Seeing Luo Yanling and LAN Ke'er in the old house, Han Ruiyou is stunned for a while.

"You I'm back. "

Han Ruiyou felt embarrassed and said in a voice to ease the atmosphere.

Luo Yan Ling naturally ignores him, and LAN Ke'er nods to Han Ruiyou.

"Yes, come and see Grandpa."

LAN Ke'er's words fell, and Li Yu, who came from the hall, saw them.

"Well, it's just getting married, isn't it?"

Li Yu said strangely.

Li Yu's attitude obviously provoked Luo Yanling.

"The old man invited me. And the Han family that the old man personally recognized, unlike someone, it seems that the old man never recognized your identity. "

Luo Yanling also said coldly.

Li Yu's face turned white with a sneer. She went forward and hugged Han Ruiyou's hand.

"Ruiyou, the old man still wants to talk to you. Why did you leave first?"

Li Yu talks to Han Ruiyou intimately and shows that he is very popular with the old man.

"Old man?" Luo Yan glanced at Li Yu, then said to LAN Ke'er, "Ke'er, my mother had to call the old man 'dad' in those days! The old man is very glad to hear that. "

With that, he took LAN Ke'er and walked forward.

Seeing them leave, Li Yu gets angry with Han Ruiyou.

"Han Ruiyou, you see others bullying me!" Li Yu said angrily.

Han Ruiyou looked at Li Yu's cold face and said in a light voice, "what should I do? Ah Ling is right. "

When Qi Jing was in the Han family, she called him "Dad", but Li Yu's identity was not recognized by him at all. How could he allow her to call her "Dad".

"Han Ruiyou." Li Yu didn't think Han Ruiyou would do this to her, she said harshly.

Han Ruiyou looked down at her and said, "Li Yu, that's enough!"

Said, Han Ruiyou did not pay attention to her, turned back to the room.

Married to Han Ruiyou for so long, Li Yu has been held in the palm of his hand, even a heavy word Han Ruiyou did not say to her.

Now he looked at her with extremely cold eyes, and even bullied her by others!

The gap between the day and the earth made Li Yu feel crazy and uncomfortable.

Han Ruiyou shouldn't do this to her!

On the day after LAN Ke'er and Luo Yanling return to Han's home, Luo Yanxi and Huo Mingxiu also come from the south city.

All of a sudden, the Han family is very busy. When the old man sees Luo Yanxi coming, he goes to the door to meet her and Huo Mingxiu.

Li Yu is jealous, especially when she asks the old man to save Jingyi and looks at the old man's love for Luo Yanxi.

Think about it, he and Jingyi try their best to please the old man in the Han family. In the end, they get nothing. In the end, Jingyi goes crazy and goes to a mental hospital.

Li Yu is to see out, the old man won't help her to bring Jingyi out.

Since you can't bring out Jingyi, then Luo Yanxi doesn't want to live.

Why stare at Luo Yanxi, because she is not only Huo's daughter-in-law, but also the granddaughter of the old man.

As long as she died, it was not only the old man who was sad, but also the Huo family.

Luo Yanxi and Huo Mingxiu arrive at Han's that night, and the old man calls Han Er Shao's family over.

He's in a good mood. He's all over in a second.

The old man attaches great importance to Luo Yanxi. Han Er Shao's family doesn't feel much about it. The Han family will belong to them in the future, and they don't care about the building that the old man gave Luo Yanxi.

The one who cares about feeling is Li Yu.

After Han Jingyi and Han Qin split face to face, Han Qin was also indifferent to Han Ruiyou and Li Yu. In the past, he would still call "great uncle and great aunt". Now when he saw Li Yu, he took a look and passed by.

Han Jingyi is crazy. After Han Qin knows about it, he doesn't care about it any more.

She and Han Er Shao sincerely went to help Han Jingyi, but Han Jingyi kept saying that they just used her. Therefore, for the Han Ruiyou family, Han Qin can no longer be like before.

At the dinner table, Li Yu is not only ignored by Han Qin and Han's second wife, she is ignored by everyone present.

In addition to Huo Mingxiu and Luo Yanxi, Han Ershao, Luo Yanling and LAN Ke'er, Laozi and Han Ruiyou.

No one of them said a word to Li Yu. Li Yu was a smart man. No one spoke to her. She was still smiling.

But after laughing for a long time, his face became stiff.

Li Yushi felt embarrassed and talked to Han Ruiyou.

However, from knowing that Han Jingyi is not her own daughter, after Li Yu uses herself, Han Ruiyou is not in the mood.

His changes, his indifference, are all telling Li Yu that he doesn't spoil her as much as before.

Li Yu had a cold shoulder with Han Ruiyou. This attracted the attention of those present.

In Luo Yanxi's opinion, Han Ruiyou loves Li Yu very much.

But what's wrong with today's attitude?The old man has been aware of this.

My son's attitude towards Li Yu is not a matter of a day. After they see Han Jingyi from Nancheng, Han Ruiyou is indifferent to Li Yu.

"Ruiyou, after a Ling gets married, you can leave the Han family."

The old man said directly in front of the crowd.

He let Han Ruiyou stay in Han's home, also for a Ling.

Anyway, he is a Ling's own father. When his son gets married, he has to stay for the wedding.

However, in front of so many people, it was really embarrassing for Han Ruiyou to leave, which made Li Yu feel uncomfortable.

Li Yu knows that Han Ruiyou hates himself, but what if he hates himself? He did not divorce her for a day, which shows that he still has her in his heart. The old man opened his mouth to let him leave, which is to drive her out of the Han family.

Li Yu has no hope for the old man to save Han Jingyi. Hearing that the old man drove her and Han Ruiyou away, I was even more resentful and unwilling.

Unexpectedly, Han Ruiyou didn't refute the old man's words and said, "OK!"

Han Ruiyou's reply is strange to the old man and Li Yu.

The old man left Han Ruiyou's house more than once. When Han Ruiyou didn't argue with him, this time, he answered.

"I'll leave the day after tomorrow."

Their wedding is the day after tomorrow.

"Ruiyou, after you leave, I hope you can live your life well." The old man said it more directly and more clearly.

Regardless of Han Ruiyou's face, he asked him not to come back after he left.

"If one day I die, you can give me incense again."

The old man means that he can't go back to Han's house unless he dies.

After listening to the old man's words, Han Ruiyou is silent. Li Yu goes to pull Han Ruiyou's sleeve.

In the past, Han Ruiyou would have listened to Li Yu's words, followed her meaning, and would not have left like this.

But this time, Han Ruiyou looked up at the old man and said seriously, "Dad, you should take care of yourself after I leave."

He said, holding a glass to Han Er Shao.

"After that, dad will be entrusted to you, and the Han family."

With that, Han Ruiyou drinks the wine in the glass.

His meaning is very clear, the old man gives Han Er Shao to take care of, and Han's is also Han Er Shao's, he Han Ruiyou wants nothing.

Han Ruiyou's performance makes Han's second wife happy, thinking that he knows his best.

However, Li Yu was very worried. She gave her to Han Ruiyou, just because she wanted to get Han's shares in the end.

Now, in front of so many people, he says that he doesn't want Han.

This, how can not let her worry?

When Li Yu was worried and annoyed, Han Ruiyou said to the old man.

"Dad, but there's one thing I want to bring up."

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