"Stubborn stupid woman, still so stubborn!"

Wang Shengyu saw that she was not only defending Chu Haotian, but also planning to carry out self deception to the end. He got angry and cried, "who cares about you! I just promised your mother that she would take care of you before she died! "

That's what he told himself. He kept his promise to Jiang LAN.

However, in the hospital, when Chu Haotian appeared, he left. After all, Lu Lingxi's heart is toward Chu, so he won't stay.

These days, he is often unhappy because of Jiang Lan's death, but also day by day.

Tonight is also very late, did not fall asleep, originally wanted to make a phone call to greet her, but hesitated many times, still did not dial that number out.

He thought that Chu was beside her, and it was not his turn to worry.

As a result, he just went to the Internet with his mobile phone to pass the time.

Unexpectedly, I saw the photos of Chu Haotian and Mo Tingting, and they were taken tonight and uploaded to the Internet more than two hours ago.

In the past, all the little stars and models around Chu Haotian often appeared in the pages of the gossip column, but now it's even more amazing. Chu's young master vs Mo's daughter, these two words alone are strong enough, let alone those photos.

This news, which he could see, naturally could not escape the keen eyes of the media, so many reporters even went out all night to get first-hand information in order to wait for the emergence of the parties.

Wang Shengyu felt that it was not simple.

Even if Chu Haotian played with women, he didn't make such a high profile. What's more, he posted that kind of photos on the Internet with such a lightning speed.

It's not like a normal person can do it!

Either it's the brain of Chu, or maybe there's something else!

However, he doesn't care what the reason is. In a word, Chu Haotian and other women have become a reality. He doesn't know why he is so angry. Maybe he knows that this stupid woman will be such a hopeless one.

He could not imagine how to face the fact that her beloved betrayed her if she was exposed to the flash alone?

So he came!

Seeing that she was dull but stubborn, he couldn't help getting more annoyed. He continued: "look at you, you are so fooled that you don't know what to say! I don't have the patience to spend time with you. If you don't want to wait until daybreak and be surrounded by a group of reporters, let the world know that your man abandoned you and went to sleep with other women, it's still too late to follow me! "

"Miss Lu..."

Secretary Li is entangled at this time. Can't you watch Wang Shengyu take Lu Lingxi away? So how does she explain to her president?

But at this time, it's really

But Wang Shengyu interrupted Secretary Li's words and said harshly: "tell the person surnamed Chu to come to me if you want someone! If you don't have the ability to protect her, give me as far as I can die! "

Li Secretary Zheng Leng for a while, suddenly speechless. She knows Wang Shao.

Lu Lingxi has no response. Like a puppet, she lets Wang Shengyu push her into the car and take her away from this land of right and wrong. Her mind is full of Wang Shengyu's previous words.

The man left her here, and then he was busy having fun with other women

Will he?

Lu Lingxi closed her eyes and thought of the scene she had just seen. Her heart was like a knife.

Chu Haotian! It's not to say that I'll live up to you. How can you not keep your word? How can you?


When Chu Haotian woke up, it was noon the next day.

When his consciousness returned to his mind, his first feeling was as if he had a fight with someone. His head was heavy and his whole body was weak.

This What's going on?

He raised his hand and rubbed his temple. Then he opened his eyes slowly. In a moment, he was completely awakened by the scene.


He was still in the restaurant decorated with classical charm yesterday. Besides the antique dining table and tableware, there was a classical soft couch near the window. At this time, he was lying on the soft couch with nothing on him.

Of course, these are not the point!

What shocked him most was that there was mo Tingting lying beside him!

What's going on?

How could this happen?

As if he had been stung by a bee, he quickly bounced away, then picked up his own clothes from the ground and put them on with great speed.

He didn't know what was going on, especially when he thought of Lu Lingxi.

He was buttoning his clothes, but he didn't come up with a clue. Mo Tingting, who was still on the soft couch, woke up. She looked even more confused than him. She was startled when she opened her eyes.She held her clothes to her chest in a hurry, looking panicked.

She pointed at him, looked at herself, and stammered, "you Me, what happened to us? Why is that? "

Chu Haotian looked at her, then he was stunned.

Doesn't she know what's going on?

He didn't rush to answer her, just asked, "how did you get here?"

He was really puzzled that the person who asked him to come yesterday was clearly his mother, and it was because of her appointment that he came.

But, in a trance, he remembered As if he had just arrived here, he was dizzy and unconscious. When he woke up, it was like this.

Mo Tingting was still frightened. She replied with fear: "you Didn't you invite me? "

Is that him?

Chu Haotian felt that his heart suddenly sank to an unknown place, and he couldn't see the bottom.

He would rather that all this was planned by Mo Tingting. Maybe he would feel better.

However, he is in the extreme shock now. He is not even in the mood to study Mo Tingting's expression carefully. He just thinks of a series of things before, and his heart is cold.

After all, what he received yesterday was indeed the message from his mother!

Then, he naturally thinks whether this matter can be explained in this way.

Mother doesn't want to see him and Lu Lingxi together, but she likes Mo Tingting. In order to force him to separate from Lu Lingxi, she even does not hesitate to do so!

First of all, he was introduced, and then Mo Tingting was introduced in his name, so it's like this?

Chu Haotian involuntarily hooked his lower lip in a daze.


His mother, really well intentioned!

But last night

His body is the most clear, he is unconscious, even if the two people naked lying together, he also did nothing!

His mind was in a mess, and he was very unhappy. I'm too lazy to say anything else to Mo Tingting. I just drop a sentence with a gloomy expression, "I didn't ask you to come! If you're smart, remember that nothing happened last night

After that, he dressed up and left without looking back.

Looking at his unforgettable figure, until he disappeared, Mo Tingting's beautiful eyes suddenly turned, pouring out a dark mood.

Last night, nothing happened.

At first, she really wanted to give him some other medicine, but then she thought that he would know that she had planned all this.

She didn't want to tear her face with him. Besides, from his reaction, we can probably guess that her goal was achieved.

If you let the man know that she is the one who calculated on him, maybe he will strangle her in anger, but what if the man is his mother?

What else can he do except swallow his anger and accept the status quo in silence?

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