Hearing her voice as light as a mosquito, Jiang LAN over there is in a hurry.

"What is good? How wonderful! You must not be dazzled by a moment's love and do something to deceive yourself. You have to go your own way and clean your eyes to see if the man is worth your persistence! "

After that, my mother continued to say many words. In a word, all of them were worried and distressed about her.

Lu Lingxi's heart is full of guilt.

She is really unfilial. For her own personal feelings, her mother has to worry about her. But, she also has no way!

Some love, once paid, it is too late; some people, once fell in love, it will love for a lifetime!

She knew that her mother was afraid of her wishful thinking and that she would be cheated.

She quickly opened her mouth to dispel her mother's doubts, "Mom, don't worry, it's not what you think. He, he talked to me. He said that he would find a way to deal with things at home. He said that he would give me a future! "

"Mom, I believe him. He really means it!" Fearing that her mother would not believe it, she added.

This sentence, like to give mother confidence, but also to their own confidence!

His sincerity is the only reason for her persistence, and also her only bargaining chip.

In fact, after a round trip, she found that she really had nothing but his sincerity!

But that's enough!

"You girl! Did you owe him in your last life? Now I'm so devoted to him. Don't you know he... "

What else can Jiang LAN say?

Now that her daughter has been identified, what can her words change?

Lu Lingxi suddenly broke when she heard her mother's words, and she also tightly pursed her lips. Maybe, as her mother said, she really owed him in the last life, so God gave her such a severe punishment in this life, he had to!

Plucking up courage, she said again, "Mom, don't think about it any more. I can't help it. I just want to be with him, and we are very good now, and he is very good to me..."

"You are not the only one who is good with him!"

“……” Lu Lingxi was shocked. He had a bad feeling in his heart. It's over, it's over

Sure enough, the mother said again: "don't you think that mother stays at home all day and knows nothing about things outside. What kind of woman around him doesn't have such a playboy? Does it seem that she can take her feelings seriously? It's hard to understand... "

Lu Lingxi frowned and hummed in his mind. I thought that man's evil was not common.

Now even his mother left a very bad impression on him - playboy!

On this point, she really did not know how to explain, who let him even play with women are so high-profile, for fear that the world does not know how romantic he is.

Now what can we do?

In a word, later she said good things for Chu Haotian, and said that it was all before her, and she was confident that she would become the Playboy terminator. Mother let her go for the time being.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Lingxi lies on her back in bed and breathes a lot of relief. She knows that in her mother's eyes, she still doesn't agree with her being with Chu Haotian.

The reason why I didn't say anything more now is that I really can't help it. I can't help it.

So she didn't dare to tell her mother that they were going to have children.

However, if you are pregnant, you can't hide it at that time! Forget it, let's talk about it then!

When she thought of this, her heart was in a mess. Her mother was the closest person to her, but now she played in front of her mother for a man. It's really

It's all his fault!

She can't help but vent her anger on the culprit. If it wasn't for him, if it wasn't for him

It's all his fault!

She picked up the mobile phone again, always felt that she had to scold him immediately to relieve her anger. However, in this short time, he called first.

All right! She looked at the familiar name on the screen, her heart moved, her anger had dissipated more than half unconsciously, this person is really her nemesis!

"Hello..." As soon as she spoke, she swore that she didn't mean to be so gentle.

Chu Haotian obviously couldn't distinguish her mood on the phone. He just asked, "who did you call just now? I've been talking about it for so long?"

Get it! She didn't want to talk about it. He hit the gun.

"My mother!" She replied stiffly.

The next second, she thought of her mother's sincere words, and her anger immediately came up, but she had already reached the muzzle of the gun and was cut off by him before she could shoot out.

He let out a cry, and then said, "I may go back later today. You can go out to eat by yourself, or I'll bring you something when I come back in the evening.""Another meeting?" As soon as he said this, she wanted to get angry and forgot most of it.

"Is that a dinner party?"


Before he finished, Lu Lingxi heard the door of the office knocked.

Chu Haotian took the phone and called out "in!"

"President, this is the new assistant."

The personnel manager introduced the new assistant behind him.

But Chu Haotian's attention has been on the phone with Lu Lingxi, and then is the document in front of him.

Before the manager finished the letter, the assistant's name, his eyes had looked at the papers on the table.

He insisted on the phone in one hand, signed the document with a pen in the other, and said coldly.

"Tell her my rules."

"Yes." The manager of the personnel department was in charge.

Since Mo Tingting left the Chu family, the personnel department recruited several assistants, but they were all expelled in the end.

So Chu Haotian added a rule before recruiting assistants: work at ease!

The meaning is very clear, as long as he found that the assistant's mind is not work, but his words, so sorry, he can only let them go.

"Well, chief executive, let's go out first."

The manager said, turned around and took people out of Chu Haotian's office.

After he left, Chu Hao raised his head. He just glanced at her. How did he feel that she was a little familiar.


"Jingyi, you heard what the president said just now."

A door out of the office, the manager told Han Jingyi.

To get into Chu's family, first, Han Jingyi's resume is really good. She went to famous universities abroad and practiced in several famous companies. At that time, he felt that his ability and education could enter the Han family. Han Er Shao thought she was good, but the old man didn't allow her.

No matter how capable he is, he doesn't like her.

Secondly, Han Jingyi happens to be a classmate of the daughter of Chu's personnel manager. When she knows about this relationship, she immediately calls her classmate.

With Li Yu's education, Han Jingyi has a good interpersonal relationship.

In addition, the Chu family just needs an assistant. In this way, Han Jingyi enters the Chu family at the right time.

"I will concentrate on my work." Han Jingyi said.

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