palm, "then I don't want to go back so early!"

He raised his eyebrows. "Don't you go back? Where do you want to go? "

Leaning his head to think about it, Lu Lingxi didn't have any specific suggestions, so he put the problem on him again, "what do you say? You can go anywhere, but don't go back so early anyway. "

First, it was their first formal date, and she didn't want to end it so early. Second, she could imagine what would happen when she went back

What else can two people do when they stay in the same house?

It's just taking a few baths and getting tired of it all the time

She thought of the soreness between her legs when she woke up this morning and could not help but be afraid. So we can't go back so early.

However, she just made him want to go where, but such a question made him wring his eyebrows. It seemed that he couldn't think of it for a long time.

Lu Lingxi couldn't help being impatient, "say it quickly! Where are you going? Where did you go with other women before? "

Chu Hao day a listen to, eyes twinkle under, immediately deny, "did not make an appointment!"

She turned her lips, and she didn't believe, "who are you lying to?"

"No!" He once again stressed that she thought he was free! How can there be so much time in the United States? What woman would dare him to think about where to go next?

Where are you going? Can he say, go straight to the hotel?

However, he is not stupid, his head has not been kicked by the donkey, of course, can not say!So, in order not to let her see his guilty heart, he quickly pulled her into the car, and then said: "I know..."

Lu Lingxi doesn't know! Get in the car or ask him, "where are you going?"

He replied: "when you arrive, you will know..."

In fact, he himself is not too clear, thinking that it is better than being investigated by her.

While driving the car, I want to drive wherever I go!

Finally, they came to the south gate!

This time is just the right time for the vendors to do business outside the school gate. Young college students come and go, and they are very busy.

They both graduated from the best university in Nancheng. When he was in college, she was still a high school student, but later I still feel melancholy when I think of the past.

But that's all in the past

She didn't want to let those melancholy emotions affect the pleasure of the moment, so she took a deep breath, turned to look at him, still smiling brightly, "how come here?"

Why are you here?

Chu Haotian didn't know, so he drove here for no reason. However, when he saw the joyful emotion in her bright eyes, he suddenly had an idea and said, "date!"

Lu Lingxi stares at him. What's the date? Come here?

He seemed to be sure immediately, and suddenly began to unbutton his collar

Lu Lingxi's eyes are even bigger. It's still very hot today, but maybe it's because he wanted to see a client before. He's wearing a formal long sleeve French shirt.

Now, he unfastened two buttons at the neckline, unfastened the cuff links, and rolled up the sleeves. In this way, compared with the calm just now, his appearance is a bit more casual and handsome.

After this series of actions, he drove the car to the roadside, stopped it, opened the door and pulled her down.

Lu Lingxi put his hand into his palm, almost dazzled by the man's watch on his wrist.

She got out of the car, was led by him to the direction of the school gate, still a little unaccustomed.

"You Are you sure you want to go in? Will it... "

No matter what she wanted to say, he directly vetoed, "no! Don't you mean a date? I think it's the most suitable place... "

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