The man is like a copper wall and iron wall to confine her in his arms. Such a small space makes Luo Yanxi feel that he can't breathe well.

But it is only a few seconds, her beautiful and confident lips have once again.

Earlier, his words awakened her.

Didn't she come back this time just to get close to him?

How can such a good opportunity be missed?

"Brother Mingxiu, just now you heard that the case has been closed. I didn't kill anyone, let alone the murderer!"

Luo Yanxi raised his eyelids and ran into the man's black pupil.

Four eyes opposite, she even some want to escape.

I thought that memory would become more and more thin with the passage of time.

But when you really face-to-face just understand, some people, some things, already deeply imprinted in your heart, into the blood.


The handsome face of the man slowly leans down and looks at her star eyes as if they are bewitched.

Stretch out the thumb, gently in her jaw, lips I can't help getting closer to her.

His burning breath is close at hand, and the twinkling demonic light in his pupils makes Luo Yanxi's heart beat faster.

Time seems to be still.

There is no more words, his fingers only gently hook, her trembling lips have been completely blocked by him.

Tender kiss, as many years ago, as if she was the most precious treasure in the world.

The air is slowly taken away and the consciousness becomes weak.

It's like returning to the way he held her many years ago, lying on a cane chair in the afternoon.

It's so warm.

Luo Yanxi's chest is full and doesn't need the next action. She thinks this is happiness!

Gradually, she stood on tiptoe and put her hand around his neck.

She wanted to give him more information and enthusiasm.

Five years of missing, how can it be false?

The waves are long and intoxicating.

His deep eyes grew deeper and deeper, and her eyes closed gently.

Luo Yanxi has obviously felt the kiss deepening and his change.

But such a thing is already in the plan, so there is no affectation.

She was waiting, waiting for his next round of deeper offensive, waiting for things to develop as she imagined.


When his lips hit again, she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Huo Mingxiu, what did you give me to eat?"

He suddenly fed her unknown things, let her heart a tight. Be wary of staring at him and trying to push him away.

But damn it, he looked at her and laughed.

After a while, sure enough, Luo Yanxi felt something wrong with his body.

"It was not brother Mingxiu just now. Did brother Mingxiu cry so well? Why is it like taking gunpowder now? "

"Luo Yanxi, I'm not interested in active women! Especially So small... " Then his eyes fell down.

Luo Yanxi bowed his head along his line of sight. In a flash, he realized that his little face was "Shua" red at first, and then pale again.

Kiss all kiss, now say no interest? You still hate her?

After the numbness, she was angry and shameful.

"The cow is big enough!"

"Speak well! Rude

It took him 18 years to turn her into a noble princess. In just a few years, he became a rascal with a gun and full of nonsense.

"Oh I'm not what I used to be. "

Her red lips rose with a hint of irony.

"Who have you been with all these years?"

He reached out to get her back into his arms, but only caught the air.

Not only that, her position at this time also has some distance from him.

Huo Mingxiu's eyebrow was almost invisible. When did she react so quickly?

She learned Kung Fu?

Thin lips pursed, and he stood still.

As for the question of Huo Ming's hard work, Luo Yanxi is also slightly stunned. Shouldn't she be asked how she came back from death?

Or is it the purpose of her return?

"Nature is my benefactor! He saved me in the sea of fire, healed my wounds, and finally took me in and taught me a lot. "

Half astringent next Mou son, cover the sentiment in her eyes.

Benefactor? Save her?

Huo Mingxiu's hand hanging on his side gradually became a fist.

He forced down all the emotions in his heart, Mo Tong looked directly at her.

"Who is it?"

The tone of the exit was uncontrollably chilly.

"Does it matter to you who it is? I didn't mean that for me Not interested? "

Luo Yan Xi looks at him lightly with his lips.

But the smile on her face didn't last long.Because she had a clear vision, gradually, even the man in front of her became two.

Knead eyes, not only did not clear, vision is more blurred, and finally even the head also followed the dizzy.

"Huo Mingxiu, what did you give me just now..."

The whole body has become light, and before the man's reply, she just feels dark and completely faint

Strong night, her body again in arms, a wisp of moonlight fell on the face of the quiet people.

The man gazed deeply, his eyes became tender and affectionate.

Five years later, his girl has already grown up, beautiful as a ripe apple, can't help but want to swallow it in one mouthful. God knows that kind of suffering like walking through a circle in hell.

Her small white face, long soft hair, and close fan like eyelashes make her look like a sleeping beauty in fairy tales.

He has been thinking about this beautiful face for five years.

Finally, she came back to him.

His big hand slowly stroked her small face, as if afraid that his cold fingertips would wake her up. He was very gentle and careful.

The touch of his hands came little by little, and Huo Mingxiu's heart also trembled, and the ripples in his heart opened.

The pupil of the ink is shining, and the tall figure is slowly pressing down

But this beautiful feeling was destroyed by an unintelligent intruder only a few seconds later.

"Master We have found out where Miss Xi came from... "

As soon as Meng Lei received the news, he rushed to report it. Where did he know his master was

The words that haven't been exported are swallowed back in an instant, and the body quickly stands with its back to the front.

Huo Mingxiu opened his eyes again. The intoxication had gone. Black pupil gave a cold look at the man standing there. That's the way.

"Say it

Meng Lei swallowed his saliva. "Yes, Miss Xi left Italy and then flew back to Nancheng, but..."

Huo Mingxiu's sharp eyes swept. "What?"

"But miss Xi didn't use her real name, but the registered name of Sophie."

That's why they didn't find her entry record before.

"I see. Keep checking. Italy, Sophie, all the relevant and irrelevant things, check them carefully for me."


Meng Lei subconsciously nods and takes orders. Only when he reacts can he find that he is leaning towards the air. He turns his head in a hurry, but his eyesight is too good for him to see.

Huo Mingxiu held Luo Yanxi in his arms, and with the toss just now, naturally

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