Huo Mingxiu didn't even wrinkle his brow. He just let her bite his arm.

Her pain was rare compared with his, his voice was deep and hoarse, his feet quickened, but his words to her were extremely gentle.

"Well behaved, we'll be fine when we get to the hospital. Haotian is still waiting for you outside. Let's go to find him. By the way, you know what? We know where Lingxi is. When you're ready, I'll bring her to see you, ok... "

"What's the matter? Where's your master? "

Chu Haotian, who has been waiting anxiously outside, can't help asking when he sees Meng Lei's figure but hasn't seen Huo Mingxiu and Luo Yanxi for a long time.

"Get out of the way."

Huo Mingxiu's figure came out later. The unusual look on his face and the cold tone of his voice made Chu Hao's heart tighten and quickly meet him.

When he saw Luo Yanxi in his arms, his face was even more stiff. "What's the matter?"

Several people quickly got into the car. Chu Haotian looked through the rear mirror at Luo Yanxi's pale face. "Mingxiu, I'm sorry for her Will it be all right? "

Huo Mingxiu, whose eyes have been locked on Luo Yanxi's face, looks up at his good brother, and his voice is hoarse and speechless.

"It's going to be OK. Drive faster."

"It's already the fastest." Xiao Lan takes a look at the dial of the car, indicating that it is the fastest speed and safety first.

Huo Mingxiu tightly grasped the hand of the woman in his arms. Her hand was cold and her body temperature was gradually decreasing. He kept rubbing her hands to keep her warm.

The car soon arrived at the hospital. Luo Yanxi was quickly pushed into the operating room. Looking at the red light on the door of the operating room, Huo Mingxiu's eyes didn't move.

It was here five years ago. When he rescued her from the fire, she was robbed.

Now, he will send her here again, and he will guard her at the door.

Both times are life and death. This time, he will never break his promise.

Huo Mingxiu's lips started to smile bitterly. Twice, he saw her hurt with his own eyes. Damn it! damn!

His hand clenched tightly into a fist, slamming against the white wall in front of him, leaving blood stains on it.

"Mingxiu, you are crazy! If Xiao Xi knows that you are so abusive, she will be angry. "

Chu Haotian anxiously dissuades Huo Mingxiu.

Hear Luo Yan Xi will be angry, Huo Ming Xiu's body a Zheng, she will? Does she care?

He clenched his fist again, but this time it didn't go down.

Slowly, five fingers open, his finger face and joints have been red.

"She cares about me, doesn't she? Or she wouldn't help me block that bullet! But why did she do that and let me get shot? She hates me so much, doesn't she? Why can't she protect herself for me... "

The man murmured to himself, looking gloomy, and slowly slid down against the wall.

He would rather that she would not know anything, kungfu, or use a gun. He would rather that she was still a little girl, playing with a small temper and making a fuss. Then he would coax her to marry her home and spoil her. He doesn't want her to worry about Roche, or Luo Yanling, or pay for herself, let alone her always putting herself in danger.

"Xiaoxi, she has you in her heart! Even if she hates you, she loves you as well! "

Chu Haotian gave him a clear answer.

"Oh When is God going to torture us? In the end How long? "

Listen to Chu Haotian's words, Huo Mingxiu's face is full of haggard look, think of that obviously fragile, but also want to talk duplicity feign stubborn little woman, his heart seems to be melting, but really hurt.

His heart aches!

While they were talking, the door of the operating room was suddenly opened.

Seeing the nurse coming out, Huo Mingxiu immediately stepped forward, grabbed the nurse's hand and asked.

"How is she? Can I help you? "

It's just taking the bullet out. Why does it take so long.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo Miss Luo, she needs blood transfusion. She had lost too much blood when she arrived just now, but this kind of blood in the blood bank is no longer available. It was the last package just now. She is seriously injured and needs surgery. "

The little nurse was trembling in Huo Mingxiu's terrible eyes. It was so easy to finish.

Huo Mingxiu body a Zheng, "Huo Shi so big hospital, unexpectedly even a few packets of blood all have no?"? What do you do on weekdays? What about the money for the hospital? Where are you all using it, huh? "

The little nurse was so frightened by Huo Mingxiu's roar that she couldn't say a word.

"Come on, don't you want blood? Smoke mine. "

Huo Mingxiu's face was cold, and he was about to draw blood from the frightened nurse.

"That Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, no way. "

The little nurse responded and struggled, and finally the words came out of her mouth.How can this blood be easily transfused?

"Why not? You don't want to stay here, do you? " The man's eyes are red.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, the blood transfusion depends on whether it's suitable or not. By the way, what's Xiaoxi's blood type?"

Chu Haotian grabs Huo Mingxiu with a headache and turns to look at the little nurse.

"Yes, it's a special blood type, Rh negative blood, also known as panda blood."

The little nurse pursed her lips, looked at the two men and said timidly. "Mr. Huo, this blood type is very rare. The quickest and safest way is to find her family. Now I'm afraid the last pack of blood won't last long. "

Everyone was stunned.

"Mingxiu, have you never checked Xiao Xi's blood?" Chu Haotian's heart is uneasy, you know Xiao Xi's family, now only Luo Yanling, but his life and death is unknown.

Another is Luo Ziyu, but she is not her own sister after all, the possibility of this blood type is also very small.

Huo Mingxiu's eyes sank instantly. Instead of answering Chu Haotian's question, he looked straight at the nurse.

"Call your doctor."

"Mr. Huo."

Just then, the door of the operating room opened and the attending doctor just came out.

Huo Mingxiu stepped forward and grasped his white coat tightly. His eyes were cold.

"Why is there no blood? Think of a way to transfer from another hospital, how much money is not a problem! "

Although the attending doctor was also afraid, he shook his head slightly and settled down on Shinto.

"Mr. Huo, it's not a matter of money. We have a lot of money. If we can adjust it, we'll arrange it just now. It's just that the only hospital that still has this blood source is in other provinces, and the quantity is only a few packages. It's not too late. Even if we take it, I'm afraid Also... "

"And what?"

Huo Ming's veins are exposed in front of his forehead.

"Mingxiu, I'll bring luoziyu first." Chu Haotian thought, no matter what, first bring the woman for blood test.

"Master, master I, I know where the blood is

Meng Lei's expression on one side flickered for a while, and at last he said something difficult.

At this time, he did not know whether to cry or laugh.

"What? Where is it? "

Meng Lei's words successfully attracted people's expectant eyes. Huo Mingxiu came forward and grasped his arm tightly and asked eagerly.

"Qin family, Qin family's private blood bank has this kind of blood, and It's enough! "

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